Techspray 2350 Data Sheet

Product Information
TechClean® Wiper
This hydroentangled cellulose/polyester wipe has high absorbency with extra low particulate and chemical extractables. TechClean Wipers are recommended for ISO 14644-1 Class 5 (US FED STD 209E Class 100) or higher cleanrooms.
Features / Benefits
Extra Absorbent Captures Liquids Low Particulate Generation Low Contamination Ultra Low Chemical Extractables
Physical Properties
Fabric Weight (g/sq-m): 69 Extrinsic Sorbency (ml/sq-m): 282
Extractable Ions in Deionized Water (ppm)
Chloride: ......................................... 29.60
Bromide ............................................ 0.88
Fluoride ............................................. 0.88
Sodium: .......................................... 45 .00
Potassium: ....................................... 5.8 0
Magnesium: ..................................... 0.98
Ammonium ........................................ 0.88
Calcium: ........................................... 2.50
Lithium .............................................. 0.98
Sulfate ............................................. 35.00
Nitrate ............................................... 1.31
Nitrite ................................................ 0.88
Phosphate ......................................... 1.20
Non-Volatile Residue (g/sq-m)
Deionized Water: ............................. 0.053
Isopropyl Alcohol: ............................. 0.015
Particle Generation (ASTM E2090)
.5 - 5 µm x 106 /m² .......................... 86
5-100 µm / m² ..................... 6,019,365
>100 µm / m² .......................... 187,499
Cumulative ........................ 92,206,864
Chemical Components
This product does not contain any hazardous ingredients as per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 Subpt.(z).
1 Copyright 2008 Techspray.
For Commercial Use Only
Environmental Policy
Techspray® is committed to developing products to ensure a safer and cleaner environment. We will continue to meet and sustain the regulations of all federal, state and local government agencies.
Packaging and Availability
TechClean® Wiper is available in the following sizes: 2350-100 100 8”x10” C-Fold Wipes Packaged Bag’n’Bag™
12 bags/case
Techspray® products are supported by a global sales, technical and customer services resources.
For additional technical information on this product or other Techspray® products in the United States, call the technical sales department at 800-858-4043, email
North America Europe Countries Outside US
Techspray ITW Contamination Control Call to locate a distributor P.O. Box 949 Skejby Nordlandsvej 307 in your country. Amarillo, TX 79105 DK-8200 Aarhus N 800-858-4043 +45 87 400 220 email: email:
Important Notice to Purchaser/User: The information in this publication is based on tests that we believe are reliable. The results may vary due to differences in tests type and conditions. We recommend that each user evaluate the product to determine its suitability for the intended application. Conditions of use are outside our control and vary widely. Techspray’s only obligation and your only solution is replacement of product that is shown to be defective when you receive it. In no case will Techspray® be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages based on breach of warranty, negligence or or visit our web site at:
2 Copyright 2008 Techspray.
For Commercial Use Only