TDK Veta iHA48040A033V Series Datasheet

' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Datasheet DC-DC Power Modules
Veta iHA48040A033V* Half Brick Series
48V Input, 3.3V/40A.Output
TDK Innoveta Inc
3320 Matrix Drive, Suite 100 Richardson, Texas 75082
Phone (877) 498-0099 Toll Free (469) 916-4747 Fax (877) 498-0143 Toll Free (214) 239-3101
Information furnished by TDK Innoveta is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, TDK Innoveta assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TDK Innoveta. TDK Innoveta components are not designed to be used in applications, such as life support systems, wherein failure or malfunction could result in injury or death. All sales are subject to TDK Innoveta’s Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are available upon request. Specifications are subject to change without notice. TDK logo is a trademark or registered trademark of TDK Corporation.
' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Platform Overview:
Veta iHA48 Series DC-DC Power Modules 48V Input, 1.2-28V/60A or 350W Output Half-Brick
The Veta iHA48 Series power modules operate over a wide 36 – 75Vdc input voltage range and provide one regulated dc output voltage that is electrically isolated from the input. Its high efficiency and superior thermal performance make the Veta Family of power modules ideally suited for power-hungry applications in demanding thermal environments. This rugged building block is designed to serve as the core of your high reliability system. A wide output voltage trim range and remote sensing are standard features enhancing versatility.
Standard Features:
Standard Half Brick footprint
High efficiency, 83-93.5%
Wide output trim voltage
Up to 60A of true usable current
Industry-leading output power:
up to 350W
Monotonic start-up
Monotonic start-up into a pre-
biased output
Basic insulation – 1500 Vdc
Constant switching frequency
Auto-recovery protection:
o Input under and over
o Current limit o Short circuit o Thermal limit
Latched output over voltage protection
High reliability open frame, surface-mount construction
Baseplate for improved thermal management
UL 60950 (US and Canada), VDE 0805, CB scheme (IEC950), CE Mark (EN60950)
Multiple patents pending
Optional Features:
Remote on/off (negative logic)
Auto-recovery output over
voltage protection
Short Thru-hole pins 2.79 mm (0.110”)
' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Ordering information:
i H A 48 060 A 033 V - 0 00
TDK Innoveta Half Brick
Package Size Platform
00 Positive No Latching Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.145” 01 Negative No Latching Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.145” 02 Positive Yes Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.145” 03 Negative Yes Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.145” 04 Positive No Latching Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.110” 05 Negative No Latching Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.110” 06 Positive Yes Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Yes 0.110” 07 Negative Yes Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery
OVP: Over Voltage Protection; OCP: Over Current Protection; OTP: Over Temperature Protection.
36-75V 60 Amps 033 – 3.3V Single
Output OVP Output OCP OTP
# of
Product Offering:
Code Input Voltage Output Voltage Output Current
iHA48060A012V-000 36V to 75V 1.2V 60A 72W 83% iHA48060A015V-000 36V to 75V 1.5V 60A 90W 86% iHA48060A018V-000 36V to 75V 1.8V 60A 108W 86.5% iHA48060A025V-000 36V to 75V 2.5V 60A 150W 89% iHA48060A033V-000 36V to 75V 3.3V 60A 198W 90% iHA48040A033V-000 36V to 75V 3.3V 40A 132W 90% iHA48060A050V-000 36V to 75V 5.0V 60A 300W 90% iHA48040A050V-000 36V to 75V 5.0V 40A 200W 91% iHA48025A120V-000 36V to 75V 12.0V 25A 300W 91.5% iHA48013A240V-000 36V to 75V 24.0V 12.5A 300W 91% iHA48011A280V-000 36V to 75V 28.0V 11A 308W 91% iHA48016A280V-000 40V to 60V 28.0V 16A 450W 93.5%
Maximum Output
TDK Innoveta Inc
3320 Matrix Drive, Suite 100 Richardson, Texas 75082
Phone (877) 498-0099 Toll Free (469) 916-4747 Fax (877) 498-0143 Toll Free (214) 239-3101
Feature Set
00 – Standard
' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Mechanical Specification:
Unless otherwise specified tolerances are: x.x ± 0.5 mm [x.xx ± 0.02 in.], x.xx +/- 0.25 mm [ +/- 0.010 in.]
Recommended Hole Pattern: (top view)
Pin Assignment:
1 Vin (+) 7 Trim 2 On/Off 8 Sense (+) 3 Case (Omit – optional) 9 Vout (+) 4 Vin (-) 5 Vout (-) 6 Sense (-)
' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
Stress in excess of Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.
Characteristic Min Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Continuous Input Voltage -0.5 80 Vdc Transient Input Voltage --- 100 Vdc 100mS max. Isolation Voltage --- 1500 Vdc
Storage Temperature -55 125 °C
Operating Temperature Range (Tc) -40 115* °C
Flatness 0.006 In.
Engineering estimate
Maximum base plate temperature. Measured at the location specified in the thermal measurement figure.
Bare component side of metal board shall be convex.
Common Input Characteristics:
Unless otherwise specified, specifications apply over all Rated Input Voltage, Resistive Load, and Temperature conditions.
Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Operating Input Voltage 36 48 75 Vdc Turn-on Voltage --- 34.6 36 Vdc Turn-off Voltage 30 32.7 --- Vdc Hysteresis 0.5 1.9 --- Vdc Input High Voltage Turn-off --- 79 80 Vdc Input High Voltage Turn-on 75 77 --- Vdc Hysteresis --- 2 --- Vdc
Startup Delay Time from application of input voltage --- 15 --- mS
Startup Delay Time from on/off --- 10 --- mS Inrush Transient --- --- 0.06 A2s
* Engineering estimate
Vo = 0 to 0.1*Vo,nom; on/off =on, Io=Io,max, Tc=25°C
Vo = 0 to 0.1*Vo,nom; Vin = Vi,nom, Io=Io,max,Tc=25°C
Electrical Data:
Input Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Maximum Input Current --- --- 4.5* A Vin = 0 to Vin,max, Io,max, Vo=Vo,nom Output Voltage Rise Time --- 20 --- mS Io=Io,max,Tc=25°C, Vo=0.1 to 0.9*Vo,nom
Input Reflected Ripple --- 8.7 --- mApp Input Ripple Rejection --- 58 --- dB @120Hz
* Engineering estimate
See input/output ripple measurement figure; BW = 20 MHz
' (877) 498
Data Sheet: Veta iHA48040A033V*, 3.3V/40A Output Half Brick Series
Electrical Data (continued):
Operating at Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Output Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
Output Voltage Initial Setpoint
Output Voltage Tolerance
Line Regulation --- 2 6* mV Vin=Vin,min to Vin,max Load Regulation --- 6 10* mV Io=Io,min to Io,max Temperature Regulation --- 10 30* mV Tc=Tc,min to Tc,max Output Current
Output Current Limiting Threshold
Short Circuit Current
3.25 3.3 3.35 Vdc Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max;
3.2 --- 3.4 Vdc Over all rated input voltage, load, and
--- 91.5 --- % Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max;
0 --- 40 A At loads less than 25% of Io,max the module
40.6 46 60 A Vo = 0.9*Vo,nom, Tc<Tc,max
--- 60 --- A Vo = 0.25V
--- 40 55 mVpp Output Ripple and Noise Voltage
--- 10
15 mVrms
temperature conditions to end of life
will continue to regulate the output voltage, but the output ripple may increase
Measured across one 47uF, one 1uF and one 0.1uF ceramic capacitors – see input/output ripple measurement figure; BW = 20MHz
Output Voltage Adjustment Range 50 --- 110 %Vo,nom Output Voltage Sense Range --- --- 10 %Vo,nom Dynamic Response:
Recovery Time Transient Voltage
Output Voltage Overshoot during startup --- 0 --- mV Io=Io,max Switching Frequency --- 300 --- kHz Fixed Output Over Voltage Protection --- 4.0 --- V All line, load, and temperature conditions External Load Capacitance 50 --- 60000** uF Isolation Capacitance --- 2000 --- pF All line, load, and temperature conditions Isolation Resistance 10 --- ---
Vref 1.225 V Required for trim calculation
* Engineering Estimate ** Contact TDK Innoveta for applications that require additional capacitance
Caution: The power modules are not internally fused. An external input line normal blow fuse with a maximum value of 10A is required, see the Safety Considerations section of the data sheet.
0.25 100
mS mV
di/dt = 0.1A/uS, Vin=Vin,nom; load step from 50% to 75% of Io,max.
For applications with large step load changes and/or high di/dt load changes, please contact TDK Innoveta for support.
All line, load, and temperature conditions
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