TECO AEHB, AEMB, AEEB, AEVB, AEUB Instruction Manual

TECO Instruction Manual
Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 1: MOTOR DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................ 5
Chapter 3: INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING .......................................... 6
3.1. INSPECTION UPON RECEIPT. ...............................................................6
3.2. STORAGE ............................................................................................6
3.3. TRANSPORTATION ..............................................................................9
3.4. INSTALLATION. ................................................................................. 10
3.5. MOUNTING. ...................................................................................... 10
3.6. COUPLING & ALIGNMENT. ................................................................. 10
3.7. INSTALLATION FOR BELT DRIVE ........................................................ 13
3.8. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ............................................................... 13
3.9. AUXILIARY DEVICES .......................................................................... 15
Chapter 4: OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS......................................................... 17
4.1. EXAMINATION BEFORE START. .......................................................... 17
4.2. STARTING OPERATION. ..................................................................... 19
4.3. CAUTIONARY POINTS TO NOTE: ........................................................ 21
Chapter 5: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ................................................................ 23
5.1. IMPORTANCE OF DAILY INSPECTION.................................................. 23
5.2. POINTS TO NOTE WHEN STARTING.................................................... 23
5.3. TEMPERATURE RISE. ......................................................................... 23
5.4. VIBRATION. ...................................................................................... 24
5.5. NOISE. ............................................................................................. 25
5.6. ODOUR. ............................................................................................ 26
5.7. MEASUREMENT OF THREE PHASE CURRENT. ...................................... 26
5.8. MOTOR APPEARANCE. ....................................................................... 27
Chapter 6: PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ............................................................ 28
6.1. REGULAR INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE. ........................................... 28
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
6.3. VARNISH. ......................................................................................... 33
LONG STORAGE. ............................................................................... 33
6.5. RECORDS OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. ................................... 35
6.6. POINTS TO NOTE ON DISASSEMBLY. .................................................. 36
Chapter 7: BEARINGS ..................................................................................... 37
7.1. MAINTENANCE OF ROLLING BEARING. ............................................... 37
7.2. NOISE OF BEARING. .......................................................................... 42
7.3. VIBRATION. ...................................................................................... 42
7.4. REGULAR INSPECTION. ..................................................................... 42
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting. ........................................................................... 44
8.1. FAULT FINDING & RECOGNITION ....................................................... 44
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
This manual applies to Teco model series types as follows:
The motors are of Cast Iron Construction, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled, Squirrel
Cage Induction type designed for operation on a 415/1000/3,300/6,600V/ 3 Phase
50Hz supply system equipped with grease lubricated anti friction type bearings.
The following instruction address the more common situations encountered in motor installation, operation and maintenance. For the TECO warranty to remain valid, the motor must be installed and operated in strict accordance with the outline drawing, motor nameplate and these instructions and must not be altered or modified in any unauthorized manner. During the installation & operation of motors in heavy industrial applications there is a danger of live electrical parts and rotating parts. Therefore to prevent injury and/or damage the basic planning work for transport, assembly, installation & operation needs to be carried out by authorized and competent personnel. Points in this manual that are
boxed and headed “DANGER”, “CAUTION” or “NOTE"(see below) should
be observed as they indicate possible danger to personnel and/or the potential of equipment damage.
This prompt is used when there is an immediate hazard that WILL
result in severe personal injury or death if correct procedures are not
This prompt is used to warn against potentially unsafe practices that
COULD result in personal injury and/or property damage if correct
procedures are not followed.
This prompt is used when an operation, condition, or information is of
sufficient importance to warrant highlighting
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
This manual covers a power outputs ranging through to 1500kW with varying frame sizes and speeds etc. For motor technical data refer to appropriate motor data sheet.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
Check the following points upon receipt:
a. Is the nameplate rating identical to your order? b. Do dimensions and colour comply with your specification? c. Are the nameplate ratings for the heater, temperature detector etc.
identical with what you ordered?
d. Is there any damage due to transportation? e. Is the original transportation shaft lock fitted to the drive end shaft? f. Are all accessories in good order? g. If there are any specific requirements, please check if they conform with
your specification.
When storing motor, the following procedures should be undertaken.
3.2.1. Place.
a. It should be dry, well-ventilated and not subject to direct sunlight, dust or
corrosive gas.
b. It should not be located close to a boiler or freezer. c. It should be entirely free from vibration and have easy access. d. Motor should be stored on pallets to prevent moisture ingress.
3.2.2. During storage, the insulation resistance should be kept above the specified
values as follows:-
a. Stator: Above 50MΩ measured with 1000VDC megger. b. If the motor has absorbed moisture as evidenced by low insulation
resistance, it must be dried with external heat until it is thoroughly dry and
the value of insulation resistance exceeds the minimum requirements.
c. Measurement of insulation resistance should be performed once every
d. Anti-condensation heaters should always be connected where fitted.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.2.3 Insulation resistance test should be performed before making high voltage
a. Use 500VDC megger to measure insulation resistance.
i. Stator: Over 50MΩ between windings.
ii. Stator: Over 50MΩ between windings and earth.
b. High Voltage Test
i. This test can be undertaken only after the values of insulation resistance in
item 3.2.3 (a) are assured.
ii. The value of testing voltage is (1000 + 2E) X 0.8 where E: rated voltage.
3.2.4. Care should be taken to keep parts such as the fitting surface, key, shaft
extension and axial centre hole free of any foreign matter. Grease should
also be generously applied to stop rust.
3.2.5. The shaft should also be rotated by hand a few revolutions once per month.
3.2.6. If practical, a test run should be performed once every three months.
3.2.7. Clean the motor thoroughly, and replenish grease before the machine is put
back to operation.
3.2.8. The ventilation system should be covered to avoid the entry of foreign
matter or insects. It should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
3.2.9. Make sure the hoisting hook is correctly connected to eye bolts or lugs of
motors before hoisting.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.2.10. Points to note when hoisting:
a. Do not twist steel wires. b. Make sure eye bolts have been firmly screwed in. c. Keep the sling vertical when moving/lifting motor.
Fig. 1
Please keep the sling vertical when lifting / moving the motor.
Fig. 2
An accident could occur if the motor eyebolt/lifting hook is overloaded.
They are suitable for the motor weights only.
Do not lift motor and load combined with motor lifting hook.
Motor is fitted with lifting points (arrowed). These points are designed to lift
motor weight only.
Do not use other hooks or handles to lift motor.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
To keep the rotating parts of motor from moving, thus causing damage during Transportation, they should be held securely as follows:
3.3.1. Motors fitted with a retaining plate/bracket to secure the shaft must have it
fitted during transportation. Please retain this device for future
transportation of the motor.
3.3.2. After receiving motor, remove all securing studs, nuts, etc. before putting
motor into operation. (Fig.3)
Fig 3
Shaft Locks are fitted as standard and these should be fitted during
installation and should only be removed once the pulleys and guards are
ready to be fitted. The motor must not be transported without the shaft lock
fitted, damage to bearings caused by shaft locks being removed or moisture
ingress whilst awaiting commissioning is not covered under motor warranty.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.4.1. Site conditions for motor installation:
Standard site conditions for installation of motors are as follows:
a. Ambient temperature: -20
b. Humidity: Relative humidity below 90% RH for totally enclosed type. c. Elevation: Below 1000 metres. d. Should the installation be in an industrial zone, it should be free of explosive
gases and liquids.
e. Foundation should be strong so as not to induce vibration.
3.4.2. Ventilation and Space. a. Installation should be well ventilated. b. The area should be large enough to facilitate heat dissipation and
3.4.3. Foundation.
Use rigid and solid sole plate or common bed as the foundation.
3.5.1. An adequate motor support (which is the responsibility of others) is very
important. It must have sufficient rigidity to maintain alignment between
the motor and its driven load. Inadequate or improperly designed motor
supporting structures can lead to serious vibration and alignment problems.
Two pole motors and motors larger than Frame 315M must not be coupled to
the driven equipment by means other than direct connection.
Please refer to TECO if belt connection is to be used.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.6.1. Installation.
Field application of a coupling to the motor shaft should follow the
procedures recommended by the coupling manufacturer. Under no
circumstances may the motor shaft be modified as to configuration or
diameter without the approval of Teco Australia. The motor shaft extension
must not be subjected to either extreme heat or cold during coupling
installation. If it is necessary to exert axial force on the shaft, either
continuously or intermittently, during coupling application, it must be
properly restrained axially to prevent bearing damage.
3.6.2. After the motor has been properly aligned with the driven equipment and
the hold down bolts have been installed and tightened, at least two dowel
pins should be installed diagonally opposite motor feet.
3.6.3 Alignment.
In aligning the motor (and rotor) axially with the driven equipment,
consideration should be given to the axial shaft expansion and increase in
shaft centre line height due to thermal effects.
Shaft height growth (change in shaft centre line elevation) for TEFC
machines can be calculated as follows,
Growth =(0.0005) x (motor foot to shaft centre line dimension [in mm]).
The exposed rotating parts should be covered to prevent accidents.
Motors must always be accurately aligned. Incorrect alignment can lead to
bearing failure, vibration and even shaft fracture. As soon as bearing
failure or vibration is detected, the alignment should be checked.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.6.4 It is desirable, in normal operation that the motor operates, so that no axial
force is exerted on the coupling.
The motor shaft and the driven shaft should be aligned within the following
tolerances in both angular and parallel alignment (refer Table 1).
Units in mm
Total Indicated Runout
Dimension C
Medium, Low speed up to 2500 RPM
High speed over 2500 RPM
Dimension A
Medium, Low speed up to 2500 RPM
High speed over 2500 RPM
Table 1
3.6.5 Angular misalignment is the amount by which the centre lines of the driver
and driven shaft are skewed. It can be measured using a dial indicator set
up as shown in fig 4. The couplings are rotated together through 360
degrees so that the indicator does not measure runout of the coupling hub
face. The shaft should be forced against either the in or out extreme of
their end float while being rotated.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
3.6.6 Parallel misalignment is the amount by which the centre lines of the driver
and the driven shafts are out of parallel. It can be measured using the dial
indicator as shown in fig. 5. Again the couplings are rotated together
through 360 degrees so that the indicator does not measure runout of the
coupling hub outside diameter.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.6.7 After the motor has been properly aligned with the driven equipment and
the hold down bolts have been installed and tightened, at least two dowel
pins should be installed diagonally opposite motor feet.
3.7.1. Small, medium and large motors within frame sizes up to and including 315
frame are designed for use with belt transmission or direct coupling.
3.7.2. The diameter ratio between conveyance sheaves should not be greater 5 to
1 for flat belts, and 8 to 1 for V-belts. It is also advisable to limit the belt
velocity to under 35m/sec to limit belt abrasion and vibration. The smaller
the outer diameter of the V-belt sheave, the greater the shaft bending
stress will be. If bending stress is in excess of the shaft fatigue stress, the
shaft may break. If concerned please inform TECO of the size of the
sheaves and belt details for checking.
3.8.1. The rated conditions of operation for the motors are as shown by the
nameplate. Within the limits given below, of voltage and frequency variation
from the nameplate values, the motor will continue to operate but with
Place the sheave and belt as close as possible to the motor body and
shaft shoulder to reduce the bending moment and improve shaft life.
Do not hammer the conveyance devices such as coupling, belt sheaves, chain
wheels, gears, pulleys etc. onto the motor shaft. Those shaft fitments should
be fitted and removed only by means of suitable devices. Heat shrinking may
be a better alternative to avoid damaging bearings and other components.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
performance characteristics that may differ from those at the rated
+/- 10% of rated voltage +/- 5% of rated frequency +/- 10% combined voltage and frequency variation so long as frequency
variation is no more than +/- 5% of rated value.
Operating the motor at voltage and frequencies outside of the above limits
can result in both unsatisfactory motor performance and damage to/or
failure of the motor.
3.8.2. Motor connections should be carried out in accordance with the details
applicable to the appropriate supply voltage as shown on the motor
nameplate and should be undertaken by suitably qualified personnel.
3.8.3. The main lead box furnished with the motor has been sized to provide
adequate space for the make up of the connections between the motor lead
cables and the incoming power cables.
3.8.4. The motors are provided with grounding pads and/or bolts for the
connection of earthing.
The bolted joints between the motor lead and the power cables must be
made and insulated in a workman-like manner following the best trade
practices and in accordance with the minimum requirements of the current
Australian Standards.
The motor must be grounded by a proper connection to the electrical
grounding system and in accordance with the minimum requirements of the
Australian Standards.
Motors fitted with insulated bearings and rotor grounding brushes which are
used on VVVF Drives must be effectively earthed to the supply system.
Teco Installation and Maintenance Manual TEFC Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Teco Electric and Machinery Company Manual Number: IOM ~ TEFC Rev.01
3.9.1. Please refer to your specification and the motor nameplate to determine if
the motor is fitted with thermal winding protection devices.
The following are the most common:
One set (one per phase – total 3 off) of PTC winding thermistors.
Two sets (two per phase – total 6 off) of PTC winding thermistors.
One set (one per phase – total 3 off) of PT100 winding Resistance
Temperature Detectors (RTD’s).
Two sets (two per phase – total 6 off) of PT100 winding Resistance
Temperature Detectors (RTD’s).
3.9.2. Where specified motors may also be equipped with PT100 bearing
Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD’s).
3.9.3. Thermistors are positive temperature coefficient type (1000 ohm @ tripping
temperature) refer to specification table for tripping temperature.
They are a tripping device only and not a temperature detector.
Thermistor leads should be connected to an appropriate thermistor control
relay from a reputable supplier.
3.9.4. RTD’s where fitted are of the platinum type (PT100) with a reference
temperature of 0°C at 100.
RTD leads should be connected to an appropriate motor protection system
from a reputable supplier.
Recommended temperature settings for RTD’s are as per table 2 below.
Table 2
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