III.c.4) HUW pump activation threshold
This option is used to set HUW pump activation temperature (it is the
temperature measured at the furnace sensor). The pump does not work below
the preset temperature, and above this temperature the pump is activated
and works till achieving the preset temperature.
III.c.5) Weekly regulator (weekly control of HUW pump)
This function is used for programming daily temperature changes of the
boiler. The set temperature deviations are in the range of +/-10 0C.
Operation of the weekly control is described in Chapter IV.c.16.
III.d) Circulation pump
This function is used to control the pump mixing hot water between the
furnace and the hot utility water receivers. The User, after activation of this
function, sets the daily cycle of activation or standstill of the pump with the
accuracy of 30 minutes.
To facilitate setting the daily cycle of operation and standstill of the
pump, there is a possibility to copy the selected time interval to further ones.
After setting the operation plan, it is required to set operation time and
standstill time of the pump, while the time interval selected before is active.
When necessary, it is possible to quickly remove earlier settings to facilitate
setting of new intervals.
III.e) Screen view
Using this function, homepage appearance may be changed between the
views of : basic valves, temperatures of furnace sensors, boiler temperatures
or parameters of one of the additional valves (only when the valves are
After choosing the Valve screen view (1 or 2) on the website, the
following temperatures will be displayed on the homepage: valve temperature
(preset and current value) and opening percentage.
Temp 1 or Temp 2 view selection causes the display of the parameters
of the chosen valve on the homepage: the preset and the current
temperatures, external and return temperatures.
HUW view selection causes the display of the temperatures of the boiler
on the homepage: the preset and the current, external temperature and the
furnace temperature.
Additionally, after installing the additional valves, the views with their
parameters are available: the parameters of the preset and the current
temperatures, external and return temperatures, and the opening percentage
(deviation) of the chosen valve.
Screen view selection menu may be entered by pressing EXIT button,
when the main screen view is active.
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