Technica ATM350W Technical data

The ATM350a is the ultimate microphone solution for discreet, rock-solid mounting on your instrument of choice, from Piano to 20-piece Drum Kit.
Offering a crisp, clear, well-balanced response, even at extreme SPLs, the ATM350a is ready to capture your sound, whatever instrument you choose.
A Package Made To Meet Your Needs
The ATM350a is available in six different packages to meet your specific instrumental needs, whether that be woodwind, strings, brass, percussion, drums or Piano.
ATM350U Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Universal Clip-on Mounting System:
ATM350a microphone, AT8490 gooseneck, AT8491U universal mount, AT8543 power module, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
AT8491P AT8491D
ATM350UL Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Universal Clip-on Mounting System
ATM350a microphone, AT8490L gooseneck (long), AT8491U universal mount,
AT8543 power module, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
ATM350PL Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Magnetic Piano Mounting System
ATM350a microphone, AT8490L gooseneck (long), AT8491P piano mount,
AT8543 power module, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
ATM350W Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Woodwind Mounting System:
ATM350a microphone, AT8490 gooseneck, AT8491W woodwind mount, AT8543 power module, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
ATM350D Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Drum Mounting System:
ATM350a microphone, AT8490 gooseneck, AT8491D drum mount, AT8543 power module, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
ATM350UcW Wireless Cardioid Condenser Instrument Microphone w/ Universal Clip-On Mounting System: ATM350acW microphone, AT8490 gooseneck,
AT8491U universal mount, hard case, AT8468 velcro mount
Multiple New Accessories
The impressively rugged AT8491D drum mount gives greater robustness on the road and minimises both vibration and the chance of damage from misplaced stick hits.
AT8491U AT8491W
Audio-Technica Ltd, 5 Millennium Way, Leeds LS11 5AL
The all-new AT8491P magnetic piano mount, improved AT8491U universal clip-on mount and AT8491W flexible woodwind mounting strap bring even more secure mounting options - further extending the ATM350a’s usability and appeal as an essential recording or sound reinforcement tool.
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