TECO 22, 25, 27 Special, 23 Instruction Manual

Automotive Equipment
Instruction Manual
TECO 22 - TECO 23 TECO 25 - TECO 27 Special
Version 2.2 - April 2016
2 User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special
Elaborazione graca e impaginazione
Ufcio Pubblicazioni Tecniche
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ll rights of total or partial translation, electronic storage,
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es droits de traduction, de mémorisation électronique, de
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User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special 3
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................4
TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND HANDLING ................................................... 5
UNPACKING/ASSEMBLY ...............................................................................6
HOISTING/HANDLING ....................................................................................6
INSTALLATION ...............................................................................................7
ELECTRICAL AND PNEUMATIC CONNECTIONS .........................................8
SAFETY REGULATIONS ................................................................................9
DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................10
MANUFACTURER’S LABEL .........................................................................10
TECHNICAL DATA ....................................................................................... 11
STANDARD ACCESSORIES ........................................................................12
ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED ON DEMAND ...................................................12
SPECIFIED CONDITIONS OF USE ..............................................................12
MAIN OPERATING PARTS ........................................................................... 13
WARNING SIGNALS .....................................................................................15
PRACTICAL HINTS .......................................................................................16
USE ............................................................................................................... 17
DEMONTAGE ................................................................................................ 18
MONTAGE ..................................................................................................... 19
INFLATION ....................................................................................................20
MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 21
ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION ..............................................................24
INFORMATION AND WARNINGS ABOUT OIL .............................................25
RECOMMENDED FIRE-EXTINGUISHING DEVICES ..................................26
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................27
TROUBLE SHOOTING ................................................................................. 27
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM ...............................................................28
PNEUMATIC SYSTEM DIAGRAM ................................................................31
4 User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special
The purpose of this manual is to furnish the owner and operator with a set of practical, safe instruc­tions on the use and maintenance of the TECO tyre changer. Follow all the instructions carefully and the machine will give you the efcient and long-lasting service that has always characterized TECO products, making your work considerably easier. The following points dene the levels of danger regarding the machine, associated with the warning captions found in this manual:
DANGER Refers to immediate danger with the risk of serious injury or even death. WARNING Dangers or unsafe procedures that can cause serious injury or even death. CAUTION Dangers or unsafe procedures that can cause minor injuries or damage to property.
Read these instructions carefully before powering up the machine. Keep this manual and all illustrative material supplied with the machine in a folder near the tyre changer where it is readily accessible for consultation by the machine operators. The technical documentation supplied is considered an integral part of the machine; and must always accompany the equipment if it is sold or transferred to a new owner. The manual is only to be considered valid for the model with the serial number indicated on the nameplate applied to it.
Observe the contents of this manual: the producer declines all liability in the case of uses of
the machine not specically described and authorized in this manual.
This machine must be used only by qualied and authorized personnel. A qualied operator
is construed as a person who has read and understood the tyre changer manufacturer’s instructions as well as the tyres and wheel rims manufacturers’, is suitably trained, and is conversant with safety and adjustment procedures to be adhered to during operations. Use of the machine by unskilled staff may constitute a serious risk for the operator and for the
nal user of the product processed (the wheel rim and tyre assembly).
Some of the illustrations in this manual have been taken from photographs of prototypes: standard production machines may vary in some respects. These instructions are intended for people with basic mechanical skills. We have therefore omitted detailed descriptions of procedures such as how to loosen or tighten the xing devices on the ma­chine. Do not attempt to perform operations unless properly qualied and with suitable experience. In case of need, contact an authorized Service Centre for assistance.
User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special 5
Conditions for transporting the machine
The tyre changer must be transported in its original packing and stowed in the position shown on the external packing.
- Packing dimensions (Teco 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Sp.):
• width ................................................................................................................................765 mm
• depth ...............................................................................................................................980 mm
• height ...............................................................................................................................970 mm
- Weight of the machine with packing (Teco 22 - 23 - 25 - 27):
• standard ............ (TECO 22: 170kg; TECO 23: 183kg; TECO 25: 193kg; TECO 27 Sp.: 200kg)
• t.i. version ......................................(TECO 23: 198kg; TECO 25: 208kg; TECO 27 Sp.: 215kg)
Ambient conditions for machine transport and storage
Temperature: -25° ÷ +55°C.
Do not stack other goods on top of the packing to avoid damaging it.
To move the packing, insert the tines of a fork-lift truck into the slots on the base of the packing itself (pallet) (g. 1).
Carry out the moving operations with great care, paying attention to move the packaged machine only from the side clearly indicated on the packaging. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in damage to the machine and put the operator’s safety at risk.
Before moving the machine, refer to the HOISTING/HANDLING section.
6 User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special
Take utmost care when unpacking, assembling, hoisting and installing the machine as described in this heading. Keep the original packing in good conditions to be used if the equipment has to be shipped in the future and make sure that the machine has not suffered damage in transit.
Failure to comply with these instruction may damage the machine and risk the operator’s safety.
Remove the upper part of the packing. Proceed with the following operations:
- Remove the tower (horizontal + vertical arms) from their position on the pallet.
- Fit the tower into the threaded holes.
- Fasten the tower on the machine’s body with the screw; do not forget to interpose the not ched
washers wihch allow the electric continuity of the machine.
- Assemble the bead breaker with the proper pin and fasten it with the locknut until there is a slight
resistance in the rotation of the bead breaker.
- Connect the tank union to the air connection pipeline provided, securing it with a band clamp. Fix the air tank to the machine (g.1a).(T.I. version only).
To remove the machine from the pallet : Lift the machine sideways enough to insert the forks of the fork-lift truck between the machine and the pallet as showed in g.2. At this point is possible to release the working arm removing the cord which binds the arm to the turntable.This hoisting point must be used whenever you need to change the installation position of the machine. Do not attempt to move the machine until it has been disconnected from the electricity and compressed air supply systems.
User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special 7
The installation site must be chosen in strict compliance with the relevant regulations regarding Safety in the workplace. IMPORTANT: for correct, safe use of the equipment, users must ensure a lighting level of at least
300 lux in the place of use.
The installation of the machine must be performed in a dry area which must be protected from adverse weather conditions.
Install the tyre changer in the chosen work position, complying with the minimum clearances shown in g. 3, adjust the height of the bead breaking support foot so that the machine is correctly posi­tioned on the ooring. Place the machine so that the plug-socket combination is easily accessible. The machine must be placed on a horizontal surface, preferably concrete or tiled oor. Do not install on unstable or damaged surfaces. The surface on which the machine rests must withstand the loads transmitted during operation. The surface must have a load-carrying capacity of at least 500 kg/m2.
Ambient working conditions
- Relative humidity 50% (temp. 40°C) ÷ 90% (temp. 20°C) without condensation.
- Temperature 5°C ÷ 40°C.
Use of the machine in a potentially explosive atmosphere is not permitted.
8 User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special
All operations required for the electrical connections of the equipment must be carried out
exclusively by a quali ed electrician. Before connecting the air supply system, make sure the machine is set up as in  g. 4:
pedal totally downwards.
- The electrical supply must be suitably sized in relation to:
• the machine input power as speci ed in the corresponding machine data plate;
• the distance between the machine and the power supply hook-up point, so that voltage drops under full load do not exceed 4% (10% during start-up) compared with the rated voltage speci ed on the data plate.
- The operator must:
•  t a power plug on the power supply lead in compliance with the relevant safety standards (A  g 5);
• Connect the machine to an ef cient grounding circuit in compliance with the relevant electric stan-
dards, provided with a circuit breaker (residual current set to 30mA);
•  t fuses to protect the power supply line, rated as indicated on the general wiring diagram in this manual.
- In order to prevent the machine from being used by unauthorized personnel, it is advisable to disconnect the power supply plug when the machine remains idle (switched off) for long periods.
A good grounding connection is essential for correct operation of the machine. NEVER connect the earth wire to a gas or water pipe, telephone line or any other unsuitable objects.
Check that the pressure and  ow-rate provided by the compressed air system are compatible with those required for proper operation of the machine - see “Technical Data” section. For correct machine operation the compressed air supply line must provide a pressure range from no less than 8 bar to no more than 16 bar. Connect the compressed air system by means of a supply pipe connected to the intake of the air treatment unit on the REAR SIDE of the machine base. Check that there is air lubrication oil in the Lubricating unit; re ll if there is little or no oil. Use SAE20 oil. The customer must provide an air cut-off valve upstream of the air treatment and regulating device supplied with the machine.
Connection 1 should be considered as an emergency valve to
disconnect the machine from the air line ( g.6)
User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special 9
The equipment is intended for professional use only.
Only one operator may work on the equipment at a time.
Failure to comply with the instructions and danger warnings may seriously injure operators and any other person present near the machine. Do not operate the machine until you have read and understood all the danger, warning and caution notices in this manual.
This machine must be used only by qualied and authorized personnel. A qualied operator is construed as a person who has read and understood the manufacturer’s instructions, is suitably trained, and is conversant with safety and adjustment procedures to be adhered to during operations. Operators must not use the machine under the inuence of alcohol or drugs which may affect their capacity. The operator must, in all cases:
- Be able to read and understand all the information in this manual.
- Have a thorough knowledge of the capabilities of this machine.
- Keep unauthorized persons well clear of the area of operation.
- Make sure the machine has been installed in compliance with all relevant regulations and legislation.
- Make sure that all machine operators are suitably trained, that they are capable of using the equipment correctly and that they are adequately supervised.
- Never leave nuts, bolts, tools or any other equipment on the tyre changer as they may become entrapped between moving parts.
- Not touch power lines or the inside of electric motors or any other electrical equipment before making sure the power supply has been disconnected.
- Read this manual carefully and learn how to use the machine correctly and safely.
- Always keep this user and maintenance manual in an easily accessible place and consult it whenever necessary.
Do not remove or deface the Danger, Warning or Instruction decals. Replace any missing or illegible decals. If one or more decals have been detached or damaged, replacements can be obtained from your nearest dealer.
- When using and servicing the machine, observe the standardized industrial accident
prevention regulations for high voltages.
- Any unauthorized alterations or changes made to the machine shall automatically release the
manufacturer from any liability for damage or accidents attributable to such modications. Specically,tampering with or removing the safety devices is a breach of the regulations for Safety in the workplace.
- User must wear personal protective equipment such as gloves, safety footwear and goggles.
When operating or servicing the equipment, tie back long hair and do not wear loose-tting clothes, ties, necklaces, rings or wristwatches which could become entrapped by moving parts.
10 User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special
The machine is a electro-pneumatic tyre changer semi-automatic, to be used with wheels with drop centre featuring weights and dimensions as described in the technical data section. It is designed to work effectively on:
- Conventional wheels;
- Reverse rim wheels or wheels without central hole (use optional kit);
- Run-at tyres with reinforced sidewalls*.
* WARNING: There are specically studied procedures for this type of wheels. NB: It may be difcult and sometimes impossible to clamp and/or demount wheels of Vintage
cars (cars out of production for over 30 years), some types of rally wheels and non-standardized street wheels.
The machine is solidly constructed. It operates with the wheel in a vertical position for bead breaking and horizontal for mounting and demounting tyres. All machine movements are controlled by the operator by means of the pedals.
Each machine carries a plate with its identication and some technical data. As well as the manufacturer’s details, it indicates:
Mod. - Machine model; V - power supply voltage in Volts; A - Input voltage in Amperes; kW - Absorbed power in kW;
Hz - Frequency in Hz;
Ph - Number of phases; bar - Operating pressure in bar; Serial No. - Machine serial number; EC - EC marking.
Ser. N.
Automotive Equipment
TECO s.r.l. Via Pio La Torre 10 42015 Correggio (R.E.) - ITALY tel. 0522/631562 - fax 0522/642373
It is forbidden to modify or remove the data in the plate.
User’s manual - TECO 22 - 23 - 25 - 27 Special 11
- Overall dimensions (Teco 22 - Teco 23 - Teco 25 - Teco 27 Sp. - see g. 7):
• Length ............................................................................................. 900/1200 (t.i.) min 1260 max
• Width .............................................................................................................. 820 min 1200 max
• Height ........................................................................................................... 1520 min 1820 max
- Table top clamping capacity (Teco 22 - Teco 25):
• inside clamping .................................................................................................................. 13”-21”
• outside clamping ................................................................................................................. 10”-18”
- Table top clamping capacity (Teco 23):
• inside clamping .................................................................................................................. 13”-23”
• outside clamping ................................................................................................................. 10”-20”
- Table top clamping capacity (Teco 27 Sp.):
• inside clamping .................................................................................................................. 14”-24”
• outside clamping ................................................................................................................. 12”-22”
- Rim width: ............................................................................................................................335 mm
- Maximum tyre diameter: ....................................................................................................1000 mm
- Bead breaking pressure: ................................................................................................... .2900 Kg
- Air pressure ........................................................................................................................8-10 Bar
- Motor electrical features:
• 1ph version - 1 speed 220V - 50Hz ................................................................. 6A - 0,75 kW
• 3ph version - 1 speed 230V - 50Hz ............................................................. 2,8A - 0,55 kW
• 3ph version - 1 speed 400V - 50Hz ............................................................. 1,6A - 0,55 kW
• 3ph version - 2 speed 230V - 50Hz ................................................... 5,3/6,8A - 0,8/1,1 kW
• 3ph version - 2 speed 400V - 50Hz ................................................... 2,8/4,4A - 1,1/1,5 kW
- Weight (Teco 22) ...................................................................................................................150 kg
- Weight (Teco 23) ................................................................................................163 kg (178 kg t.i.)
- Weight (Teco 25) ................................................................................................173 kg (188 kg t.i.)
- Weight (Teco 27 Sp.) .........................................................................................185 kg (200 kg t.i.)
- Weight of electrical/ electronic components: ........................................................................ 11,5 kg
- Noise level: A-weighted sound pressure level (LpA) at the working position ...... < 70 dB (A)±3dB(A)
The noise levels indicated correspond to emission levels and do not necessarily represent safe operating levels. Although there is a relationship between emission levels and exposure levels, thiscan not be used reliably to establish whether or not further precautions are necessary. The factors which determine the level of exposure to which the operator is subject to include the duration of the exposure, the characteristics of the workplace, other sources of noise, etc. The permitted exposure levels may also vary accor­ding to the country. However, this information will enable machine users to make a more accurate assessment of hazard and risks.
Min 820 - Max 1200
Min 1520 - Max 1820
Min 900/1200 - Max 1260
+ 25 hidden pages