Frames 143T - 449TZ
5100 North IH 35 Round Rock, Texas
1. Check nameplate data.
2. Check whether any damage has occurred during transportation.
3. After removal of shaft clamp, turn shaft by hand to check that it turns freely.
4. If motor is to be reshipped(aloneor installedto anotherpiece of equipment)the shaft must again
be clamped to prevent axial movement.
Note: Remove the bearing clamp before turning the shaft on 284T-449TZ frame motors.
1. Electric rotating machinery and high voltagecan cause serious or fatal injury if improperly
installed, operated or maintained. Responsible personnel should be familiarized with
NEMA MG-1; Safety Standards for Construction and Guide Selection. Installation and Use of
Electric Motors and Generators; National Electric Code and all local safety requirements.
2. Whenservicing,all powersourcesto the motor and to the accessorydevices shouldbe
de-energized and disconnected and all rotating parts should be at standstill.
3. Liftingmeans, when supplied, are intended for lifting the motor only. Whentwo lifting
devices are supplied with the motor a dual chain must be used.
4. Suitable protection must be used when working near machinery with high noise levels.
5. Safeguard or protective devices must not be by-passed or rendered inoperative.
6. The frame of this machine must be grounded in accordance with the National Electric Code and
applicable local codes.
7. A suitable enclosure should be provided to prevent access to the motor by other than
authorized personnel. Extra caution should be observed around motors that are
automatically or have automatic re-setting relays as they may restart unexpectedly.
8. Shaft key must be fully captive or removed before motor is started.
9. Provide proper safeguards for personnel against possible failure of motor-mounted brake,
particularly on applications involving overhauling loads.
10.Explosion proof motors are constructed to comply with the label service procedure manual, repair
of these motors must be made byor U/L listed service
center in order to maintain U/L listing.
1. Drip-proof motors are intended for use where atmosphere is relatively clean, dry, well
ventilated and non-corrosive.
2. Totallyenclosedmotors may be installed where dirt, moisture, or dust are presentandin outdoor
3. Explosion-proof motors are built for use in hazardous locations as indicated by
Underwriters’ label on the motor.
4. Chemical duty enclosed motorsaredesignedforinstallation in highcorrosion or excessive
moisture locations.
Note: in all cases, no surrounding structure should obstruct normal flow or
ventilating air through or over the motor.
1. Mount motor securely on a firm, flat base. All ball bearing normal thrust motors up to and
including 256T frame size may be side-wall or ceiling mounted; all others check nearest
TECO-Westinghouse office for mounting recommendations.
2. Align motor accurately, using a flexible coupling if possible. For drive recommendations,
consult with drive or equipment manufacturer, or TECO-Westinghouse.
3. Mounting bolts must be carefullytightened to prevent changes in alignment and possible
damageto the equipment. The recommendedtightening torque’s for medium carbonsteel bolts,
identified by three radial lines at 120 degrees on the head, are:
Bolt Size
Recommended Torque (Ft-lb.)
4. V-beltsSheave PitchDiameters shouldnot be less than thoseshown in Table1 (NEMA
recommended values)
5. Tighten belts only enough to prevent slippage. Belt speed should not exceed 5000 ft. per
*Max. Sheave width = 2(N-W) - .25
**Max Sheave width = N-W
***Sheave ratios grater than 5:1 and center-to-center distance less than the diameter of the
large sheave should be referred to TECO-Westinghouse.
1. Wiring of motor and control, overload protection and groundingshould be in accordance with
National Electrical Code and all local safety requirements.
2. Nameplate voltage and frequency should agree with power supply. Motor will operate
satisfactorilyon line voltage within ±10% of nameplate voltage; or frequency with ±5% and
with a combined variation not to exceed ±10%. 230-volt motors can be used on 208-volt
networksystems, but with slightly modified performance characteristics as shown on the
3. Dual voltage and single voltage motors can be connected for the desired voltage by
following connection diagram shown on the nameplate or inside of the conduit box.
4. All Explosion Proof motors have Temperature Limiting Devicesin the motor enclosureto
preventexcessive external surface temperature of the motor in accordance with U/L
standards. Terminals of thermal protectors (P1 & P2) should be connected to the motor
control equipment, according to the connection diagram inside of the conduit box.
5. Standard connection diagram for three phase, not thermally protected, dual rotation motors
are shown in diagrams A through E. (Note: To change rotation, Interchange any two line
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