TECO TDW15WCG, TDW15SCG Instruction Manual

15 plac e settings Alt function
Fo r detai led operating meth od read the cor responding con tent on the instruction manual.
Switch on the appliance Open the door, press the On/Off button to switch on the appliance.
Compartment A: For each wash cycle.
Fill the detergent dispenser
Compartment B: For programs with pre-wash only.
(Follow the user instructions)
Check the rinse aid level
Load the baskets
Select a programme
Running the dishwasher
Changing the programme
Add forgotten dishes in the dishwasher.
Scrape off any large particles food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans, then load the baskets. Refer to the dishwasher loading instructions.
Press the Programme Button until the selected programme lights up. ( See the section entitled “Operation instruction”
Turn on the water tap , close the door. The machine will start working after about 10 seconds.
1. A running cycle can only be modified if it has been running for a short time. Otherwise the detergent may have already been released and the water already drained. If this is the case, the detergent dispenser must be refilled.
2. Open the door and to cancel the running program.
3.Select a new programme.
4.Close the door,the machine will restart after about 10 seconds.
1.Open the door a little to stop the dishwasher.
2.After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
3.Add the forgotten dishes.
4.Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again after 10 seconds.
press the Programme Button for more than 3 seconds
Open th e door c ar efully. Hot steam may escap e when the door i s open ed!
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle.
Switch off the appliance
Turn off the water tap, unload the baskets
If the appliance is switched off during a wash cycle, when switched on again, please re-select the washing cycle and operate the dishwasher according to the original Power-on state.
When the working cycle has finished, the buzzer of the dishwasher will sound 8 seconds, then stop. Turn off the appliance using the On/Off Button.
Warning: wait a few minutes (about 15 minutes) before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to breakage. They will also dry better. Unload the appliance, starting from the lower basket.
Dear Cu st omer,
This ap pliance is intended to be used in hous ehold and similar applications suc h as:
-sta ff kitc hen areas in shops, offices and other workin g environments ;
-farm houses;
-by cli en ts in hotels, motels and oth er re si dential type en vironments;
-bed and breakfast type environ me nt s.
Plea se carefully read this manua l bef ore using the dishwash er, it will help you to use and maintain the dishwash er properly.
ep it as a re fer in the later days .
Pass it on to an y sub sequent owne r of the ap plianc e.
Cont ro l Panel. ............... .... ............. .. .. ..............2
Dish wash er Fe atures...... ...... ............... ...... ... ...2
A. Rins e Aid Dispenser........ ................. .. ..3..... .. .
B. Deterg ent ................ ....... ...... .. .............4.... .. ..
Atte ntion before or after loading the Dis hwas her
Basket s..... .................................. ...... .............6
The Method Loading Normal Dishware
This ma nu al co ntains secti ons on safety Instructions, Operat in g Instructions, Installation Inst ru ctions an d Tro ubleshooting Tips, etc.
To review the section on troubleshoo ting Tips will help you to solve some common pro blems by yo urse lf .
yo u can no t solve the problems by yo ur se lf ,
If plea se ask for the help of profession al technicians .
Wash Cycle Table....................................................10
Turning on the Appliance.. .....................................10
Change the Programme...........................................11
Forget to Add Dish ..................................................11
At the End of the Wash Cycle..................................12
Filtering System........................................................13
Caring for the Dishwasher........................................14
Positioning the Appliance...................................... ..15
About Power Connection.........................................15
Aqua Stop Hose / Water Connection........ ..............16
Start of Dishwasher..................................................17
Before calling for service...........................................18
Error codes.............. .................................... ..........20
Technical information...............................................20
e manuf actu rer, follow in g a policy of constant develo pmen t and upd at ing of the product, may make modi fi ca tions with out giving prior notice.
When using your dishwasher, follow the precautions listed below:
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use. (This instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.) Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out. Do not place any heavy objects the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When lo ad ing items to be washed:
1) Loca te sh arp ite ms so that they are not likel y
to da ma ge the door seal;
2 Warn ing: Knives and other utens ils with
shar p poi nts must be loaded in the basket wi th th eir points down or placed in a hori zontal position.
When us in g your dishwasher, you should prev en t plastic items from coming in to co ntac t with th e hea ting element.(This inst ru ct io n is only applic able to machines with a visu al heating elemen t. )
Chec k tha t the detergent comparme nt is em pty afte r com pletion of the wash cycle. Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use only det er gent and rinse additiv es design ed for an automatic dishwas her. Neve r use so ap , laundry detergent , or han d wash in g detergent in your dishwas he r. Kee p these pro ducts out of the reach of child re n.
on or stand on
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
ren there could still be some detergent left inside. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. The dishwasher must always be connected to the water system using new hose sets. Dish wa sher detergent s are stro ngly alkaline, they can be extre mely dangerous if swal lo wed. Avo id contac t with skin and eyes and keep chil dren away from the dishwas her whe n the door is open.
The door sho ul d not be left open, since thi s cou ld increase the risk of tr ip ping.
If th e supply cord is damaged, it mu st be replaced by the manufacturer or its ser vi ce agent or a simi la rly qualified per so n in order to avoid a hazard .
If the app lian ce is installed on a car pe t floor, take ca re th at the openings in its base are no t obs tructed. Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Plea se di sp ose of packing materials properly.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
During in stallation, the power supp ly must not be exce ss ively or dangerously ben t or fla ttened.
Do not tamper with controls. The appli ance is to be connect ed to th e wat er ma ins usi ng new hose sets and that old ho se -s ets should not be reused.
The max im um number of pla ce settings to be wash ed is 15 . The max im um permissible inlet wat er pressure is 1M pa.
The min im um pe rmissible inlet wat er pr es sure is
0.04 Mp a.
To get the best pe rforman ce f rom your dishwasher, read all operating inst ructions be fore u sing it for the first t ime.
1 2
1 2
1 Power switch: To turn on/off the power supply. 2 Delay button: The START DELAY will allow you to delay the start time of any cycle automatically up to 24hours. 3 Program button : Press the key to scroll through the wash
program. The corresponding programme light will be ON to indicate which WASH PROGRAM has been selected. 4 ALT button : Press this button you can choose the
additional function "3 IN 1" ,washing of upper layer or washing
lower layer and the corresponding light flashes. 5 Extra Dry : Press this button you can choose or cancel the Extra Dry function. 6 Start \Pause button: The appliance will start or pause the expected washing cycle. 7 Child lock button: Press DRY & ALT together for at least 3 sec. could be locked and any button can not be used. 8 Program indicator light When you select a washing programme ,
the corresponding light will display.
8 9
9 Dry+ indicator: An increased temperature during the final rinse
stage will improve the drying process The indicator will be available when the Dry+ button is selected. 10 Rinse aid refill indicator: The indicator lights up when dispenser
needs to be refilled. 11 3 in 1 indicator: The indicator light function is selected.
Child lock :
12 indicator The "Child Lock" will be activated
you press the Child lock buttons for 3 seconds, and the 3 in 1. "Child lock"indicator lights up after flashing 6 times.
13 Washing light of upper layer: To come on when the upper layer is selected.
14 light of lower layer: To come on when the lower
layer is selected. 15 Digital display: To display the running time remain, malfunction
codes and delay time.
s up when the a
Dishwasher Features
Front View
1 Upper Basket 2 Spray Arms 3 Lower Basket 4 Filters 5 Detergent Dispenser 6 Rinse Aid Dispenser 7 Cutlery Tray 8 Cup Holder
Befo re using your di shwasher for the first time:
A. Rins e aid dispe ns er
B. Detergent
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e rinse aid is rele ased during the final rinse to prevent water fr om forming dr opl ets on you r dishes, whi ch can le av e spots and stre aks. It also impro ves dryi ng by al lowing water to roll off the dishe s. Your dishwas he r is de si gned to use liqu id rinse ai ds. The ri nse aid dispe nser is located inside the door ne xt to the deterg ent dispense r. To fi ll the dispen ser, open the cap and pour the rinse aid in to th e dis penser until the level ind icator tur ns comp le tely bl ac k. Th e volume of the rinse aid cont ainer is ab out 110m l.
Function of Rinse Aid
Rins e aid is automat ically added du ring the last ri nse, ensur ing tho ro ugh ri ns ing, and spot an d streak free dr yi ng.
Only use branded rin se ai d for dishw asher. Never fil l the rinse ai d dis penser with any other subs tances
(e.g . Dishwasher cl eaning age nt , liquid dete rg ent). This would dam age the appli an ce.
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If ther e is no rinse-aid warni ng light in the cont ro l panel, you can judg e the amount of rinse- ai d by the color of th e opti cal level indic at or "C" loc at ed nex t to the cap. Whe n the rinse-aid co ntainer is full , the whole indicator will be dark .A s the rinse-aid di minishes, th e size of th e dar k dot decreases . You shou ld never le t the rinse ai d get below 1 / 4 ful l.
As th e rinse aid dimini shes, the size of the black dot on th e rinse aid leve l indicator cha nges, as illu st rated below.
Full 3 / 4 ful l 1 / 2 ful l 1 / 4 ful l - Should ref ill to eliminat e spotting Empt y
To open th e dispense r, turn the cap to the "open" (left ) arrow and lift it out.
Pour the rinse aid into th e dispenser, being caref ul no t to overfi ll .
Re place the cap by inser ti ng it aligned with " open" arrow and tu rning it to th e closed (right) arrow.
Be ca re ful not to ove rf ill the dispens er, because th is could ca us e over sudsing. Wi pe away any spil ls wi th a damp clot h. Don't forget to re place the cap be fore you cl ose the dishw asher door.
At tention! Cl ea n up any rinse ai d spilt during filling with an absorbent clo th to avoid exce ss fo aming du ring the next wash .
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The rins e ai d di sp en ser has si x or four settings. Al wa ys start wit h the dispenser set on "4". If spo ts a nd poor drying are a pr ob lem, increase the amo un t of rinse
Increase the dose if there are drops of wate r or lime spo ts o n th e dishes after washing. Re du ce it if there are sticky whitis h st ai ns on yo ur dishes or a blu ish film on glassw are or knif e blades.
Detergents w ith its ch emic al ingredient s are necess ar y to remove dirt, crus h di rt a nd tr ansport it out of the d ishw as h er. Mo st o f the co mmercial quality detergen ts a re su itable for this purpose.
aid dispense d by r em ov ing the dispenser lid and r otatin g the dial to "5". If th e dishes still are n ot d ry ing pr operly or are showi ng spo ts , ad just the dial to the next higher lev el until you r dish es are spot-free. The re commended setting is "4 ". (Facto ry v alue i s "4 ". ) Please check the supplied model and individual adjustment methods as they may differ from your model.
There are 3 so rt s of d etergents
1.Wit h ph os ph ate and with chlorine
2.Wit h phosph at e and wi thout chlorine
3.Wit hout p hosphate and without chlorine
Normal ly new pul verised detergent i s with ou t ph osphate. Thus the water softener fu nc tion of phosph at e is not given. In this case w e reco mm end to fill salt in the salt containe r even when
the hardne ss of water is only 6 dH. If detergents witho ut ph osphate are used in the cas e of h ar d wa te r
ofte n wh it e spot s appear on dishes and glasse s. In this case please add more de tergen t to reach bett er r es ul ts. Detergents without chlo ri ne do only bleach a little. Str ong an d colo ured spo ts w ill not be remov ed compl etely. In t his case please choose a program wi th a higher tempera ture.
Concentrated Detergent
Base d on t he ir c hemical composition, dete rg en ts can be split in two basic type s:
conven tion al, alkaline detergen ts w it h caustic components low al kali ne concentrated detergent s with natural enzymes
The use of normal washin g pr ograms in combination with conc en trated detergents redu ces poll ution and is good for your di shes ; th ese wash programs are specifi ca ll y matched to the dir t- di ss olving properties of th e en zy me s of the concentrated d eter ge nt. For this reason
norm al wash programs in wh ic h conc entrated detergen ts a re us ed can achieve the same
” resu lts th at c an otherwise only be achiev ed u sing intensive progra ms .
Use of "3 in 1" Detergent Tablets
General Advice
1. Before using these products you should first check that the water hard-ness in your supply is compatible with the use of these products as the detergent manufacturers instructions (on the product packaging).
2. These products should be strictly used according to the detergent manufacturers instructions.
3. If you encounter problems when using "3 in 1" products for the first time then please contact the detergent manufacturers care line (the telephone number is given on the product packaging).
These products are detergents with integrated and combined detergent/rinse aid functions. Before using these products you should first check that the water hardness in your supply is compatible with the use of these products as per the detergent manufacturers (on the product packaging).
To select "3in1" function:
1. close the door and select the 3in1 washing cycle by pressing the "ALT" button until the "3in1"
indicator blinks.
2. The 3in1 washing cycle will be available after pressing the start/pause button , and the"3in1"
indicator lights.
To cancel "3in1" function:
To cancel 3in1 washing cycle by pressing the "ALT" button or follow the "Change the programme" instructions. If you decide to switch to the use of a standard detergent system we advise that you:
1. Refill the rinse aid compartments.
2. Switch the water hardness setting to the highest possible position and run for three normal cycles
without load.
3. Readjust the water hardness setting again according to the conditions for your region (For more
information please refer to your instruction manual).
Note: Drying outcome may vary depending on 3 in 1 product used.
Amount of Detergent to Use
If the lid is cl os ed : press release button. The lid will sprin g ope n.
lway s add the detergent just before sta rt ing each wash cycle.
A Only use bra nd ed detergent an d rin se aid for dishwashe r.
Dish wa sher detergent is corros ive! Take care to keep it out of re ach of chi ld ren.
Proper Us e of Det ergent Use only det er gent specificall y mad e for the use in dishwas he rs . Keep your detergent fre sh an d dry. Don' t put powdered deterge nt in to th e dispenser until you're re ad y to wash dishes.
ill in Detergent
Fill th e det er gent dispenser with de tergent. The marki ng indicates the dosing lev els , as illust ra ted on the right:
The pla ce fo r mai n wash cycle deterge nt .
The pla ce fo r pre -w as h cycle detergent.
Plea se ob se rve the manufactu re rs dosing and storag e Reco mm endations as stated on the deter ge nt packaging.
Clos e the lid and press until it locks in plac e.
If the dishe s are heavily soiled, pla ce an additional dete rg ent dose in the pre-wash deterge nt chamber. This deterg en t will take effect during the pre-wash pha se .
he info rm atio n about the amount of dete rg en t for the single prog ra mm e please refer to the Was h Cycle Ta ble on the page 8. The deter ge nt amount could be adju sted according to the soi li ng level and the specific hardne ss of water.
Plea se ob se rve the manufactu re r's recommendation s on the de tergent packaging.
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