Technicolor Connected Home USA TG213 User Manual

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Product Overview ...................................................................... 4
1.1 Features ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Package Contents ................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Product Overview ................................................................................................. 5
1.3.1 Front Panel ............................................................................................ 5
1.3.2 Power Plug ............................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 How to Reset......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Modes ................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Access Point........................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Repeater ................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2: Repeater Mode .......................................................................... 9
2.1 Setting as Repeater .............................................................................................. 9
2.2 Connecting Wireless Clients ............................................................................... 12
2.3 Modifying Extended Wi-Fi Settings ................................................................... 13
Chapter 3: AP Mode ................................................................................... 14
3.1 Using as Access Point ......................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Connecting Wireless Devices .............................................................. 14
3.1.2 Wireless Settings of Your Device ....................................................... 16
3.2 Using as Station .................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Setting Your Device as AP Station ..................................................... 17
3.2.2 Connecting a Network ....................................................................... 19
Chapter 4: System Configuration .............................................................. 21
4.1 Login ................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Using the Menu .................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Operation Menu ................................................................................................ 23
4.4 Network Menu ................................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 Lan Setting .......................................................................................... 23
4.4.2 IPV6 Setting ........................................................................................ 24
4.5 Wireless Menu .................................................................................................... 25
4.5.1 Repeater Mode ................................................................................... 25
4.5.2 AP Mode - Access Point ...................................................................... 28
Power Wall Plug Repeater 2
4.5.3 AP Mode – Station .............................................................................. 32
4.6 Administrator Menu .......................................................................................... 33
4.6.1 Management ...................................................................................... 33
4.6.2 Upload Firmware ................................................................................ 34
4.6.3 Settings Management ........................................................................ 35
4.6.4 Status ................................................................................................... 36
Appendix .................................................................................................. 37
A. Configure the Computer .................................................................................... 37
B. Wireless Considerations ..................................................................................... 39
C. Regulatory & Safety Information....................................................................... 40
D. Specifications ...................................................................................................... 43
Power Wall Plug Repeater 3
Product Overview
Power Plug
Thank you for choosing Technicolor Power Wall Plug Repeater. You can use your device as a Repeater to leverage your existing wireless network by repeating the wireless network signal so that coverage range is extended. Or, use as an Access Point to allow wireless clients to connect to a wired network. The various security features, such as WPS, WPA2, and WPA protect your data and privacy online. The web-based utility allows you to configure your Repeater easily.

1.1 Features

Wireless AC gives high-speed wireless connectivity to devices
Wireless 802.11n/g/b/a/ac backward compatibility
Wireless speed of up to 750Mbps (300 2.4Ghz / 433 5Ghz)
Dual-band connectivity for greater flexibility and reduced interference
1x 10/100Mbps Auto-MDIX port
WPA2/WPA wireless encryption to keep wireless communication secure
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) for secure setup with simple press of a button
Web-based configuration tools and management via Web Browser
Supports statistics information
Supports Station/AP/Repeater mode

1.2 Package Contents

Check if the package contains the following items. If any item is missing or appears damaged, contact your dealer.
Power Wall Plug Repeater
Power Wall Plug Repeater 4
Note: Plug type may differ depending on the location
where the device is purchased
Product Overview
Power LED
Wireless LED
Link LED

1.3 Product Overview

1.3.1 Front Panel

Lights up when the device is powered on.
Solid GREEN – Indicates the device is powered ON and operating normally
Flashing GREEN – Indicates Ethernet traffic in progress
Solid RED – Indicates the device is powering ON or the
system is defective.
Flashing RED – The device is in recovery mode or the device has malfunctioned.
Flashing ORANGE – Cannot connect or be assigned an IP address from the router
Off – The device is powered off.
Lights up to indicate wireless connection.
Solid GREEN – A wired connection is established.
Flashing GREEN – Data transmission is in progress.
Lights up to indicate link activity.
Solid GREEN – Wireless link between the Repeater and the AP is above -55dBm RSSI
Solid ORANGE – Wireless link between the Repeater and the AP is above -75dBm and
-55dBm RSSI
Solid RED – Wireless link between the Repeater and the AP is below -75dBm RSSI
Power Wall Plug Repeater 5
Product Overview
Ethernet port
Power/ Mode Switch
Reset button
WPS Button and LED
Connects a computer and other Ethernet network devices to the Repeater using RJ-45 cables.
Use the switch to select:
AP – AP mode
Repeater – Repeater mode
Off – Turn off the device
Press and hold this button for at least 10 seconds to restore your device to its original factory default setting.
Press and hold for at least 5 seconds to enable WPS. The LED lights up to indicate:
Flashing GREEN – WPS connection in progress
Solid GREEN – WPS connection is established
Flashing ORANGE – WPS connection failed

1.3.2 Power Plug

Slide the bundled power plug into your device. The plug type that comes with your device may vary depending on the location where the device is purchased.
In case there is a need to replace the plug, press the lock button and slide the plug upwards to remove the plug from the device.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 6
Product Overview

1.3.3 How to Reset

Use the Reset button in case there is a need to reset the device and restore the factory default settings.
Using a pointed object, press and hold the Reset button for at least 5 seconds to reset the device.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 7
Product Overview

1.4 Modes

Your device can be used as:
Access Point

1.4.1 Access Point

Use the AP (Access Point) mode to connect your device to a wired network and allow other clients to connect to the network wirelessly.

1.4.2 Repeater

Use the Repeater mode to extend the coverage range of an existing wireless network.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 8
Home Network

Chapter 2: Repeater Mode

Use the Repeater mode to extend the coverage range of your existing wireless network.

2.1 Setting as Repeater

1. Press the Power/Mode switch to Repeater.
2. Plug your device to a power outlet.
3. Connect by WPS: The easiest way to setup your device in Repeater mode is to connect to a router or access point using Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). This feature is used only if the WPS pairing process is available on the router or access point. Otherwise, skip to step 4.
a. Press the WPS ( ) button on your wireless router or access point.
b. Push the WPS button on your Repeater device.
The WPS LED will blink green while pairing is in progress. When pairing is successful, the WPS LED turns solid green.
c. After pairing, skip to “Connecting Wireless Clients” on page 12 to start connecting wireless clients to your device.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 9
Home Network
4. On your PC, search for available wireless networks. The default SSID of your device is “TCHREP2.4G958CD8” (2.4Ghz) or “TCHREP5G958CD8” (5Ghz). By default, the password is empty.
5. Once connected, open a web browser and type the default IP address of your device on the URL address bar. The Login page appears.
If you cannot connect to the web configuration page, make sure your PC belongs to the same network segment as your device. The easiest way to do this is to set the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties of your PC to automatic. If not, configure it accordingly. See “Configure the Computer” on page 37 for more information.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 10
Home Network
6. Type the Username “admin” and leave the Password empty.
The default user name is “admin” and password is an empty field. It is advised to change the password see “Management” on page 33.
7. Once logged in, the Wi-Fi Settings screen appears. If you know the SSID of the wireless network, type it on the SSID box and fill in the Authentication Type and Password (if any). Otherwise, skip to step 3.
By default, the extended wireless network names (SSIDs) of your device are:
“TCHREP2.4G958CD8” (2.4Ghz) or “TCHREP5G958CD8” (5Ghz). It is recommended to modify these SSIDs or set the security settings of these SSIDs from the Extended Wi-Fi Setting page before connecting to the wireless network you wish to extend. See “Extended Wi-Fi Setting” on page 26 for more information.
8. To scan for the wireless network to extend, click Site Survey. A list of available networks is shown.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 11
Home Network
9. Click the Select button of the network, and click Connect. The screen will revert back to previous page.
10. Enter the Authentication Type and Password (if any), then click Apply. The device will reboot and establish your connection.
Once your device is connected to the router, it will be assigned a new IP
address based on the router DHCP settings. See your router documentation to determine the new IP address of your device. This address will be used to access the web configuration page of your device, if needed.

2.2 Connecting Wireless Clients

To connect wireless devices, open the wireless utility on your wireless device and select the default SSID of your device is “TCHREP2.4G958CD8” (2.4Ghz) or “TCHREP5G958CD8” (5Ghz). By default, the password is empty.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 12
Home Network

2.3 Modifying Extended Wi-Fi Settings

Login to the web configuration page. The Wi-Fi Settings screen appears.
To access other wireless settings, click the menu on the left panel:
Wi-Fi Settings – Allows you to connect to a router/network and extend its signal to allow wireless clients to connect to the network via your device. See “Wi-Fi Settings” on page 25 for more information.
Extended Wi-Fi Setting – Allows you to modify the default SSIDs assigned to your device and configure its authentication and password settings to protect it from unauthorized access. See “Extended Wi-Fi Setting” on page 26 for more information.
Wireless Client – Allows you to view the wireless clients connected to your device. See “Wireless Client” on page 27 for more information.
Power Wall Plug Repeater 13
Home Network

Chapter 3: AP Mode

The AP mode of your device can be further configured as: Access Point or Station. As an Access Point, you can use your device to connect to a wired network and allow other clients to connect to the network wirelessly. You can also use your device as a Station, wherein you can connect your device to a non-wireless client via RJ-45 and allow other clients to connect to that client through your device wirelessly.

3.1 Using as Access Point

3.1.1 Connecting Wireless Devices

1. Press the Power/Mode switch to AP.
2. Plug your device to a power outlet.
Below is a sample wireless connection illustration.
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