•Up to 600W of output power in high ambient
temperature with air flow
• Meets basic insulation requirements
• Single wire forced current sharing
• Start-up into pre-biased output bus
• User selectable on/off (either positive or
negative logic)
• Wide output voltage adjustment range
• Auto-recovery protections:
o Input under and over voltage
o Current limit
o Short circuit
o Thermal limit
• Latched output over-voltage protection
• Power good Indication
The Maxeta series power modules are ideally
suited for wireless applications to power
various RF power amplifiers. With a typical
90.5% full load efficiency, a power density
greater than 110W per cubic inch and a total
power and current output capability of 600W
and 21.4A respectively, the Maxeta Series
offers the highest efficiency, power density and
usable output power in a standard full brick
package currently available. A wide output
voltage trim range, -40% to +10%, remote
sensing, power good indication, isolated
remote on/off control and single wire active
current sharing are standard features
enhancing versatility. The Maxeta series
power modules are also suited for other
telecommunication applications.
Measured at the location specified in the thermal
measurement figure; maximum temperature varies with
output current and module orientation – see curve in the
thermal performance section of the data sheet.
Input Characteristics:
Unless otherwise specified, specifications apply over all Rated Input Voltage, Resistive Load, and Temperature conditions.
Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Notes & Conditions
When 36V ≤ Vin < 38V, the modules will
Operating Input Voltage 36 48 75 Vdc
Maximum Input Current --- 18 20* A Vin = 0 to Vin,max
Input Low End Turn-on Voltage --- 34.9 36 Vdc
Input Low End Turn-off Voltage 30* 32.3 36 Vdc
Hysteresis --- 2.5 --- Vdc
Input Over-voltage Turn-off Voltage --- 79.5 83* Vdc
Input High End Turn-on Voltage 75 78 --- Vdc
Startup Delay Time from application of input voltage --- 10 --- mS
Startup Delay Time from on/off --- 10 --- mS Vin = Vin,nom, Io=Io,max, Tc=25˚C
Output Voltage Rise Time --- 45 60* mS
Inrush Transient --- --- 1 A2 S
Input Reflected Ripple --- 8 20* mApp
Input Ripple Rejection --- 35 --- dB @120Hz
* Engineering Estimate
Caution: The power modules are not internally fused. An external input line fuse with a maximum value of 20A is required. See the Safety
Considerations section of the data sheet.
continue to operate, but the output
voltage regulation may be out of spec at
load > 90% of full load condition
Vo = 0 to 0.1*Vo,nom;on/off =on,
Io=Io,max, Tc=25˚C
Io=Io,max, Vo=0.1 to 0.9*Vo,nom,
Vin=Vin,nom, Io=Io,max (0 to 20MHz)
See input/output ripple measurement
figure; BW = 20 MHz
27.16 28.84 Vdc Over all rated input voltage, load, and
--- 90.5 --- % Vin=Vin,nom; Io=Io,max; Tc = 25˚C
3.75 --- 21.4 A At loads less than Io,min the module will
22* 24 26* A Vo = 0.9*Vo,nom, Tc<Tc,max, Tc = 25˚C
--- 0.5 --- A Vo = 0.25V, Tc = 25˚C
--- 135 250* mVpp
--- 20 50* mVrms
temperature conditions to end of life
continue to regulate the output voltage, but the
output ripple may increase
Vin=48V, Io≥Io,min, Tc = 25˚C, with a 0.1µF, a
10µF ceramic, and a 470µF low esr aluminum
capacitors located 2 inch away.
output ripple measurement figure; BW = 20MHz
Po≤Po,max, refer to “Output Voltage
Adjustment” figure for Vin,min requirement
di/dt = 0.1A/uS, Vin=Vin,nom; Tc = 25˚C, load
step from 50% to 75% of Io,max.
With at least a 10uF ceramic capacitor and a
470uF low esr aluminum or tantalum capacitor
across the output terminals.
Minimum ESR > 1mΩ
Max Aux pin current ≤ 20mA
Referenced to sense(-) pin.