TCL communication equipment (huizhou) co.,ltd TCL-USB (8)user’s manual
Thanks for your usage of TCL-USB (8) network telephone. This manual offers
you with detailed installation information, which is convenient for your
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Chapter One- Brief introduction of TCL-USB (8)
TCL-USB (8) is a high capability network phone with USB port and lattice LCD.
It supports multi-language display, such as Chinese, English, and Spanish etc.
It also support incoming and outgoing calls display function, redial and call
back functions. It can be operated with IM software, such as SKPYE, MSN,
and QQ, etc.
1.1. Product’s specification
※ Expediently dial PC-to-PC and PC-to-Phone;
※ Simple installation, friendly interface, convenient operation
※ Complies with the criterion of USB1.1 and 2.0 interface, supports plug and play, no need of
external power source
※ Supports lattice LCD screen display
Echo cancellation and noise suppressor technology
※ Support incoming and outgoing calls display function; support
to overview the contact
list and dial out functions
※ Displays the online status of the contact persons
Email: User’s manual V1.0