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Crazybaby Inc., 175 South Main, Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84111 USA
© 2015 crazybaby Inc. All rights reserved. Crazybaby, the Crazybaby logo, and Mars by crazybaby
are trademarks of Crazybaby Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. 072 0501-A

Mars Craft
Mars Craft LED Indicator
Mars Craft Power Button
Mars Base
Levitation Indicator
Mars Base Power Indicator
Battery Level Indicator
(Charge Smart Device Only)
Mars Base Power Button
DC/IN: 12V/2.0A

Download Crazybaby App for more

How to Charge
Charge before you use Mars for the rst time.
Mars Craft Bottom View
Mars Base Top View
Charge Craft
Put Mars Craft on the Base with mid-point
in the Craft bottom matching the pivot
the Base.
*Craft will automatically land on the Base
when craft-battery is lower than 20%.
Charge Smart Device
USB Type-A/ MAX 1.2 A
Charge Base
*In landing position, Base will charging the
Craft when
-base-battery is over 20% or
-adaptor is plugged in.

How to Connect Single Mars
1.Power on Mars Craft.
2.Press and hold the button for about 2s.
Release when you see a light-bar lit up.
3.LED indicator ashes indicates bluetooth
searching is on.
4.Open crazybaby App and follow the
instructions to connect your smart device
via bluetooth.
5.LED indicator will spin when the connection
is done.
6.Enjoy your music or prepare levitation set up.