1. You need to consider the reserved servo position when installing
the elevator and rudder. Also make sure that moving control
surfaces do not interfere with reinforcement parts such as
strings and linkage poles.
2. Before fixing carbon with C/A, paper the par t that is going to be
inser ted and fixed in the depron. In this way you can have a
stronger glueing.
3. Glue the carbon rods exactly as shown in the pictures. To obtain
a rigid and strong plane is very important that the ends of carbon
rods touch and are glued together.
4. Cor rect assembly can assure good flying, before using glue or
adhesive, please check the parts position and angle of alignment.
5. Remember to use less glue as possible and to use the lightest
electronic parts you find. Less weight means always better flying
6. If you want for your plane the best flying characteristic I suggest
you to use the high quality electronic parts that I tested and I use
on my planes.
Fil i p po Materazzi
Product S p e cification s
Fus e l a g e l e ngth: 95 cm (37.4 in. )
Wingspan: 90 c m ( 3 5.4 in.)
Flying we i ght without bat t er y: 120 - 130 g (4.2 3 – 4 . 58 Oz)
Flying we i ght with batte r y: 140 - 150 g (4.93 – 5.2 9 O z )
Mot o r : 15 – 22 g (0.52 – 0 . 7 7 Oz) (suggested: Hacker A10 - 9 L )
ESC : 7 - 1 0 A mp (suggested: Hacker Mast e r ECO 08)
Propell e r : about 8 x 4 (sugges t e d : Mejzlik 8x4)
Ser vo: 6g x 4pcs ( s u g g e sted: 4 x JR DS318 or 3 x JR DS 3 1 9 HV)
Rad i o : 5/more channel (su g g e s ted: 2 - 5 g receiver )
Batter y: 2S 250- 3 5 0 mAh LiPo (su g ge s t ed: 15 – 22 g batter y)