TECNORD RC-PCM, RC-NBM, RC-DBM Use And Maintenance Manual

Radio Remote Control Systems
Use and Maintenance Manual
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Write the System Number of your Radio Remote Control Equipment here and keep it as a reference for technical support.
Using the radio Control is forbidden for anybody who has not read and fully understood this manual. Special attention should be given to the safety instructions herein contained.
All reproduction rights, either through photocopies or computer means or supports, are reserved. All texts, illustrations, and drawings are the propriety of TECNORD and their use can only be granted prior to the formal permission of TECNORD.
The technical features of the Radio Control as described in this Manual may be subsequentely modified without notice with the sole purpose of improving the equipment to better satisfy the user.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by TECNORD could voice the user's authority to operate the equipment
Version: 7.0 Date: 24 November 2008
Tecnord Srl
Via Malavolti , 36 41100 Modena – Italy e-mail: tecnord@tecnord.com web: http://www.tecnord.com
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1 SAFETY__________________________________________________________________________________ 4
1.1 Safety of the Radio Control System ________________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Safety Information _____________________________________________________________________ 4
1.3 Authorized Operators___________________________________________________________________ 4
1.4 Safety Measures to be taken within the working area_________________________________________ 4
1.5 Protection Devices______________________________________________________________________ 4
1.6 How to react and behave in case of an Emergency ___________________________________________ 4
2 RC-DBX, RC-PCM SYSTEM’S COMPONENTS _________________________________________________ 5
2.1 Transmitter Unit Control Configurations __________________________________________________ 5
3 INSTALLATION___________________________________________________________________________ 7
3.1 DBX Receiver Unit sample drawing _______________________________________________________ 7
3.2 Positioning the receiver _________________________________________________________________ 7
3.3 SHW Transmitter Unit sample drawing____________________________________________________ 7
3.4 PCJ Transmitter Unit sample drawing_____________________________________________________ 8
3.5 NBJ Transmitter Unit sample drawing ____________________________________________________ 8
3.6 Battery Charger and Serial Cable sample drawings__________________________________________ 9
3.7 Outside electrical connections ____________________________________________________________ 9
3.8 Declaration of Installation ______________________________________________________________ 10
4 OPERATION_____________________________________________________________________________ 11
4.1 The radio transmission and servicing system_______________________________________________ 11
4.2 Use of Batteries _______________________________________________________________________ 11
4.3 The battery charger and re-chargeable batteries____________________________________________ 11
4.4 Control Elements _____________________________________________________________________ 11
4.5 Visual Check _________________________________________________________________________ 12
4.6 Safety Control and Start-up of the Radio Control___________________________________________ 12
4.7 Functions operation ___________________________________________________________________ 12
4.8 PowerSave Mode and Out-of-service _____________________________________________________ 12
4.9 Diagnostics___________________________________________________________________________ 13
4.10 Operating problems ___________________________________________________________________ 13
4.11 Troubleshooting table__________________________________________________________________ 13
5 MAINTENANCE__________________________________________________________________________ 14 6 DISPOSAL _______________________________________________________________________________ 14 7 TECHNICAL DATA _______________________________________________________________________ 15
7.1 Transmitter (SHW-TX, PCJ-TX,NBJ-TX) ________________________________________________ 15
7.2 Receiver (DBX-RX) ___________________________________________________________________ 15
7.3 Communication Protocol_______________________________________________________________ 15
8 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS AND CONFIGURATION _____________________________________________ 16
8.1 Transmitter’s Diagnostics ______________________________________________________________ 16
8.1.1 Buzzer.......................................................................................................................................................16
8.1.2 Green Led .................................................................................................................................................16
8.2 Receiver’s Diagnostics _________________________________________________________________ 16
8.2.1 Display Menus..........................................................................................................................................16
8.2.2 Normal Display Menu ..............................................................................................................................17
8.2.3 Digital Inputs Display Menu.....................................................................................................................17
8.2.4 Current Display Menu ..............................................................................................................................18
8.2.5 Remote Control Unit Display Menu.........................................................................................................18
8.3 Calibration Menu _____________________________________________________________________ 19
8.3.1 Calibration parameters for DBR systems..................................................................................................19
8.3.2 Calibration parameters for DBM / PCM / NBM systems.........................................................................20
8.4 System Menu (for trained staff only) _____________________________________________________ 21
8.4.1 Proportional Trigger Acquisition..............................................................................................................22
8.4.2 Optional Function Setup...........................................................................................................................22
8.4.3 System Type Setup ...................................................................................................................................23
8.4.4 EV9 Mode of Operation Setup..................................................................................................................23
8.4.5 EV49 Mode of Operation Setup ...............................................................................................................23
8.4.6 Analog Voltage Output Range Setup........................................................................................................23
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1.1 Safety of the Radio Control System
The Radio Control System has been equipped with electronic and mechanical safety devices. Processing control signals sent by
other transmitters is impossible as the transmi ss ion codes are totally unique for each system.
1.2 Safety Information
The use of the Radio Control applied to any machinery allows the operator greater freedom of movement within the working area, improved handling accuracy whilst improving both the efficiency and the safety of the operator. However, all these benefits do require a certain attention from the operator and the staff in charge of maintenance.
The correct and safe use of the Radio Control requires the operator to v isually follow the remote-controlled machine.
It is therefore compulsory that anyone using the transmi tting unit stops the Radio Control by pushing the Emergency stop push­button during the break times.
The maintenance staff should check that the receiver unit is not powered during the control opera tions, the change of the bat tery or the periodic or extraordinary maintenance operations in general.
Each Radio Control should be checked at least once per year. Any repair should be made at authorized centers or centers that Tecnord has recommended or directly at the Tecnord service and spare parts center. Any use of no -original spare parts or tampering by non-authorized staff immediately cancels all the warranty rights.
1.3 Authorized Operators
Always verify the operating instructions of your m achine in order to be aware of any further important information to be observed. When placing the transmitter away during the breaks, the user must make sure that no unauthorized people can use it by pushing the Emergency Stop push-button and locking it in a safe p lace. In this way, any abusive operations by unauthorized third parties will be prevented. The user must be able to have access to all of the operating instructions that are necessar y for the smooth operation of the machine to be controlled. The user must also read and be sure to have clearly understood each section of this manual before using the Radio Control.
1.4 Safety Measures to be taken within the working area
The user should ensure that the working area in which the Radio Control will be used is free from any risks for the movement or other potential safety risks. For example, the user should verify that the working area is free from any obstacles or d a ng erous situations that could jeopardize the possibility of operating in total safety.
1.5 Protection Devices
All of Tecnord’s industrial Radio Controls have been fitted with an Emergency Stop push-button on the control board of the transmitting unit.
Several other protection devices exist in the Ra dio Control system which automatically intervene w henever:
¾ There is a radio interference in the working area that affects the frequency range of the Tecnord Radio Remote Control;
¾ The action range of the transmitting unit is exceeded.
In the event of the above the Radio Control immediately activa tes the Emergency Stop, and interrupts any o utgoing signal of the receiving unit whilst maintaining, whenev er possible, continuous and constant radio contac t b e tw een the transmitter and receiver.
1.6 How to react and behave in case of an Emergency
In any Emergency situation, immediately push the red EMERGENCY STOP Push-Butto n (also called: EMERGENCY STOP PUSH). Then, follow the instructions in the machine operating manual.
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A Tecnord’s RC-DBX Remote Control System includes the following parts:
¾ For RC-DBX Systems: SHW TRANSMITTER UNIT (Single Hand Wander, SHW-TX) ¾ For RC-PCM Systems: PCJ TRANSMITTER UNIT (Shoulder Strap Transmitter, PCJ-TX) ¾ DBX RECEIVER UNIT (DBX-RX) and Flying Connectors ¾ BATTERY CHARGE CABLE with plug-in for in vehicle cigarettes-lighter ¾ BATTERIES (included in the Transmitter Unit)
The following parts can be provided as an option:
All the above mentioned parts are also available as spare parts.
2.1 Transmitter Unit Control Configurations
RC-DBX transmitters (SHW-TX) can be provided in several control configurations, dependign on customer’s requirements.
Basically, control configurations differ in the numb er and type of actuators. The figures below show the available actua tors, while the next table outlines the actuators available in the variou s control configurations.
On-Off switches Start/Stop switch Proportional trigger PRS Emergency-Stop
RC-DBD 4 / 5 / 6 Yes No - Yes RC-DBR 4 / 5 / 6 Yes Yes - Yes RC-DBM - Yes No 4 / 5 / 6 Yes
RC-PCM transmitters (PCJ-TX) are designed for systems with multiple proportional actuators. The control configuration therefore varies with the number of joysticks provided. Standard equipped actuators are shown in the figure below.
JLP Joysticks Optional Functions Speed Selection Pushbutton Emergency-Stop
RC-PCM 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proportional Trigger
On-Off Toggle switches
Start/Stop Toggle switch
Connector for battery charging and cable communication
PRS (Proportional Rocker Switches)
Emergency-Stop Pushbutton
Pushbutton for radio engagement and auxiliary output
Toggle switches for speed selection and auxiliar
Connector for battery charging and cable communication
Emergency-Stop Pushbutton
JLP joysticks
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RC-NBM transmitters (NBJ-TX) are designed for systems with multiple proportional actuators. The control configuration therefore varies with the number of joysticks provided. Standard equipped actuators are shown in the figure below.
CONTROL CONFIGURATION JLP Joysticks Optional Functions Speed Selection Pushbutton Emergency-Stop
RC-NBM 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connector for battery charging and cable communication
JLP joysticks
Emergency-Stop Pushbutton
Pushbutton for radio engagement and auxiliary output
Toggle switches for speed selection
Toggle switches for auxiliary functions
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¾ Only a qualified and specialized technician should in stall the receiver of a radio control to the electrical system
of a machine (see par.4, Maintenance) who is acquainted with both the electrical circuit of the machine and the radio control technical features.
¾ During the entire installation phase both the transmitter and the receiver must be turned off.
¾ All of the regulations on the health of the staff working within the installation area, together with any local
regulations in force, and those on fire prevention must be observed.
¾ TECNORD declines all responsibility, neither does it grant any guarantee whatsoever for any damage caused to
things or persons due to the improper or careless use of this equipment or due to the non-observance of any regulation or that, which has been indicated in the operating instructions.
3.1 DBX Receiver Unit sample drawing
3.2 Positioning the receiver
When positioning the receiver, check that it is not being screened by large metallic surfaces.
For the Radio Control to operate smooth ly, it is necessary that the receiver shoul d be installed in such a position as to allow the maximum reception of radio waves from the antenna. The metallic parts of the machine to be controlled that surround the receiver create a barrier that interferes with reception
In most cases, the receiver can be housed on any sid e of the machine or, if necessary, for instal lations on vehicles even i nside the glass cabin. It is also necessary to place the receiver where it is accessible and safe to work both for those who carry out the installation of the electrical connections and for tho se w ho w ill do the future maintenance.
Make sure to keep the display visible to the user in order to ease the diagnostics of the equipment during operations.
Should such an installation be performed on board mobile machinery or on a vehicle, then you should attach rubber bumpers. These rubber bumpers will prevent strong vibratio ns from the machine to the receiver.
3.3 SHW Transmitter Unit sample drawing
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