1.Fuselage 1
2. Wing 1
3.Ailerons 2
. levator 1
.Landing Gea r
. heel Cover(E PP ) 1
. heel hocks 4
10.Tailing whe el 1
11. Co nt ro l Horns 4
12.Clevis 8
13. Servo Mount 4
1 .
1 .Carbon Rod . * mm
16.Steel Wir e 0. 8* 360mm 1
17.Heat-Sh ri nk Tu bing ¢1.5*400 mm 1
1 .
4 Horizontal St ab il izer 1
5 E
6 Rudder 1
7 1
8 W
5 1 3 700 2
8 Velcro 1
9 W C (plywood)
4 Hinges 15
Wood Screws - 4
Kit Co ntents
1. EPP Electric R\C m odel is not a toy and is not suitab le for the flyer under 14 years .
2.Do not f ly near houses or buildin gs childre n' s play areas road tra ffic r ailways airports, overh ead
power li nes and pylons. Do not fly ov er p eople.
4. .
5.Do not f ly in the strong winds.
6.Do not t ry to catch the plane by hand whe n it is flying.
7.The ch ildren who are younger th an 1 4 years old should be assis te d by an experienced adult w hen
the plan e is being flown.
misuse d, it can cause serious bod il y harm and damage to proper ty.
, , ,
Fly only i n open areas, preferabl y AMA (A cademy of Model Aeronaut ic s) approved flying site s,
follow ing all instructions in cl uded with your radio.
Assemb le the kit according to the seq uence provided in the ins tr uction manual
Before use,please read the explanations carefully!
Flying environment
In-door:L arge hall or gymnasium
Out- door: Windless dawn or dusk
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
985mm (38.8 in.)
900mm (35.4 in.)
Brushless outrunn er M ot or
30A Brushless ESC
1060 Slow Flyer Prop
3 Cells 11.1V 10 00 mA h Li-po
Fuselage length:
Flying Weig ht : 40 0- 420g (with b at te ry)
Motor: 2212
Servo: g
Radio:4/ mo re c ha nnel
Receiver:4/m or e channel