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The Menu System

The Menu System
What’s a Menu?
The on-screen menu is a list of choices, just like a menu in a restaurant. And, just as a restaurant menu is divided into sections such as appetizers, entrees, and desserts, the on­screen menus are also separated into sections to help you find the information you need.
Don’t Forget Point and Select
As with all of the on-screen displays, you use Point and Select to navigate.
Setup and Connections
Using the Remote
Program Guides
The Menu System
The Menu System

Using the Menu System

To bring up the Main menu, press MENU on the remote.
Use point and select to choose an item from the Main menu.
To use the menu system, you need to know the Point and Select rule. Use the arrows on the remote to point to an item on the screen, and then press OK to select it.

Back and Help

Use the MENU button to bring up the Main menu, and then use Point and Select to choose a menu option.
There are Back and Help buttons at the top of most screens. Point to Back and press OK to leave that screen. Point to Help to see more
information about that screen.
Exiting a Screen
There are three ways to exit a menu:
Point to Back and press OK.
Press the CLEAR button on the remote control. The on-screen displays clear from the screen and you return to TV viewing.
Press the GO BACK button on the remote. You return to the previous on-screen display or normal programming.
Using Help
All menus have a Help button. For example, selecting the Help button from the Main menu shows you information about using the Main menu screen.
The rest of the Help buttons in the menu system bring up helpful information explaining one aspect of that menu.
If the Main menu doesn’t appear when you press MENU, the remote might not be
in DSS button on the remote, and then OK.
mode. Try pressing the DSS
Context-Sensitive Help
Most of the screens contain information to help you decide what to do next. If you get stuck, look for the help text.
The Menu System

Menu Descriptions

This section briefly describes each of the available Main menu options. More information about each menu and its features is included later in this chapter.
Program Guide
Shows the on-screen programming schedules.
Use to read mail messages from your program providers.
Use to review or cancel upcoming purchases, and to review past purchases.
Allows you to schedule the digital satellite system to tune to a specific channel at a specific time.
Allows you to set ratings limits, spending limits, and viewing hours, as well as create favorite channel lists.
Allows you to find out more about the receiver and remote, change how your system looks, run the system test and install a new access card.
Dish Pointing
Use to find your dish pointing coordinates, and to access the on-screen signal strength meter.
Home Control
With the proper equipment, this feature lets you control certain devices and appliances in your house.
Don’t Be Afraid to Explore
Once you’ve learned the basics, feel free to poke around the menu system because exploring is the best way to learn. The context-sensitive help at the bottom of the screen provides instructions for getting through any particular menu or control panel. Remember, press CLEAR at any time to leave the menu system and return to regular system viewing.
Don’t Forget About the CLEAR Button
Press the CLEAR button on the remote to remove the on-screen menus and return to normal viewing.
The Menu System

The Program Guide

Selecting Program Guide brings up your default program guide: the Detail Guide, the Grid Guide or SurfGuide.
Anatomy of a Program Guide
The following diagram shows you the kind of information you will see in the Detail Guide and Grid Guide.
Program titles and information
Returns you to previous screen
Help gives you more information
Sort the guide by: Topics, Movies, or Sports
“Family” is one of five selectable Profiles
Scrolls through the guide
Indicates current time
Takes you to the Main menu
Displays more sorting options
Searches guide for specific information
Sorts the current guide alphabetically by title
Shows all available programs
Bringing Up the Program Guides
Besides selecting Program Guide in the Main menu, you can press the GUIDE button on the remote.
Want More Information?
Read the section in this book called Program Guides for all the details.
The Menu System

The Mailbox

The mailbox shows you messages that are sent—or “mailed”—from your program providers. For example, you may receive a message calling your attention to a new service.

How to Tell When you Have Mail

There are two ways to tell if you have mail, depending on whether the receiver is turned on or off.
If the receiver is turned on, the mail icon in the channel banner is highlighted.
If the receiver is turned off, the power light on the front panel of the receiver flashes.

Checking Your Mail

Select Mailbox on the Main menu or channel banner to view your mail.
1. Point to a message and press OK. The message is opened for you to read.
Mail provides the latest information from program providers.
2. Press OK again to close the letter. After you read a message and want to erase it, point to Erase
Message and press OK. When you exit the display screen, messages not erased are saved in memory.
The Menu System

Pay-Per-View Programs

Pay-per-view programs (PPV) are programs that you purchase—like a movie ticket—on an event-by-event basis. For instance, there might be a specific channel that runs nothing but previews for movies. After previewing the movie, you can purchase it or find out more details about it. PPV programs can also be found in the program guide.

Purchasing and Previewing

There are several ways to purchase and preview PPV movies and events:
Tune to a PPV program’s channel. Program providers may offer on­screen purchase instructions, usually as the PPV program begins.
Choose a PPV program from the program guide.
Preview a coming attraction by selecting a channel from the Attractions Guide.

Tuning to a PPV Program

When you use the channel buttons or digits on the remote to tune to a Pay-Per-View channel, you need to press the INFO button to bring up the Program Details screen in order to purchase a program.
Use the program guide to get to the Program Details screen.
Follow the on-screen instructions to purchase the selected program.
You may need to enter your four-digit password to order a PPV program if it costs more than the spending limit you set up in the Profiles menu.
The Menu System
Using the Program Guide for PPV Programs
When you use the program guide to select a PPV program, the Program Details screen gives you a few more options.
You need to connect your phone line to your satellite receiver to be able to order PPV programs using the on-screen menus.
The Program Details screen gives you several options.
You can select:
View Channel to tune to that channel
Channel Guide to see a program lineup for that channel
Buy Program to purchase the program
Other Times to see what other times the program is available. The program title is automatically entered and sorted in the AlphaSort control panel.
The options available to you may vary according to the type of program you select.
The Menu System
Using the Attractions Guide
Your program providers may offer future programming events not currently listed in your Program guide. These events are called “coming attractions,” and can be previewed in the Attractions Guide.
1. Press the GUIDE button on the remote until the Detail Guide or Grid Guide appears on-screen.
2. Use the down arrow button to move the highlight to the bottom of the screen.
3. Point to and select the Other Guides button.
4. Point to and select the Attractions Guide.
The Other Guides menu provides several guide formats.
5. Point to a channel and select it.
The Attractions Guide is accessed through the Other Guides menu.
The Menu System

Using the Purchases Menu

The Purchases menu allows you to review upcoming and past purchases.
The Purchases menu shows you upcoming or past purchases, and spending limits.
The list of purchases may be longer than one screen; use the down arrow keys to see more items. The display also shows the title, channel, date, time, and cost of each program.
Note that the Past Purchases list might be modified after each billing cycle and still show purchases for which you have already paid.

Reviewing and Canceling an Upcoming Purchase

Use Point and Select to choose an upcoming purchase from the Future Purchases screen. You can review the program description, as well as
cancel an upcoming purchase.
The Purchase Edit screen lets you cancel an upcoming purchase.
The Menu System

Spending Limits

Use the Spending Limit option to indicate a per-event spending limit for pay-per-view programs.
1. Point to Spending Limit, and press OK.
You can set a per-event spending limit for each Profile.
2. Use the digits on the remote or use the arrow keys to enter a single­program spending limit.
After a spending limit is set and the system is locked, you must enter a password to purchase a pay-per-view program that costs more than your spending limit allows.
Spending limits are in effect only when the system is locked.
The Menu System

Timers Feature

The Timers feature allows you to preset your system to automatically tune to a particular channel at a predetermined time.
To use the Timers feature, select Timers from the Main menu to bring up the Timers screen. Select a Timer (1-8) and then use the arrow keys to complete the on-screen sentence. When the sentence is complete, select
Run Timer.
Complete the on-screen sentence to set up a timer.
Setting Up Timer Recordings
The Timers feature allows you to set up timer recordings when you connect the VCR Controller to your satellite receiver, and tell the receiver what type of VCR you are using.
Recording with Timer
If you choose Record instead of Watch when setting the Timer (and have set up your VCR as previously discussed), the Timer will toggle on your VCR, then start and stop recording a program.
To record with timers:
Your VCR must be preset to the digital satelitte system output channel (RF or Line).
Your VCR must be OFF at the time the program is to start recording.
On-screen icons are an easy way to understand the timers.
indicates the timer is set.
indicates the timer is set for
a PPV.
indicates a timer conflict.
Editing or Canceling a Timer
From the Timers screen, select the Timer you want to edit or cancel, and then do the following:
• Use the arrows keys to edit the Timer, then select Run Timer.
• Select Clear Timer to cancel the timer.
• To watch the program daily or weekly, edit that program’s
The Menu System
Schedule a Timer with the RECORD Button
You can schedule a recording directly from the guide.
1. With a program highlighted, press the RECORD button on the remote. The Program Details appears on-screen.
2. To schedule a timer to record, select:
Record Program to set a timer to record the program.
Editing or Canceling a Timer
Buy and Record to purchase the program and set up a timer to record the program. (Some Buy and Record programs may have a different purchase price.)
The options available to you may vary according to the type of program you select.
From the Timers screen, select the Timer you want to edit or cancel, and then do the following:
• Use the arrows keys to edit the Timer, then select Run Timer.
• Select Clear Timer to cancel the timer.
• To record the program on a daily or weekly edit that program’s timer.
The Menu System


When you select Profiles from the Main menu, the first screen you see is the Master Edit control panel. In addition to the Family profile, you can create as many as four different profiles that can be easily accessed by using the WHO button on the remote control.
You can personalize the profile by entering a name.
You can personalize each profile.
You can also edit the user profiles. Select a profile from the Edit Users control panel. By moving down the options you can create or edit the user’s channel list, set a ratings limit, viewing hours, per-event spending limits and assign a profile password.
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