TCL M66 SM Schematic

Alignment Procedure
1.1 Common Information
1.1.1 Use isolating transformer with low internal resistance.
1.1.2 Mains voltage is 90-260
1.1.3 All voltages and waveforms mentioned are with respect to Ground. Do not use heat-sink as Ground.
1.2.1 Certain alignment procedures need to enter Factory Mode (Service Menu). There
are two ways to access factory mode:
One is : A. Press and hold the VOLUME DOWN key tightly on the unit until minimum level B. Don’t release the VOLUME DOWN key on the unit C. Then press the CAPS key in 3 times on the RC The other is: Press “D-mode
shortcut key if “bit-0” of “mode 1” is at “0”.)
1.2.2 All system data in Factory Mode of “Key 8 & Key 9”
otherwise, the set will work abnormally.
1.2.3 It is suggested to disable the D-Mode key before the set leave the factory.
- Press “Pro+” “Pro -”
- Press “Vol+ ” “Vol-”
- Press “0” “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” “6” “7” “8” “9” to access factory menu.; All change in factory data will be saved in EEPROM automatically
- Press “BUS OPEN” other ICs. This is only valid during automatic adjustment of white balance.
“ Key on the factory RC. (Please noted the “D-mode” key is the invalid
V AC, unless otherwise stated.
are not adjustable when servicing,
key to select option;
key to adjust or select option.
on the RC as the shortcut key
key on factory RC to cut off the I2C control from the CPU to
1.3 A few special modes:
1.3.1 Aging Mode is used before set alignment. It would operate in factory mode;
1.3.2 Vertical Stop mode factory mode and repress “ mute” key to exit.
1.3.3 White balance alignment mode
1.3.4 Factory Mode (Initialization)
In factory mode, press RECALL button to initialize the FACTORY-OUT status.
is used to confirm the accelerating voltage. Press “Mute” key in
Volume: 30, PG password:0000, Favorite channel: ch1/ch2/ch3, channel lock: disable, Picture mode: normal, Color temp: normal, calendar:01-08-2004
2. Alignment procedure:
2.1 B+ voltage adjustment
2.1.1 Apply 110-240V AC (+5V) to mains power input, and Philips standard testing pattern to RF input.
2.1.2 Adjust VR801 in STANDARD mode until voltage at TP2(B+) is 107V+
Alignment Procedure
2.2 RF AGC adjustment
2.2.1 Input 58dB grey scale signal.
2.2.2 Press key “4” to enter RF AGC adjustment.
2.2.3 Press “OK” key to auto adjust RF AGC, also can adjust “RF AGC” key until the
letter change from “INACTIVE” to ”ACTIVE”.
* The others use default value.
2.3 Crystal oscillator frequency adjustment
2.3.1 Crystal oscillator frequency adjustment with NICAM
a. Input audio signal with NICAM. b. Enter factory mode, press “game” key , then press “V+” key to adjust “DCXO
Auto”, until it displays “OKEY”.
2.3.2 Crystal oscillator frequency adjustment without NICAM
a. Input PAL color bar signal.
b. On factory mode, press “0” to adjust “DCXO Auto” until it steady at 128.
2.4 Screen & Focus voltage adjustment
2.4.1 Screen voltage adjustment
a. Input any signal. b. Press “MUTE” key on the remote control and the screen will become a
horizontal line, here horizon stop vibration. Then adjust the “screen” VR on the flyback until the horizontal line can just be seen (minimum visible intensity).
2.4.2 Focus voltage adjustment
a. Input cross hatch pattern signal. b. Adjust the “focus” VR on the flyback until the screen becomes clear.
2.5 White balance adjustment (NORMAL)
2.5.1 Choose Black and White pattern signal (PAL).
2.5.2 On factory mode, press “1” key enter white balance adjustment.
2.5.3 Measure the dark side of the picture with a color analyzer adjust RED and GRN until the data on the analyzer become x=274+
2.5.4 Measure the bright side of the picture. Then adjust WPR, WPG and WPB until
the data on the analyzer become x=274+
2.5.5 Repeat step 1 and 2 until you get right color on both dark and bright side of the
1. When adjusting, REDGRN are used to adjust black balance and WPR WPBWPG are used to adjust white balance .
2. On product line, the item which can be auto adjusted by auto test equipment , its data according to auto adjust value.
3. White balance address please meet the fourth part in page 12.
8, y=280+8.
8, y=280+8.
2.6 Adjustment of Sub-brightness
2.6.1 Input grey scale + color bar signal.
2.6.2 Press key “6” enter sub-brightness adjustment.
2.6.3 At standard state, adjust “BRTC” parameter , until the secondary grey just be seen.
* Do not change value “BRTS”.
Alignment Procedure
2.7Picture geometric adjustment
2.7.1 Vertical geometric adjustment
a. Input a PAL cross hatch pattern signal . b. Press key “2” enter Vertical geometric adjustment . c. Use remote control to adjust one by one , watch the figure, until the center or the
corner grid has the same size . d. When adjust vertical position , make the center of vertical intermediately. e. In “5VSL”, the second half may blanking , adjust the first half at display range.
Remark: 1 5VSC , 31 is fixed, don’t adjust . 2 5VPOS for vertical position. 3 5VAM for vertical amplitude. 4 5VSL for vertical slope. 5 5VL for vertical linearity. 6 5SCL for vertical S-correction. 7 5WBR for vertical start of blanking time on 4:3 mode (16:9 tube).
8 5WBF for vertical end of blanking time on 4:3 mode (16:9 tube).
9 5BSWBR for right side black width of blue screen .
10 5BSWBF for left side black width of blue screen.
* 5WBF/5WBR only use on matching 16:9 tube, at 4:3 picture mode, adjust
blanking time of R and F. First press “ZOOM” key switch to 4:3 mode, then adjust 5WBF and 5WBR respective to make the overscan meet the requirements.
*Adjustment is disabled when match 4:3 tube. * 5BSWBR and 5BSWBF needn’t adjustment.
2.7.2 Horizontal geometry adjustment a. Input a PAL cross hatch pattern with black and white background signal. b. Press key “3” enter Horizontal geometric adjustment. c. Use remote control to adjust one by o ne , watch the figure, until the center a nd the
vertical line at left and right side of the picture become straight.
1. Adjust 5HSH for horizontal position, data should make H center mediacy .
2. 5PAR for parallelogram adjustment.
3. 5BOW for bow adjustment.
4. Adjust 5EWW for horizontal width.
5. 5EWP for pincushion correction.
6. 5UCR for upper corner correction.
7. 5LCR for low corner correction.
8. 5EWT for trapezia correction.
2.8 EHT/HEW ratio test:(test with PC program)
Equipment requirements : High Voltage Meter (Range: 0 - 40kV)High voltage test
stick (1000:1)Adjustable DC power supplyDummy deflexion coil(as same inductance as CRT which use to product).
Test method
a. Mount the EHT cap on to the fixture and connect the EHT meter. Plug in the
dummy deflection coil. Connect the DC meter across C431.
b. Switch on the chassis and measure the ratio of EHT/HEW at I
= 0 ( brightness
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