Techone AEROLUS F3P Instruction Manual

Fusel age len gth: 850mm (33. 5i n) Wings pan: 800mm (31. 5i n) Flyin g Weigh t: 150- 180g( with b atter y)
Instruction Manual
lLaser-cut 3mm genuine EPS parts for optimum stre ngth an d
Minim um weig ht .
lLightweight carbon fiber truss system virtually eliminates flex . lIdeal for indoor flight and capable of outdoor flight in low winds. lMinimal assembly required flight ready in as little as 3 hours . lVibrant screen printed trim scheme.
An R/C aircraft is not a toy! If misused, it can cause seriousbodily harm and damage to property. Fly only in open areas,preferably AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) approved flying sites, following all instructions included with your radio.Always assume the electric motor can come on at any time souse extreme caution.Before beginning assembly of your , we strongly uggest that you read through this instruction manual so you canbecome familiar with the parts and the assembly sequence.Assemble the kit according to the sequence provided in the instruction manual. Do not attempt to modify or change the kit design as doing so could adversely change the models flying characteristics.
Additional Required Equipment
Motor: 2404 KV:1600 ESC: 10 A
GWS 8040
Radio 4 m ore cha nnel Recei ver 4 mor e chann el Batte ry char ger
7.4V mAh
Prope ller: -905 0 Slow Fl yer Pro p Servo :5G* 3
: /
: /
Batte ry: 350- 500
Thank you for purchasing the AEOLUS-F3P. The AEO LUS-F 3P ARF has super slow flight responsiveness so you can fly high-alpha 3D with authority. Its carbon fiber reinforced AEOL US-F3 P construction provides the solid, precise feel of a balsa profile plane without the weight. This allows you to fly the AEOLUS -F3P ARF outside in windier conditions that would keep most other profile foamies grounded. The AE OLUSĀ­F3P ARF is another exciting addition to TECH ONE's outstanding line of electric RC aircraft and accessories. TECH ONE uses top-quality engineering and materials in everything it makes, so you always get the maximum level of value and fun. TECH ONE backs all of its products with the best customer service and support in the hobby so your electric flight experience is always a positive one.
These assembly instructions are designed to guide you through the entire assembly process of your new airplane in the least amount of time possible. Along the way you'll learn how to properly assemble your new airplane and also learn tips that will help you in the future. We have listed some of our recommendations below. Please read through them before beginning assembly.
Required Tools and Adhesives (not included in the kit)
5 Minute Epoxy Glue Aerosol Zip-Kicker # 0 and #1 Phillips Head Screwdrivers
1.5mm Hex Wrench Adjustable Wrench Wire Cutters Z-Bend Pliers Needle Nose Pliers Modeling Knife Scissors Electric or Hand Drill Assorted Drill Bits Straight Edge Ruler Pencil T-Pins Builder's Triangle 220 Grit Sandpaper with Sanding Block Masking Tape Paper Towels Rubbing Alcohol Epoxy Mixing Sticks Epoxy Mixing Cups Soldering Iron
Kit Contents
Fuselage and Wing Assembly
Glue 2p cs carb on stri ps on the f ront of t he wing s with some fo am-fr iendl y C/A.
Glue th e fusel age sid e board t o main bo ard wit h foam-friendl y C/A. Note: N o disto rtion o f the fus elage
Use foa m-fri endly C /A to glue t he lowe r wing to t he fusel age. No te: The l ower wi ng shou ld be beper pendi cular t o the fus elage .
A Upper an d Lower W ings wi th Ailer on B Fusel age Mai n Board C Fusel age Sid e Board D Wing Fe nces E Wheel C overs F Fusel age Str inger s G Carbo n Fiber R ods H Velcro I Threa ds J Landi ng Gear S tiffe ners an d Round Doubl ers K Eleva tor and R udder C ontro l Horns L Aile ron Con trol Ho rns M Servo Ar ms N Z Bend O Motor M ount P Landi ng Gear s Q Ailero n Contr ol Horn s R Motor S crews S Wing St rengt henin g Foam St rip
Cut proper length of carbon fiber rods,
then install them into corresponding round doublers. Note: The fuselage side board should be perpendicular to the fuselage main board.
3. Others Assembly
Fix the w ing fen ces on th e lower w ing wit h some foam- frien dly C/A .
Fix the u pper wi ng and th e wing fe nces to gethe r with foam- frien dly C/A .
Insta ll the ro und dou blers o nto the pre-r eserv ed hole s on uppe r and low er wings t o stren gthen t he join t of carb on fiber r ods and f oam.
Insta ll the ca rber fi ber rod s as show n to stre ngthe n the fus elage a nd wing s.
Apply s ome foa m-fri endly C /A on the inter secti on of the t wo carb er fibe r rods an d fix.
Cut a 45 be vel on th e eleva tor as sh own.
Cut a 45 be vel on th e eleva tor as sh own.
Fix the e levat or and ho rizon tal sta biliz er with 3 M magic tape.
Fix the r udder a nd fuse lage wi th 3M mag ic tape .
4 m
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