1 Marketing Definition and Requirements
This section shall contain consolidation of the process in product marketing. It is
acceptable that spec can be a bit loose in this chapter but subsequent chapters leave no
room for loose specs.
1.1 General Description
The product is a Bluetooth-enabled USB audio device intended to be used as an accessory
for standard industry PCs. It is designed to work with BT headsets as long as they adhere to
the Bluetooth 2.0+EDR specification supporting the headset Bluetooth profile than
bi-directional audio streaming.
The product targets primarily the ingenuous consumer or first-time headset user who
appreciates a hassle free truly PnP solution which operates instantly without requiring
neither configuration nor any installation of software, driver etc.
1.1.1 Market Problem
Due to an increasing interest in convenient VoIP services on standard industry PCs, where
headsets are a prerequisite, there is a growing demand for inexpensive, easy to install and
easy to use cordless headsets solutions.
1.1.2 Product Problem
Originally BT headset intended to be used with Mobile phones supporting voice services
only. Existing BT implementations on PCs consist of built-in BT components or external
accessories, like USB dongles, with BT functions and additional BT SW. This PC BT
implementation compared to built-in BT in telephone handsets is much more complex
(normally supporting many more profiles), and more focused on data use instead of voice
services, even if those solutions are capable supporting, e.g. headset or head-free profile.
1.1.3 Technology Problem
For BT support in a PC environment a BT Host protocol stack/SW needs to be operated on
the PC. This software needs to be installed, managed and launched by the user on the PC
before the headset can be paired and used for e.g. VoIP services. This kind of use is much
more complex and challenging for the user compared to the BT telephone
implementation/use case.
1.2 Key Features, Benefits and USPs
This section is informative. This is a list of new, essential and unique features which
differentiates the product.
Feature Benefit, explanation, comment
Mono and Stereo capabilities on
same hardware platform
Core unit performs as a mono / voice solution
(=Leopard). Firmware is user upgradeable to
additional stereo operation. In this state the
product converts into a mono/voice plus stereo
streaming device depending on BT HS
capabilities (=Swan).
Ease of use Leopard (and Swan) is a truly PnP solution not
requiring any specific driver or installation of
dedicated software for basic operation. Even
though Leopard is state of the art in terms of
MS Windows operating system (XP or higher)
support with MS standard USB and audio