Revision 1, June 4, 2003
Tecumseh Products Company
Hermetic Condensing Units
Model: AEA2410YXAXA R-134a 1/4 HP Air Cooled
AEA2410YXAXA 18.4 13.0 9.0 9.0 5/16” S 3/8” S - 240 480 49
* F = Flare, S = Solder, RF or RS = Rotolock with Flare or Solder Connections, C = Compression Fitting
Factory charge: 20 PSIG Nitrogen – MUST BE EVACUATED
Dimensions, inches Line Connection* Pumpdown Air Oil Ch Gr. Wt.
L W H CH Suction Liquid
90% @90°F
SCFM cc Lbs.
60 Hz Performance
Evaporator 90 deg F 100 F 110 deg F
T, °F PSIG BTUH Watts Head BTUH Watts Head BTUH Watts Head
-30 *4.9" 520 275 120 440 265 138 340 255 160
-25 *3.4" 640 300 124 560 295 142 440 285 165
-20 *1.8" 770 320 128 690 320 147 560 305 170
-15 0 915 345 132 820 345 152 690 340 175
-10 1.9 1070 370 138 960 370 158 830 375 180
-5 4.1 1230 400 144 1110 400 165 970 400 190
0 6.5 1410 430 152 1260 430 172 1120 430 195
5 9.1 1590 460 160 1420 460 182 1280 465 205
10 11.9 1770 495 168 1580 495 190 1430 500 215
Based on 40°F return gas (for all condensing temps), 5°F subcooling.
Note: * = Inches of Mercury below 1 Atmosphere
Ambient Temperatures

Revision 1, June 4, 2003
Specifications: AEA2410YXAXA R-134a 1/4 HP Air Cooled
Model AEA2410YXAXA
Nominal Volts-Hz-Ph 115/60/1; 100/50/1
Unit Bill of Material 2C493-1
Voltage Range 103.5 – 126.5 Volts
Min. Circuit Ampacity 7.5 Amps
Max. Fuse Size (amps) 15 Amps
Compressor Model AEA2410YXA
Comp. Bill of Material AE600AT-928-P2
Alt. Comp. Bill of Mat. -Compressor RLA/LRA 5.60 / 40.0 Amps
Overload 8300MRTD88
Relay 8200EMBJ73
Alternate Relay 820RR12H54
Start Capacitor 85PS110C92
Start Capacitor Rating
Fan Motor 810M006B45
Fan Ampacity 0.46 Amps
Fan Blade 51561-1
Condenser 50821
Condenser Shroud 70854 - Paper
Unit Drawing SU 1896-183
Electrical Drawing DEAE-2
Low Side Design Pressure 150 PSIG
High Side Design Pressure 350 PSIG
270-324 µf @ 110 V