11 TTaakkiinngg ccaarree ooff yyoouurr ddeevviiccee
Your device is a product of superior design & craftsmanship and should be handled with care: The following recommendations wi ll help protect your phone: Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all
types of liquid or moisture may contain mi nerals that can rust electronic circuits. If your device gets wet, remove the battery and refrain from turning on device. Wipe it with a dry cloth and take it to the service center.
Do not store the device under extreme temp eratures;
it can damage the battery and shorte n device lifespan.
Do not use or store device in dusty and dirty areas; the
electronic compone nts may be damaged.
Do not attempt to open device in any way other than
instructed in this guide. Repairs attempted by an entity other than designated service agent/center will void warranty.
Licking the battery or charger is strictly prohi bited; saliva is more corrosive than water. Residual saliva may short-circuit phone and damage its mother board, causing the device to beco me inoperable; battery & charger may also be damaged in the process.
Licking USB plug or metallic battery component is strictly prohibited.
Do not drop, knock, or shake device. Rough handlin g
can disrupt interna l circuit boards and fine mechanical parts.
Do not use harsh chemicals, clean ing solvents, or
strong detergents to clean the device. Use a soft and dry cloth to wipe down surfaces.
BBaatttteerryy && cchhaarrggeerr ssaaffeettyy
Do not place battery in fire, explosion may occ ur. With
concern for the environment, please abide local laws & ordinances in battery disposal.
Only use original battery, charger, and accessories
applicable to the specific mobile model. Failure to do so voids the warranty a nd may result in a hazard.
Power off mobile prior to testing its charger. If charger
malfunctions, off-mode will prevent damage to the motherboard.
Please keep the charging mobile away from small
Do not touch charger or mobile with wet hands; it’s
hazardous and may damage electronic parts.
Risk of explosion if original battery is replaced.  Tampering with mobile OS and ROOT voids warranty
and may cause software instability.
22 KKnnooww yyoouurr pphhoonnee
11.. EEaarrpphhoonnee pplluugg 22.. PPoowweerr bbuuttttoonn
33.. RReecceeiivveerr 44.. RReeaarr ccaammeerraa
55.. UUSSBB ppoorrtt 66.. FFllaasshh
77.. FFrroonntt ccaammeerraa 88.. SSppeeaakkeerr
99.. VVoolluummee bbuuttttoonn 1100.. MMiiccrroopphhoonnee
1111.. LLiigghhtt//pprrooxxiimmiittyy sseennssoorr 1122.. FFrroonntt ffllaasshh
1133.. VViirrttuuaall bbuuttttoonn 1144.. FFiinnggeerrpprriinntt IIDD bbuuttttoonn
33 SSIIMM // SSDD ccaarrdd iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
1. Refer to the following picture for SIM / SD card installation.
44 HHoommee ssccrreeeenn
HHoommee ssccrreeeenn sshhoowwccaasseess ffrreeqquueennttllyy uusseedd aappppss,, yyoouu ccaann aallssoo ddiissppllaayy uubbiiqquuiittoouuss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ssuucchh aass ttiimmee,, wweeaatthheerr ((tthhiirrdd--ppaarrttyy aapppp rreeqquuiirreedd)),, ddaattee,, eettcc..
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