If you get a warning
This may be due to a conflict with another camera or capture device. If this is the case you should uninstall the
software you have just loaded and also any other camera software that may be on your PC.
Uninstalling old drivers and devices
The most common problem occurring during installation is the presence of a driver for a similar, old device. The best
solution is remove all the drivers related to the old devices before installing the new driver. Make sure you delete
programs and drivers relating to old, unused and similar devices and nothing else.
1. Enter Windows ‘Safe Mode’ (press F8 when starting Windows and then select ‘Safe Mode’ from the menu which
will be displayed).
2. Click on ‘Start – Settings – Control Panel’ and double-click on ‘Add/Remove Programs’ icon.
3. Find all the programs for similar, old devices and remove these by clicking on the ‘Add/Remove’ button. In
‘Safe Mode’, it is possible for some programs to appear twice - remove all programs which appear twice.
4. Remove the camera driver for this camera.
Restart the computer.
Now re-install the camera driver following the instructions in the previous pages.
message: “Capture device was not detected” when trying to open the PC cam.
If you are in any doubt about carrying out this procedure, consult a competent computer technician!
Your camera is covered by a warranty for 12 months
from the date of purchase. If a fault develops during
this period, please contact the TESCO electrical help
line on 0845 456 6767. Please have your original
purchase receiptwith you whenyou call.This warranty
in noway affectsyour consumer rights.
Producedafter13th August2005.
Waste electrical products should not be
disposed ofwith householdwaste. Please
recycle where facilities exist. Check with
your Local Authority or retailer for
recycling advice.
Before Using YourCamera
Please read the following notes before operating your camera:
Avoid using or placing the camera in the following locations:
• Thiscamera isa precisionelectronic device. Treatit withcare
• Do notattempt to servicethis camera.Opening or removingcovers mayexpose you todangerous voltagepoints or
other risksand youwill invalidate thewarranty.
• Donot exposethis camerato direct sunlightto avoidrisk of fire.
• Anyloss ordamage causedby the malfunctionof thisproduct is thesole responsibilityof theuser .
• Before takingpictures with thiscamera of anyimportant occasion testthe camera beforehandensure that itis fully
functioning, thatthe batteriesare charged andthat thereis sufficient spaceon theSD card.
• Damp and dusty places. Sealed
vehicles, places exposed to direct sunlightor high temperatures. Places subjectto severe vibration or physical shocks.
Locations fullof smoke,fumes, dust orsteam. Outdoorsin rainor snow.
• Toensure thecamera photographsnormally, donot drop, shakeor hitthe camera whentaking pictures.
• Donot openthe batterycover when thepower ison.
• If water has entered the camera,immediately turn the power OFF andremove the batteries. Takethe camera to
your dealerfor examinationand repairbefore usingit again.
Good Practice
• Ifthe lens,LCD monitoror viewfinder surfaceis dirty,use a lensbrush oroptical clothto wipethe surfaceclean.
• Do touchthelenswith yourfingers.
• Do useanysharpobject toavoid scratchingthelens,LCD monitoror viewfindersurface.
• Cleanthe bodyonly witha soft cloth.Do notuse detergents, solventsor abrasivecleaners onthe camera.
• Alwaystransport andstore thecamera in thesupplied pouch.