AVPro® 5002C
Dual SCART A/V Switch
The auxiliary port includes stereo audio outputs for a
SCART connector (Aux_Lout, Aux_Rout) and a
mono audio output (Aux_mono ). These outputs can
choose between the Lin/Rin input pins or the
TV_Lin/TV_Rin input pins. The audio inputs are
switched in concert with the associated video inputs
according to Bits 3-5 in Register 1.
Internal multiplexers allow the Aux_Lout and
Aux_Rout outputs to be configured into either stereo
or mono audio outputs. The two MSBs of Register 3
control the stereo/mono selection according to the
following table:
Bit 1 Bit 0 Aux_Lout
0 0 Lin Rin
0 1 Lin+Rin Lin+Rin
1 0 Lin Lin
1 1 Rin Rin
At power-up, these bits default to 00 putting the
device in the stereo mode.
The Aux_mono output is generated through an
internal summing node that combines the signals of
the Aux_Lout and Aux_Rout outputs. All three
auxiliary audio outputs can be muted by setting the
MSB in Register 0. This bit is set high (1) at powerup causing the outputs to be muted. Setting this bit
low (0) enables all auxiliary audio outputs.
The 5002C provides two programmable digital
outputs, DO_0 and DO_1. These pins are general
purpose outputs programmed by setting Bit 0 and 1
in Register 3. Setting the register bits to 0 puts these
outputs in the logic low state. Setting the register bits
to 1 puts the outputs in the logic high state. Internal
pull-up resistors (approximately 30k) are included on
these pins.
Internal functions of the device are monitored and
controlled by a standard inter-IC (I2C)bus. The serial
port operates in a slave mode only and can be
written to or read from. The device uses 7-bit
addressing, and does not support 10-bit addressing
mode. The write register data is sent sequentially,
such that if register 4 is to be programmed, then
register 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 need to be sent. If only
register 2 needs to be programmed, then only
register 0, 1 and 2 data needs to be sent. It will
support standard and fast bus speed. The default
address of the device is 1001000x.
The 5002C includes a read register in which the
upper four bits identify the specific chip within the
AVPro® family. This allows a single application
platform and software to work with a wide variety of
AVPro® chips. The ID code for the 5002C is 0001.
A data transfer starts when the SDATA pin is driven
from HIGH to LOW by the bus master while the
SCLK pin is HIGH. On the following eight clock
cycles, the device receives the data on the SDATA
pin and decodes that data to determine if a valid
address has been received. The first seven bits of
information are the address with the eighth bit
indicating whether the cycle is a read (bit is HIGH) or
a write (bit is LOW). If the address is valid for this
device, on the falling SCLK edge of the eighth bit of
data, the device will drive the SDATA pin low and
hold it LOW until the next rising edge of the SCLK
pin to acknowledge the address transfer. The device
will continue to transmit or receive data until the bus
master has issued a stop by driving the SDATA pin
from LOW to HIGH while the SCLK pin is held HIGH
Write Operation: When the read/write bit (LSB) is
LOW and a valid address is decoded, the device will
receive data from the SDATA pin. The device will
continue to latch data into the registers until a stop
condition is detected. The device generates an
acknowledge after each byte of data written.
Read Operation: When the read/write bit (LSB) is
HIGH and a valid address is decoded, the device will
transmit the data from the internal register on the
following eight SCLK cycles. Following the transfer
of the register data and the acknowledge from the
master, the device will release the data bus.
Reset: At power-up the serial port defaults to the
states indicated in boldface type. The device also
responds to the system level reset that is transmitted
through the serial port. When the master sends the
address 00000000 followed by the data 00000110,
the device resets to the default condition. The device
also generates an acknowledge.