TECOM AW4038 User Manual

ADSL 11g AP Router
User’s Manual
Version 1.0
Copyright © 2005 by TECOM CO., LTD.
23, R&D ROAD 2
Manual Ver1.0
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 F
EATURES ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 S
YSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................................................... 5
RONT PANEL ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
EAR PANEL ...................................................................................................................................................................5
ONNECTING THE HARDWARE........................................................................................................................................ 6
Step 1. Connect the ADSL cable and optional telephone....................................................... 6
Step 2. Connect the Ethernet cable...................................................................................................... 6
Step 3. Attach the power connector..................................................................................................... 6
Step 4. Turn on AW4038 and power up your systems............................................................... 6
Step 5. Configure AW4038 through the WEB interface........................................................... 7
Step 6. Save the configurations and Reboot................................................................................... 7
3. CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 S
ETUP............................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 E
STABLISH THE CONNECTION .......................................................................................................................... 8
4. QUICK SETUP ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 PPP
OVER ETHERNET (PPPOE) CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................... 10
4.2 IP
OVER ATM ( I P OA) CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3 B
RIDGE CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................................20
4.4 MAC E
NCAPSULATION ROUTING (MER) CONFIGURATION............................................................................ 23
4.5 PPP
OVER ATM ( P P P OA) CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................... 24
5. ADVANCED SETUP ..............................................................................................................................................25
5.1 WAN.............................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 LAN............................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.3 NAT ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.4 F
IREWALL ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.5 Q
UALITY OF SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................... 33
5.6 R
OUTING ........................................................................................................................................................34
5.7 DNS ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
6. WIRELESS SETUP................................................................................................................................................ 39
6.1 B
ASIC .............................................................................................................................................................39
Manual Ver1.0
6.2 SECURITY .......................................................................................................................................................39
6.3 MAC F
ILTER ..................................................................................................................................................43
6.4 W
IRELESS BRIDGE.......................................................................................................................................... 43
6.5 A
DVANCED ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.6 S
TATI ON INFO .................................................................................................................................................46
7. DIAGNOSTICS....................................................................................................................................................... 47
8. MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................................... 48
8.1 S
ETTINGS........................................................................................................................................................ 48
8.2 S
YSTEM LOG .................................................................................................................................................. 50
8.3 SNMP A
GENT ................................................................................................................................................51
8.4 I
NTERNET TIME ..............................................................................................................................................52
8.5 A
CCESS CONTROL ..........................................................................................................................................52
8.6 U
PDATE SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................................ 54
8.7 S
AV E /REBOOT ................................................................................................................................................ 55
9. DEVICE INFO ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
9.1 S
UMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................56
9.2 WAN.............................................................................................................................................................. 56
9.3 S
TATI ST IC S ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
9.4 R
OUTE ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
9.5 ARP ............................................................................................................................................................... 59
Manual Ver1.0
1. Introduction
Congratulations on becoming the owner of AW4038 4-port ADSLAP router. You will now be
able to access the Internet using your high-speed ADSL connection. AW4038 has the following
major features.
1.1 Features
x Built-in ADSL modem for high speed Internet access
x Network Address Translation (NAT) and IP filtering functions to provide
network sharing and firewall protection for your computers
x 4-port switch to build your own local network
x Easy configuration via a web browser
x IEEE 802.11g 54Mbps Access Point
This User’s Manual will guide you to install and configure your AW4038.
1.2 System Requirements
Before installing your AW4038, make sure that you have the following:
x ADSL service up and running on your telephone line, with at least one public Internet
address for your LAN
x One or more computers each containing an Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-T network
interface card (NIC) or wireless network adapter.
For system configuration, use the supplied web-based program.
Note: Make sure that your computer has a web browser such as Internet Explorer v5.0 or
later, or Netscape v4.7 or later.
Notice : The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, no change to the antenna or the device is permitted. Any change to the antenna or the device could result in the device exceedin
the RF exposure requirements and void user’s authority to operate the device.
The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Manual Ver1.0
2. Installation
In addition to this document, your AW4038 should arrive with the following:
x One standalone desktop AW4038
x One power adapter and power cord
x One Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connector
x One telephone cable with RJ-11 connector
Front Panel
The front panel LEDs indicate the status of the unit.
Label Color Function
PWR Green
On: Power on Off: Power off
LAN1~4 Green
On: LAN link established and active Off: No LAN link
Flashes during data transfer
DSL Green Flashes during the training mode.
On: ADSL link established and active
Tx/Rx Green On: Router is active
Flashes during data transfer through ADSL line
WLAN Green
On: WLAN enabled Off: WLAN disabled
Flashes during data transfer
Rear Panel
The connectors located at the rear panel have the following functions.
Interface Function
Botton Power switch on/off
Power (SNG 1- tec) Connects to the power adapter cable
Reset Resets unit’s configuration to factory default
RJ-45 connector: Connects AW4038 to your PC's Ethernet port, or to the uplink port on your LAN's hub
ADSL RJ-11 connector: Connects AW4038 to ADSL line
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 1. Rear view of AW4038
Connecting the Hardware
Connect AW4038 to the phone jack, the power outlet, and your computer or network.
Before you begin, turn the power off for all devices. These include your computer(s), your LAN hub/switch (if applicable), and AW4038.
Step 1. Connect the ADSL cable and optional telephone
Connect one end of the phone cable to the RJ-11 connector on the rear panel of AW4038. Connect
the other end to the ADSL outlet provided by your service provider (normally MODEM port of the
attached splitter).
Step 2. Connect the Ethernet cable
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the one of the four RJ-45 connectors on the rear panel of
AW4038 and connect the other end to your PC’s network adaptor (NIC). If you are connecting a
LAN to AW4038, attach one end of the Ethernet cable to a regular hub port and the other end to the
LAN port on AW4038.
Step 3. Attach the power connector
Connect the AC power adapter to the power connector on AW4038 and plug in the adapter to a wall
outlet or power extension.
Step 4. Turn on AW4038 and power up your systems
Press the Power switch on the back panel of AW4038 to the ON (Low) position.
Turn on and boot up your computer(s) and any LAN devices such as hubs or switches.
Manual Ver1.0
Step 5. Configure AW4038 through the WEB interface
Please refer to chapter 3.
Step 6. Save the configurations and Reboot
Save the changes you made on AW4038.
Manual Ver1.0
3. Configuration
3.1 Setup
zConnect AW4038 and PC with an RJ-45 Ethernet cable.
zTurn on AW4038.
zThe default IP address of AW4038 is
3.2 Establish The Connection
zEnter the IP address (default: of AW4038 in the address line of Web
zA Dialogue Box will pop up to request the user to login. (Figure 1)
Figure 2. Authentication
zPlease enter the management username/password into the fields then click on the
OK button (default username/password is admin/admin).
z If the authentication is valid, the home page “Device Info - Summary” will be
displayed on the screen. (Figure 3)
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 3. AW4038 Home Page
Manual Ver1.0
4. Quick Setup
The system administrator can configure AW4038 remotely or locally via a Web
Browser. Network configuration needs to be planned and decided before starting the
configuration procedure.
Quick Setup allows system administrator to select the appropriate operation mode and
configure the corresponding settings step by step to create a connection. The following
five operation modes are supported:
z PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
z IP over ATM (IPoA)
z Bridging
z MAC Encapsulation Routing (MER)
z PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
4.1 PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Configuration
Click on “Quick Setup” in the left frame, and follow the steps below to create a PPP
over Ethernet (PPPoE) connection.
4.1.1 ATM PVC Configuration
Figure 4. Quick Setup – ATM PVC Configuration
Manual Ver1.0
Enter the VPI/VCI values. Please contact you ISP for the information.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.2 Connection Type and Encapsulation Mode
Figure 5. Quick Setup – Connection Type and Encapsulation Mode
Select “PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)”, and the “Encapsulation Mode”. Please
contact you ISP for the information.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.3 PPP Username and Password
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 6. Quick Setup – PPP Username and Password
Enter “PPP Username”, “PPP Password”, and select “Authentication Method”
(AUTO/PAP/CHAP). Please contact you ISP for the information.
The “Dial on demand” function, if checked, will tear down the PPP link
automatically when there is no outgoing packet for the programmed period of time
that is set below.
AW4038 activates PPPoE connection automatically when user wants to access
Internet and there is no active PPPoE connection.
The users are able to assign some specific ATM PVC(s) to run PPPoE, if AW4038
has multiple ATM PVC connections.
The “PPP IP extension” is a special feature provided by some ISPs. Unless your
service provider specifically requires this setup, do not select it.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.4 IGMP Multicast, WAN service, and QoS
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 7. Quick Setup – IGMP Multicast, WAN service, and QoS
Check to Disable/Enable IGMP Multicast, WAN Service, and QoS.
Go to “Advanced Setup” > “Quality of Service” to assign priorities for the
application. Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.5 Device Setup
Figure 8. Quick Setup – Device Setup
Manual Ver1.0
Enter IP (LAN IP) and Subnet Mask.
Select to Disable/Enable DHCP Server, use DHCP Server Relay, and configure
related settings for that mode.
AW1038 will assign IP address, subnet mask, Default gateway IP address and
DNS server IP address to host PCs which connect to its LAN.
Select “Configure the second IP Address and Subnet Mask for LAN interface” and
configure if second IP Address is used.
Note: Network Address Translation function (NAT) is default enabled and is not
showing on the page to prevent it from being disabled.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.6 Wireless Setup
Figure 9. Quick Setup - Wireless Setup
Check “Enable Wireless” to enable wireless radio; or uncheck to disable.
“SSID” is the network name shared among all devices in a wireless network. It is
case-sensitive and must not exceed 32 alphanumeric characters.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.1.7 WAN Setup – Summary
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 10. Quick Setup – WAN Setup – Summary
The last page displays a summary of previous settings. Make sure that the
configurations match the settings provided by ISP, and then click on
“Save/Reboot” button to complete the configuration procedure.
4.2 IP over ATM (IPoA) Configuration
Click on “Quick Setup” in the left frame, and follow the steps below to create an IP
over ATM (Routed) connection.
4.2.1 ATM PVC Configuration
Manual Ver1.0
Figure 11. Quick Setup – ATM PVC Configuration
Enter the VPI/VCI values. Please contact you ISP for the information.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.2.2 Connection Type
Figure 12. Quick Setup – Connection Type and Encapsulation Mode
Select “IP over ATM (IPoA)”, and the “Encapsulation Mode”. Please contact
you ISP for the information.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
Manual Ver1.0
4.2.3 WAN IP Settings
Figure 13. Quick Setup– WAN IP Settings
WAN IP/Subnet Mask, default gateway, and DNS server settings. Please contact
your ISP for the information.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.2.4 NAT, IGMP Multicast, WAN Service, and QoS
Figure 14. Quick Setup – IPoA – NAT, IGMP Multicast, WAN service, and QoS
Manual Ver1.0
Check to Enable/Disable NAT and Firewall functions.
Go to “Advanced Setup” > “Firewall” to assign filter rules.
Check to Enable/Disable IGMP Multicast, WAN Service, and QoS.
Go to “Advanced Setup” > “Quality of Service” to assign priorities for the
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.2.5 Device Setup
Figure 15. Quick Setup – Device Setup
Enter IP (LAN IP) Address and Subnet Mask to AW4038.
Select to Disable/Enable DHCP Server, use DHCP Server Relay, and configure
related settings for that mode.
Select “Configure the second IP Address and Subnet Mask for LAN interface” and
configure if second IP Address is used.
Click on “Next” to go to next step.
4.2.6 Wireless Setup
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