CG Posit ion :150-16 0mm away fr om fu selage no se.
Item no. : 088 0007FPV
1.E PO foam c onstr uctio n that is b eau tifu l, cra sh-r esis tan t and ea sy for m aint enan ce.
2. Us e T-M otor AIR 40 moto r, the fly ing spe ed can re ach 200 km/h, it also h ave ver y stabl e
fly ing per forma nce at hi gh spee d and low s peed.
3. Re movab le Moto r bring t he easy a ssemb ly with out scr ew,it' s very co nveni ent for y ou.
4. FP V equip ment ca n be inst alled e asily o n Indep enden t platf orm.
Win gspan
Fus elag e
Fly ing wei ght
Mot or
Ser vo
Bat tery
Pro pell er
Cam era
ima ge tran smiss ion
Mou nted Eq uipme nt
Fly ing con trol
702 mm(28 in)
470 mm(18 .5in)
280 -300g (with b atter y)
AS2 212-1 0 KV228 0
30- 40A
9g* 2 pcs
3S 18 00-22 00mAh
702 mm(28 in)
490 mm(19 .3in)
385 -400g (with b atter y)
AIR 40 KV24 50
F30 A 2-4S
11g *2 pcs
4S 13 00-15 00mAh
504 5
Run Cam、Fo xeer A rrow、F OXEE R
FX 20 0MW-60 0MW
Haw Keye Fi refl y Q6、Run Cam HD 1 080P、g opro 3 -5
F4 F3
Kra ftei 65 0
FPV K rafte i 650
FPV Kraftei 650