Useful advice for the user
Connect with cold water only.
This washing machine is suitable for washing-the fabric that can be washed in the water
with the detergent.
Plug the power . turn on the tap.
Put detergent in the compartments as indicated in the programme guide in this instruction
manual and push start/pause bu tton.
First wash
slect the self-clean programme.
The choice of the detergent
Main wa sh de ter gent Speci al ad dit ive Pre -wa sh detergent
The recom mende d main wash detergent and p re-wash detergent
for this front loa ding washing machine is l ow sups detergent suita ble
for the fro nt load ing washing machine.I t is forbidden to use high su ds
deterge nt unsu itable for the front load ing washing machine,i n case of
any damag e to the wa shing machine.
The dosag e of the de tergent lies on: 1. amoun t of laundry
2.the deg ree of so iling 3.water hardnes s 4. The washing a bility of the
deterge nt
Please ch eck the i nstruction of the deter gent before the wash.
You will get a better resu lt by using the detergent p roper ly.
Pre-was h deter gent-if there is any clot hing that needs the pre-w ash, pl ease add the pre-w ash det ergent
in the pre- wash co mpartment for the bette r effects duri ng the fo llowing wash procedur e. (At this time in
the main wa sh dete rgent compartment, th e liquid detergent shal l not be used, or the deserve d effects
cannot be r eache d.)
The cleaning of the detergent dispenser drawer
Pull out at the same time
The detergent will deposit in the
compartment after a long usage,
so the detergent drawer needs to
be cleaned frequently.
Press the detergent box limit 1,
and pull out the drawer of
the detergent box and clean
the detergent compartment.
Notice:some fabric will fade when it is washed,please do not wash the faded fabric with other clothing.
Please wash the white fabric separately;
Bleach - if t he blea ch is needed, it shall be use d according to the bleach i nstructions in the
washing p roced ure.
Special r inse ad ditive is the softener. Pl ease dilute the softene r with water before
use if it is de nse.
Your machine solely designed for the domestic use.
Please select the detergent and clothing care detergent that is suita ble for the front loading
washing machine.
Before the first wash, you need to finish the high temperature self-clean cycle without
any laundry. Please follow the steps below:
The new hose-sets supplied with the appliance are to be used and that old hose-sets
should not be reused.