Tech One 02A-703 Metis, METIS Assembly Manual

The Metis was designed by Filippo Materazzi, F3P, Aeromusical and F6A Italian Champion. It is the last version of his famous indoor freestyle airplane which he flew in World Air Games 2009. It has been totally updated but maintaining its particular style. Now it has bigger mobile surfaces, a higher top and bottom fuselage and a completely new milling, paying attention to maintain the strength of the airframe. Thanks to all these tricks it flies slowly and smoothly but it can become very agile, reactive and fast if you need it. This characteristic is fundamental for an aeromusical flight where you need to change the flight style according to the music, but also in a good freestyle, to differentiate the maneuvers and employ the own imagination. In addition, a beginner can improve his skills gradually, increasing step by step the movement of mobile surfaces.
The kit is composed by 3 mm and 2 mm depron, carbon rods (precutted!), super lightweight carbon control horns and all the necessary to complete the plane.
Before assembly, please spend some time to read our instructions. Along the way you’ll learn how to properly assemble your new airplane in the least amount of time possible. Below are some tips that will help you in the assembly.
Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely.
1. You need to consider the reserved servo position when installing the elevator and rudder. Also make sure that moving control surfaces do not interfere with reinforcement parts such as strings and linkage poles.
2. Before fixing carbon with C/A, paper the par t that is going to be inser ted and fixed in the depron. In this way you can have a stronger glueing.
3. Glue the carbon rods exactly as shown in the pictures. To obtain a rigid and strong plane is very important that the ends of carbon rods touch and are glued together.
4. Cor rect assembly can assure good flying, before using glue or adhesive, please check the parts position and angle of alignment.
5. Remember to use less glue as possible and to use the lightest electronic parts you find. Less weight means always better flying characteristic!
6. If you want for your plane the best flying characteristic I suggest you to use the high quality electronic parts that I tested and I use on my planes.
Fil i p po Materazzi
Product S p e cification s
Fus e l a g e l e ngth: 95 cm (37.4 in. )
Wingspan: 90 c m ( 3 5.4 in.)
Flying we i ght without bat t er y: 120 - 130 g (4.2 3 – 4 . 58 Oz)
Flying we i ght with batte r y: 140 - 150 g (4.93 – 5.2 9 O z )
Mot o r : 15 – 22 g (0.52 – 0 . 7 7 Oz) (suggested: Hacker A10 - 9 L )
ESC : 7 - 1 0 A mp (suggested: Hacker Mast e r ECO 08)
Propell e r : about 8 x 4 (sugges t e d : Mejzlik 8x4)
Ser vo: 6g x 4pcs ( s u g g e sted: 4 x JR DS318 or 3 x JR DS 3 1 9 HV)
Rad i o : 5/more channel (su g g e s ted: 2 - 5 g receiver )
Batter y: 2S 250- 3 5 0 mAh LiPo (su g ge s t ed: 15 – 22 g batter y)
Do not fly under the conditions below Windy conditions A street with many trees or street lamps Close to high voltage electrical wires High Population density areas Cautions for flying Metis is made for indoor flight. Of course it is able to fly outdoor in not much windy condition. Make sure you have permission to fly and follow safety guidelines set by local authorities. Note for Storage Please disconnect the lipo packs when finished flying Do not press or crush the airplane when storing
CG Position: 23.5-24.5 cm from the nose
Use some C/A to glue the two carbon strip (73 and 79.2 cm long) on both sides of the wi n g as s how n i n th e pi c t ur e . NOTE: pos i t ion the wing on a flat s urface.
Fix t he e l ev ator w ith 3 M ta p e.Do the same with ailer ons.
Cut a 55º bevel on ailerons. On elevator and r udder cut a 40° b eve l on m obil e and f i xed surface .
Fix the horizontal fuselages to the wing with C/A.
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