We hope yo u enjoy your RE ALISTI C Bluetooth A NC
Headphones with Acoustic Noise Cancellation (ANC) giving
you supe rb sound qu ality. Desi gned with c omforta ble and
conveni ent touch con trols on the ea r cup for music a nd calls,
it's co mpatible w ith most dev ices Bluet ooth. Pleas e read this
user's guide before using your headphones.
Package Contents
• Bluetooth Headphones
• USB Charging Cable
• 3.5mm Audio Cable
• Airline Adapter
• Carrying Case
• User’s Guide
Charging Time .............................................................approx. 2 hours
Play Time .......AN C on: up to 16 hours , ANC Off : up to 22 hours
Bluetooth Version ................................................................................4.0
Bluetooth Connection Range................................up to 33 f t (10m)
Frequency Response ............................... (sp eaker) 20 Hz – 20 KHz
................................................................................. (mic) 100Hz - 10 KHz
Impedance .................................................................................16 Oh ms
Sensitivity ...............................................................96 dB @ 1kHz 1mW
Speci ficati ons are subje ct to chang e and improvem ent
with out notice. A ctual prod uct may var y from the ima ges
found in this document.

Turn headphones
LED Indicator
Starts /disconnects
Bluetooth pairing
Turns ANC on /o
Audio Jack
Micro U SB
Charging Port
Touch Controls
Touch contro ls are located o n the right e ar cup and onl y works
in Bluetooth mode.
To... Swipe / Touch
Volume up/ down
and ho ld
to adju st
Play/Pause music x 1
Previ ous/ne xt
Answer/ end call ×1
Rejec t an incoming call
hold 2