Tecumseh Compressor Company
Indoor Condensing Units
August 20, 2014
Revision: REL
Model: AGA9542ZXGXM BoM: 2A5094-1 R-404A 5+ HP AIRCOOLED
28.8 44.9 26.9 18.3 7/8” F 1/2” F 30.2 lbs 3700 66 285
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Evaporator T
°F PSIG BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T BTUH Watts Cond T
-10 23.6 23137 4292 89 19097 4243 98 16180 4127 108 13100 3944 117
-5 28.8 26160 4607 91 22285 4599 100 18881 4487 109 15664 4357 118
0 32.6 29547 4931 93 25743 4958 102 21834 4856 111 18452 4775 120
5 38.6 33295 5262 95 29469 5321 103 25039 5232 113 21466 5197 121
10 43.1 37406 5602 96 33464 5688 105 28497 5618 114 24705 5622 123
15 49.9 41880 5949 98 37729 6060 106 32208 6011 116 18169 6053 125
20 55.3 46716 6305 100 42262 6435 108 36171 6413 118 31858 6487 126
25 63.0 51914
30 69.3
35 78.1 63398 7419 106 57475 7585 113 49576 7669 123 44274 7815 132
40 85.4 69683 7807 108 63085 7976 115 54549 8104 125 48863 8267 134
45 95.2 76331 8202 110 68962 8372 117 59775 8548 127 53677 8722 135
57475 7040 104 52135 7197 112 44855 7242 121
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
Ambient Temperatures
80F 90F 100F 110F
6668 102
47064 6814 110 40387 6823 120 35771 6925 128
90 F 90%
SCFM Oz. Lbs.
39910 7368 130
60 Hz Performance
Return gas temp. 40F Evaporator Temp. 20F or less, 5F sub-cooling
Return gas temp. 65F for Evaporator Temp. > 20F, 5F sub-cooling
August 20, 2014
Revision: REL
Specifications/ Parts:
Model AGA9542ZXGXM
Unit Bill of Material 2A5094-1 Fan Motor RLA 1.0 Each
Nominal Volts/Hz/Ph 460/60/3 Fan Blade 51528-3 (2)
Refrigeration Range -10° to 45°F Fan Guard 70832 (2)
Design Pressure Low 181 Fan Shroud 70611-1
Design Pressure High 450 High Pressure Control 84095-2
Voltage Range 414-506 Condenser 50777-6
Min. Circuit Ampacity 14.6 Receiver Tank 51082-2K
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 20 Liquid Valve 31585-A
Compressor Model AGA9534ZXG Liquid Valve Gasket 30233
Comp. Bill of Material AG144WT-001-P2 Fan Switch 84094-1
Compressor RLA/LRA 9.9 / 75 Fan Switch 84094-2
Overload INTERNAL Suction Valve 31576
Relay N/A Rotolock Valve Gasket 30233
Run Capacitor N/A Discharge Valve 56596-A
Run Capacitor Rating N/A Suction Filter * 70822
Start Capacitor N/A Accumulator * TK00044000
Start Capacitor Rating N/A Crankcase Heater * 90699
Contactor 91014-1 Low Pressure Control * 84026-2
Unit Drawing SU1901-7 * = Equipped Units Only
Wiring Diagram 91048-2
Fan Motor 810S186B39 (2)
Electrical Diagram