TCI HGA User Manual

Active Harmonic Filter

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual

TCI, LLC W132 N10611 Grant Drive Germantown, Wisconsin 53022
Web Site: http://www.transcoi l. c om
© 2014
No part of this publication may be re produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TCI, LLC. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. TCI, LLC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in thi s p ub lic a tion.

T able of Contents

Section 1
HGA Quick Start Unit Software Setup.......................................................... 6
Section 2
Safety Instructions ...................................................................................... 11
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Warnings and Caution s ....................................................................................................................... 11
General Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................ 12
General Terminology ................................................................................... 13
Section 3
Introduction .................................................................................................. 14
Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................... 14
Additional Information ....................................................................................................................... 14
Installation Checklist ........................................................................................................................... 14
Receiving Inspection and Storage ............................................................. 15
Receiving Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 15
TCI Limited Warranty Policy ............................................................................................................ 15
Storage Instructions ............................................................................................................................. 15
Product Description .................................................................................... 16
Nameplate Data .................................................................................................................................... 18
Part Number Encoding ....................................................................................................................... 19
Section 4
Pre-installation Planning ............................................................................. 26
Verify the Application ......................................................................................................................... 26
Select a Suitable Location ................................................................................................................... 26
Mounting an Open Chassis Unit ......................................................................................................... 26
Cooling Diagrams ................................................................................................................................ 26
Installation Guidelines ................................................................................ 29
Mounting .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Wiring ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Current Transformer Installation ...................................................................................................... 31
HGA Filter Operation ......................................................................................................................... 45
Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Start Up (Commissioning) ................................................................................................................... 45
General Operation ............................................................................................................................... 45
Section 5
Maintenance and Service ............................................................................ 46
HGA Reliability and Serv ic e Lif e ....................................................................................................... 46
Periodic Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 51
Section 6
HMI Introduction .......................................................................................... 67
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 67
Additional Information ....................................................................................................................... 68
Receiving Inspection ............................................................................................................................ 68
Installation Guidelines ................................................................................ 69
Checklist ............................................................................................................................................... 69
Location ................................................................................................................................................ 69
Mounting .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Wiring ................................................................................................................................................... 70
Section 7
Operation ...................................................................................................... 74
HMI Screen Elements .......................................................................................................................... 75
Initialization ......................................................................................................................................... 76
HMI Screens ......................................................................................................................................... 76
Network Interface ................................................................................................................................ 94
Section 8
Maintenance ................................................................................................. 96
Clock Battery Replacement ................................................................................................................ 97
Software Field Upgrades ..................................................................................................................... 97
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 97
HGA Filter Fault .................................................................................................................................. 98
Interface Module Problem .................................................................................................................. 98
Troubleshooting Notes ......................................................................................................................... 99
Troubleshooting Flow Chart ............................................................................................................... 99
Section 9
Appendix – Installation Diagram ................................................................ 99
Appendix – Part Numbering ..................................................................... 101
Appendix – Ethernet/IP Gateway Option ................................................. 101
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 101
Wiring ................................................................................................................................................. 101
Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 102
Register Map ...................................................................................................................................... 103
Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 103
Section 1

HGA Quick Start Unit Software Setup

Be sure to read, understand, and follow all safety instructions.
Only qualified electricians should carry out all electrical installation and maintenance work on the HarmonicGuard Active (HGA) filter.
All wiring must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and/or any other codes that apply to the installation site.
Disconnect all power before working on the equipment. Do not attempt any work on a powered HGA filter.
The HGA filter, drive, motor, and other connected equipment must be properly grounded.
The HGA filter may receive power from two or more sources. Three-phase power is connected to the main input terminals of the HGA filter. All of these sources of power must be disconnected before working on the HGA filter.
After switching off the power, always allow 5 minutes for the capacitors in the HGA filter and in the drive to di s charge before working on the HGA filter, the drive, the motor, or the connecting wiring. It is good practice to check with a voltmeter to make sure that all sources of power have been disconnected and that all capacitors have discharged before beginning work.
Select language setting from the language setup
1) Verify unit external connections
Phase A, B, C power connection,
with positive A-B-C phase rotation expected
CT H1 Terminal is pointing toward the source
CT feedback on phases A & C to TB-1
Leave CT shorting bars in place o n TB-1
With the HGA circuit breaker open,
energize the source to the HGA
Close the HGA circuit breaker
Fans and HMI should come on in < 5 seconds
HMI will start on Home screen
Load(s) have an integral 5% line reactance or
equivalent dc bus choke
Hazardous voltages are present when unit is ener gi zed
NOTE: Language Selection
The active filter supports several languages
including English, French and S panish
Press “Setup” to navigate to Setup screen and
press the “Language Setup” button.
pop-up screen.
2) Converter check - 1
Press “Setup” to navigate to Setup screen
Ensure that “Auto Start En,” “Harmonic
Correct En,” and “PWR Fact Correct En” buttons are off (blue color)
If they are ON (green) press them to toggle to OFF
Press “Save Settings”
Press “Status” to navigate to Status screen
Press “Home” to navigate to Home screen
NOTE: Built In Sensor Wiring Error De tection
The active filter has an automatic sensor wiring
error detection algorithm built in to the controls.
If a sensor wiring error is detected please reference
the Sensor Error Auto Detection sectio n on page
3) Home screen check
Compare “Freq” to expected line frequency
Compare “Supply Voltage” to expected
line voltage
“Current” expected to be zero because unit is not
running and CT inputs ar e shorted
If status indicates a Fault, press “Stop” button to
reset condition
4) Status screen check
Press “Status” to navigate to Status screen
Compare “Volts” to expected line voltage
Compare “Freq” to expected line frequency
“Current” expected to be zero if unit is not running
and CT inputs are shorted
5) Phase rotation check
Press “Phase to Neutral Voltage Plot”
Check that the current p eaks follow the follo wing
sequence from left to right: Phase A (green), Phase B (blue), Phase C (red)
Equipment is phase rotation sensit ive, if phase
rotation is incorrect, power down unit and rewire to adjust pha s e rotation by swapping two inco ming phase connections
Improper operation will occur when input voltage phase rotation is incorrec t.
6) Converter check - 2
Press “Setup” to navigate to Setup screen
Ensure that “Auto Start En,” “Harmonic
Correct En,” and “PWR Fact Correct En” buttons are off (blue color)
Press “Status” to navigate to Status screen
Press “Run” to start unit operation
from CTs connected to TB-1
7) Remove CT shorting bars
Press “Stop” to turn off unit
Disconnect power from cabinet
o Turn off the built in door breaker A ND o Turn off the upstream feeder breaker
Lethal voltages may be present. Wait 5 minutes for DC bus voltage to drop to safe levels.
Check for vol t age in cabinet with a DMM before working inside cabinet.
Open the cabinet door and remove shorting bars
8) Current polarity - 1
Power up unit
From Home screen press “Run” to turn on unit
Press “Status” to navigate to Status screen
Select “Vline/Iline” screen
Note: Lightly loaded conditions (less than 20% CT
rating) wil l not have enough current to show up on Iline plot
Check that Phase A to Neutral voltage peak lines
up with Phas e A current (use zoom if necessary)
Check that Phase C to Neutral voltage peak lines
up with Phas e C current
Power system down and check CT inst allation
location and orientation if Phase A plots differ significantly from Phase C plots
Improper operation and damage may occur if CTs are installed incor r e c tly.
9) Current Polarity – 2
Navigate to Status screen
Navigate to Line/Load status
Verify that “Volts,” “Current,” “Power,” “I THD,"
and “V THD” match expected values for the power system
If they do not, verify CTs are corr e c tly insta lle d
Improper operation and damage may occur if CTs are installed incor r e c tly.
Let the unit come on automatically (about 30 s)
10) Final setup
Press “Setup” to navigate to Setup screen
Press “Harmonic Correct En” to enable
harmonic correction
If unit is sized with sufficient cap a c ity to provide
power factor correction, press “PF Correct En”
Press “Auto Start En” to enable Autostart
When Auto Start is enable d unit may operate without operator input.
Press “Save Settings” to save settings
and restart converter
11) Final check
Navigate to Status screen
Navigate to Line/Load status
Note the corrected voltage, current, power
and THD
Section 2

Safety Instructions


This section provides the safety instructions which must b e followed when installing, oper ating, and servicing t he HarmonicGuard Active (HGA) filter. If negle cted, phys ical injur y or death ma y follow, or damage may occur to the HGA filter or equipment connected to the HGA filter. The material in this chapter must be read and understood before attempting any work on or with the product.
The HGA filter is intended to be connected to the bus or power cables where one or more loads are connected. Three-phase power is connected to the input terminals of the unit and corrective current is supplied to the system through the HGA filter in respo nse to the i nput signal being received from the CTs connect ed to the moni tored bus. T he instructio ns, and pa rticularly t he safety ins tructions, fo r the drives, motors, and any other related equipment must be read, understood, and followed when working on any of the equipment.

Warnings and Cautions

This manual provides two types of safety instructions. Warnings are used to call attention to instructions, which describe steps, which must be taken to avoid conditions, which can lead to a serious fault condition, physical injury, or death.
Cautions are used to call attention to instructions that describe steps that must be taken to avoid conditions that can lead to a malfunction and possible equipment damage.


Readers are informed of situations that can result in serious physical injury and/or serious damage to equipment wit h war ni n g stat e men t s mar ked wit h the fo ll o wi ng s ymb o ls:
Dangerous Voltage Wa rning: warns of situations in whic h a high voltage can cause physical injury and/or damage equipment. The text ne xt to this symbol describes ways to avoid the danger.
General Warning: warns of situations that can cause physical injury and/ or damage equipment by means othe r than electrical. The text next to this symbol describes ways to avoid the danger.
Many electronic components located within the filter are sensitive to static electricity. Voltages imperceptible to human touch can reduce the life, and affect performance, or completely destroy sensitive electronic devices. Use proper electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedur es when servic ing the filter and its circuit boards.


Readers are informed of situations that can lead to a malfunction and possible equipment damage with caution statements:
General Caution: Identifies situations that can lead to a malfunction and possible equipment damage. The text describes ways to avo id the situation.

General S afety Ins truct ions

These safety instructions are intended for all work on the HGA filter. Additional safety instructions are provided at appropriate points on other sections of this manual.
Be sure to read, understand, and follow all safety instructions.
Only qualified electricians should carry out all electrical installation and maintenance work on the HGA filter.
All wiring must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and/or any other codes that apply to the installation site.
Disconnect all power before working on the equipment. Do not attempt any work on a powered HGA filter.
The HGA filter drive, motor, and other connected equipment must be properly grounded.
The HGA filter may receive power from two or more sources. Three-phase power is connected to the main input terminals of the HGA filter. All of these sources of power must be disconnected before working on the HGA filter.
After switching off the power, always allow 5 minutes for the capacitors in the HGA filter and in the drive to di s charge before working on the HGA filter, the drive, the motor, or the connecting wiring. It is good practice to check with a voltmeter to make sure that all sources of power have been disconnected and that all capacitors have discharged before begin ni ng wor k.

General T erminology

Throughou t this manual, many d ifferent terms are used. A list of so me typical terms ca n be found below. These are provided in order to assist with the overall understanding of the manual. Please feel free to contact TCI directly if there are any questions regarding any portion of this manual.
HarmonicGuard Active Filter - TCI’s brand name for a real ti me filter that mitigates harmonic s while also maintaining near unity power factor. An Active Har monic Filter is any piece of equipment that actively moni to rs and chan ges the incoming AC line current.
HGA – The term commonly used in place of the entire brand name of HarmonicGuard Active filter. Active Harmonic Filter - An active harmonic filter is a piece of equipment that reads the incoming
voltage and curre nt and i nje cts curr ent wavefor ms tha t canc el di storti on. T his ter m is co mmonl y used in place of the entire brand name of HarmonicGuard Active filter.
Bus-Applied Filter – A shunt device connected in parallel to the load. This is an active filter designed to mitigate the harmonics associa ted with multiple load s. The filter is dir ectly co nnected to a main bus as can be found in a typical Motor Control Center. The filter is sized for the amount of corrective current needed to be injected to cancel the offending harmonics. A Digital Signal Processor (DSP) pulse width modulated controller is used for switching Insulated Gate Bip olar Transistor (IGBT) in order to cancel the harmonic s .
Power Converter - The power converter is the digital filter module of the HarmonicGuard Active filter. Non-Linear Load Input Line Inductor – The three phase line reactor connected at the input of an
adjustable frequency drive or other non-linear load. Converter Inductor – The three phase inductor maintains a unifor m air gap to give high ly consistent
and predictable inductance. These inductors are connected to the inverter which buffers the inverter output from the analog portion o f the filter , the source, and connected drives.
Current Transfor mer (CT) – The device that monitors t he incoming AC curre nt waveform typicall y sized to handle the total connected load.

Section 3

Thank you fo r selecting TCI’s HarmonicGuard Active filter. TCI has produced this filter for use in variable speed drive and non-linear load applications that require input power line harmonic current reduction and power factor correction. This manual describes how to install, operate, and maintain the HarmonicGuard Active filter.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for use by all personnel responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the HarmonicGuard Active filter . Such personnel are expected to have knowledge of electrical wiring practices, electronic components, and electrical schematic symbols.

Additiona l Infor mation

This manual pro vid es gene ra l i nfo r mati o n desc ri b i ng yo ur H GA filter. Be sure to carefully review the more specific information that is provided by the drawings shipped with the unit. Information provided by the drawings takes precedence over the information provided in this manual.
The ratings, dimensions, and weights given in this manual are approximate and s hould not be used for any purpose requiring exact data. Contact the factory in situations where certified data is required. All data is subject to change without notice.

Installation Checklist

The following are the key points to be followed for a successful installation. These points are explained in detail in the following sections of this manual.
Make sure that the installation location will not be exposed to direct sunlight, excessive vibration, corrosive or combus tible airborne contaminants, excessive d ir t, or liquids.
Select a mounting area that will allow adequate cooling air and maintenance access.
Make sure that all wiring conforms to the requirements of the National Electric Code (NEC) and/or other applicable electrical codes.
Connect the HGA filter equipment-grounding lug to the system ground of t he premises wiring system. Use a properly sized grounding conductor.
Connect three-phase power to the input terminals o f the HGA filter, L1, L2, & L3.
Ensure that the CTs are properly installed and connected to the proper terminals inside the HGA filter (see CT Installation section of IOM Manual).
Check ever ything thor oughly before appl yi ng power to t he equipment.
Check the panel and the inside of the enclosure for any foreign objects, dirt, or loose hardware.

Receivi ng Inspection and Storage

Receiving Inspection

The HarmonicGuard Active filter ha s been thoro ughly i nspecte d and fu nctiona lly te sted at the fac tory and carefully packaged for shipment. When you receive the unit, you should immediately inspect the shipping container and report any damage to the carrier that delivered the unit. Verify that the part number of the unit you received is the same as the part number listed on your purchase order.

TCI Limited Warranty Policy

TCI, LLC (“TCI”) warrants to the original purchaser only that its products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period originating on the date of shipment from TCI and expiring after one (1) year of useful service, not to exceed eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment.
The foregoing limited warranty is TCI’s sole warranty with respect to its products and TCI makes no other warranty, representation or promise as to the quality or performance of TCI’s products. THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
This warranty shall not apply if the product wa s : a) Altered or repaired by anyone other than TCI; b) Applied or used for situations other than those originally specified; or c) Subjected to negligence, accident, or damage by circumstances beyond TCI’s control,
including but not limited to, imprope r storage, installation, operation or maintenance.
If, within the warranty period, any product shall be found in TCI’s reasonable judgment to be defective, TCI’s liability and the Buyer’s exclusive remedy under this warranty is expressly limited, at TCI’s option, to (i) repair or replacement of that product, or (ii) return of the product and refund of the purchase price. Such remedy shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy. TCI SHALL NOT, IN ANY EVENT, BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF TIME, LOST SALES, INJURY TO PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIABILITY BUYER INCURS WIT H RESPECT TO ANY OTHER PERSON, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT OR FOR ANY OTHER TYPE OR FORM OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE OR ECONOMIC LOSS.
The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for removal, transportation, reinstallation, or any other expenses that may be incurred in connection with the repair or replacement of the TCI product.
The employees and sales agents of TCI are not authorized to make additional warranties about TCI’s products. TCI’s employees and sales agents oral statements do not c onstitute warranties, shall not be relied upon by the Buyer and are not part of any contract for sale. All warranties of TCI embodied in this writing and no other warranties are given beyond those set fo rth herein.
TCI will not accept the return of any prod uct without its prior written approval. Please co nsult TCI Customer Service for instructions on the Return Authorization Procedure.

Storage Instructions

If the HarmonicGuar d Active filter is to be stored before use , be sure that it is stored in a location that conforms to published s torage h umidity a nd temperat ure sp ecificatio ns stated in this manual. Sto re the unit in its original pac kaging.

Long-Term Storage

In the case of long-term storage, defined as any period greater than eighteen (18) months, TCI Technical Support must be contacted prior to applying power.

Product Descript ion

HarmonicGuard Active filter
The HarmonicGuard Active filter is an active harmonic filter designed and developed by TCI to relieve the power distribution system o f the issues associated with harmonic currents that flow within the power distribution network caused by non-linear loads. The typical configuration can be found in Figure 3.1.
The topology of the bus-applied (three phase, three wire) HGA consists of major components or modules:
Component 1 is mad e up of two current transformers (CTs) installed on phases A and C of the AC bus that is to be acted upon by the filter. The purpose of the CTs are to supply information to the HGA regarding t he integrity of the composite AC bus c urrent with rega rd to the distor tion (non-sinusoidal waveform) and displacement power factor relative to the AC bus voltage. These signals will result in the HGA inje cting currents th at will return the AC line current to near sinusoidal s hape and at unit y power factor. Note that the CTs are located outside the HGA enclosure.
Component 2 is the HGA input circuit breaker (optional) . This is provided to protect the HGA for destructi ve ove r cur rent c ond itio ns if a malfu nctio n oc curs withi n the HGA circ uitry. It also p rovides a convenient disconnect means and field wiring point for the installer of the filter equipment.
Components 3 and 4 are the high freq uency co nverter i nductors . These i nductors provid e the prop er inductance to the power converter.
Component 5 is the power electronic converter module. The Power converter module (PCM) is the heart of the HarmonicGuard Active filter and is what differentiates the HGA from other types of harmonic mitigation. The PCM provides several highly complex electronic functions controlled by the on board DSP controller. The PCM continuously senses the AC bus line voltage and currents, processes the information at “nearly real time” by means of the instructions resident within the DSP program code, properly controls the six IGBT’s to operate in a safe manner that injects current into the AC bus grid that ensures the AC bus current is sinusoidal and near unity power factor. Power converter contains a pre-charge circuit which consists of two SCRS and two pre-charging resistances which control the inrush current.
Filter Configuration
Figure 3.1 – Typi cal Configur ation of the HarmonicGuard Active filter
*This drawing is for gene ral reference only. Us e the drawings supplied with the unit for inst allation.

Nameplate Data

Figure 3.2 shows a typical HarmonicGuard Active filter nameplate. The following information is marked on the nameplate:
Part number : encoding is explaine d on the following page Corrective Current: The maximum amount of RMS Corrective Current the unit can deliver. System Voltage: the rated 3-phase line voltage (RMS volts) Hz: the rated frequency (60 Hz) Phase: 3, 3 Wire – The HGA is designed for use with only 3 wire systems with balanced 3-
phase voltage sour ce. Drawing #: outline and mounting dimension drawing number Schematic #: schematic diagra m drawing number Serial #: fo r unit tracking purposes Enclosure Type: Open, UL Type 1, UL Type 3R

Figure 3.2 – Typical HarmonicGuar d Ac tive filter Nameplate

ALC 100 A 01
H 00
Current Rating
Voltage Rating
A= 480
Filter Enclosure
00 = Open Chassis
01 = UL Type 1
Package Option
Circuit Breaker
H = Interface Module
10=ABB 22kA
0=ABB 100kA 30=A-B 25kA 40=A-B 65kA 60=Eaton 65kA 7
0=Eaton 100kA 80=Square D 18kA 90=Square D 65kA 00=No breaker 01=ABB 65kA
Reserved for custom options to be defined as needed, each position can use 0 thru 9. Default option is 00.
50, 100, 200

Part Number Encoding

Figure 3.3 identifies the significance of each character in the HarmonicGuard Active filter part number. An example of a completed part number would be ALC100A01H2000. This designates an enclosed HarmonicGuard Active filter that i s rated for 100 amps, 480 volts, and has an HMI Interface Module Package.

HGA Part Numbering System – 480V Open and T ype 1

Temperature: 40° C Current: 50, 100, 200 Voltage: 480 Enclosure: Open Chass is or UL Type 1

Figure 3.3 – Harmoni cGuard A ctive filte r par t number encoding

Figure 3.4 identifies the significance of each character in the HarmonicGuard Active filter part number. An example of a completed part number would be H5100A03H4000. This designates an enclosed HarmonicGuard Active filter that is rated for 100 amps, 480 volts, and has an HMI Interface Module Package.

HGA Part Numbering System – 480V 3R

Temperature: 40° C Current: 50, 100, 200, 300 Voltage: 480 Enclosure: UL Type 3R

Figure 3.4 – Harmoni cGuard A ctive filte r Part number Encoding

Figure 3.5 identifies the significance of each character in the HarmonicGuard Active filter part number. An example of a completed part number would be H5300A00H1000. This designates an enclosed HarmonicGuard Active filter that i s rated for 300 amps, 480 volts, and has an HMI Interface Module Package.

HGA Part Numbering System – 480V 300A

Temperature: 40° C Current: 300 Voltage: 480 Enclosure: U L Type 1 or UL Type 3R

Figure 3.5 – Harmoni cGuard A ctive filte r Part number Encoding

Figure 3.6 identifies the significance of each character in the HarmonicGuard Active filter part number. An example of a completed part number would be H5039C033H0100. This desig nates an enclosed Har monicGuard Active filter that is rated for 39 amps, 600 volts, and has an H MI Interface Module Package.

HGA Part Numbering System – 600V

Temperature: 40° C Current: 39, 78 Voltage: 600 Enclosure: Open Chassis, UL Type 1 or UL Type 3R

Figure 3.6 – Harmoni cGua rd Active Part number Encoding

Figure 3.7 identifies the significance of each character in the HarmonicGuard Active filter part number. An example of a completed part number would be ALC45A01H10. This designates an enclosed HarmonicGuard Active filter that is rated for 45 amps, 480 volts, and has an HMI Interface Module Package.
HGA Part Numbering System – 480V Open & Type 1 (50° C)

Temperature: 50° C Current: 45, 90 Voltage: 480 Enclosure: Open Chass is or UL Type 1

Figure 3.7 – Harmoni cGuard A ctive filte r Part number Encoding

39, 45, 50, 78, 90, 100,
200, 300
Voltage rating of 480V
Voltage rating of 600V
Modbus RTU over RS485
Dimensions Inch (cm)
167 (75.8)
56 (142.2)
17 (43.2)
14.18 (36.6)
45 & 50
167 (75.8)
56 (142.2)
17 (43.2)
14.18 (36.6)
167 (75.8)
56 (142.2)
17 (43.2)
14.18 (36.6)
90 & 100
167 (75.8)
56 (142.2)
17 (43.2)
14.18 (36.6)
340 (154.22)
57.97 (147.25)
32 (81.28)
14.18 (36.6)
Dimensions Inch (cm)
254 (115.2)
60.15 (152.8)
17.57 (44.5)
*16.4 (41.7)
254 (115.2)
60.15 (152.8)
17.57 (44.5)
*16.4 (41.7)
254 (115.2)
60.15 (152.8)
17.57 (44.5)
*16.4 (41.7)
254 (115.2)
60.15 (152.8)
17.57 (44.5)
*16.4 (41.7)
480 (217.72)
64.17 (163)
32.62 (82.86)
*17.2 (43.7)
1042.4 (472.9)
84.20 (213.9)
63.3 (160.8)
*23.9 (60.7)
*Add Two Inches for Disconnect/Circuit Breaker Handle,
Communications Part Numbering
Table 3.1 bel ow shows the HGA part numbering with the communications part numbers. The base
communications unit is CM100A00 which has both the HMI and Modbus.
Table 3.1 – Communcation Part Numbering
Options Descriptions
Amp rating
A, C
00, 01

Standard Product Ratings and Dimension Tables

The following tables list the ratings and dimensions of the standard HarmonicGuard Active filter models. See drawing at the end of this manual.
Table 3.2 – Open Chassis
Table 3.3 – UL Type 1 Enclosed
Table 3.4 – UL Type 3R Enclosed
Table 3.5 – 600V Open and Type 3R
Table 3.2 – Open Chassis
Heat Loss
Weight lbs.
H x W x D
Table 3.3 – UL Type 1 Enclosed
Heat Loss
Weight lbs.
H x W x D
Dimensions Inch (cm)
Consult Factory
371 (168.3)
80.00 (203.2)
32.00 (81.3)
25.00 (63.5)
Consult Factory
371 (168.3)
80.00 (203.2)
32.00 (81.3)
25.00 (63.5)
1040 (472)
80.00 (203.2)
57.00 (144.78)
25.00 (63.5)
Consult Factory
Heat Loss
lbs. (kg)
Dimensions Inch (cm)
H x W x D
180 (81.7)
16.00 (40.7)
19.50 (49.6)
12.20 (31)
180 (81.7)
16.00 (40.7)
19.50 (49.6)
12.20 (31)
270 (122.5)
24.90 (63.3)
24.40 (62)
20.80 (52.9)
270 (122.5)
24.90 (63.3)
24.40 (62)
20.80 (52.9)
Table 3.4 – UL Type 3R Enclosed
Weight lbs.
H x W x D
Table 3.5 – Transformer for 600V units – Open and Type 3 R
Amps Encl.

Table 3.6 – HarmonicGuard Ac tive filter Technical Specifications

Voltage ratings 480V, 3 phase, 60 Hz, three wire systems
Phase Sequence Positive phase rotation: A-B-C (or L1-L2-L3)
Load types
Current ratings See Ratings in Standard Product Rating and Dimensi ons tables.
Maximum elevation
Maximum Amb ient
operating temperature
Minimum Amb ie n t
operating temperature
Ambient storage temperature
Maximum humi d it y,
operating or storage
Enclosure options
Agency approvals or
3-phase diode bridge rectifier loads such as PWM AC drives *3-phase controlled rectifier (SCR or thyristor) loads such as DC drives
1,000 meters (3,280 feet) For every 100 meters (328 feet) over 1,000, de-rate by 1%. Maximum elevation is 2,000 meters (6,560 feet).
All units 40°C (104°F) except 45 & 90 amp open chassis units rated for 50°C (122°F) surrounding air. Product must be equipped with special cooling provisions for operation above this temperature.
0°C (32°F) for open chassis and Type 1 enclosures.
-20°C (-4°F) for Type 3R enclosures. Product must be equipped with special heating provisions for operation
below this temperature.
-20°C to 60°C for Open Chassis and UL Type 1
-40°C to 60°Cfor UL Type 3R 95%, non-condensing Standard: Open Chassis and UL Type 1 enclosed, UL Type 3R enclosed
Contact TCI Technical Support for other enclosure options.
UL and cUL Listed
Electronic overload / over
current protection
Over current protection:
Status indication LEDs Numerous LED indicators on converter unit
P *Please consult TCI regarding optimum filter performance when applied to DC drives.
Factory calibrated processor controlled electronic over current fault, and over load.
All units have internal circuit bre a ker for protection of the converter section of the HGA. The customer must supply branch circuit protection.

Section 4

Pre-installation Planning

Verify th e A pplicat ion

HGA Ratings

Make sure that the HarmonicGuard Active filter is correct for the application and sized for load. The voltage ratings of the HGA m us t match the input voltage rating of t he connected AC bus.

Select a Suitable Location


Locating the HarmonicGuard Active filter in a suitable environment will help assure proper performance and a normal op erating life. Re fer to t he enviro nmental spec ifications listed in Table 3.6, marked on the unit's nameplate and/or noted on the drawings furnished with the unit.
Unless specifically labeled as approved for such use, this equipment is not suitable for use in an explosive atmosphere or in a "Hazardous (Classified) Location" as defined in article 500 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).
UL Type 1 and open chassis units must be installed in an area where it will not be exposed:
Direct sunlight
Rain or dripping liquids
Corrosive liquids or gasses
Explosive or combustible gases or dust
Excessive airborne dirt and dust (Pollution Degree 2, according to EN50178 and UL508)
Excessive vibration [0.152 mm (0.006 in.) displacement, 1G peak]
Please note that custom enclosure options may vary available installation areas.

Working Space

Provide sufficient access and working space around the unit to permit ready and safe installation, operation and maintenance. Make sure that the installation conforms to all working space and clearance requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and/or any other applicable codes. Provide sufficient uno bstructed space to allow cooling air to flow through the unit.

Mounting an Open Chassis Unit

If you are mount in g an o pe n c has sis unit in your o wn enc los ure , yo u mu st p rovi de a n e ncl osur e tha t i s adequately sized and ventilated sufficiently to p revent o verheati ng. Re fer to Table 3.2 for dimensions and heat loss that is dissipated b y the HGA. The maximum ambient temperature should not exceed 40° C (104° F). The 45 and 90 amp open chassis units have an ambient surrounding air temperature of 50ºC (122ºF).

Cooling Diagrams

Please see Figures 4.1 and 4.2 for cooling diagrams of the HGA.
Figure 4.1 – Cooling Diagram for 39, 45, 78, 90 and 100 amp uni ts
Figure 4.2 – Co oling Dia gram for 200 amp units
Ground Lug
Power Terminals
39 & 78 Amp
14 AWG - 2/0
120 (13.6)
22 kA
14 - 1/0 AWG
70 (7.9)
39 & 78 Amp
14 AWG - 2/0
120 (13.6)
65 kA
4 AWG – 350 MCM
250 (28.2)
70 (7.9)
274 (31)
274 (31)
25 to
100 kA
Two 3/0 AWG – 250
274 (31)
45, 50, 100, 200

Installa tion Guidelines


The HGA must be mounted vertically on a smooth, solid surface, free from heat, dampness, and condensation.


Cable Entry Locations

The enclosed HarmonicGuard Active filters are not provided with enclosure wiring knockouts, however, a removable wire entry plate is provided. A selection can be made at the time of installation. Typical or recommended cable entry locations are shown in the drawings shipped with the unit.
Refer to circuit breaker section on page 50.

Field Wiring Connection Terminals

Compression type terminals are provided for all field wiring connections. The wire size (75° C copper) capacity ranges and tightening torque for the grounding and power terminals are listed in Table 4.1a and 4.1b. Refer also to the drawings and other information shipped with the unit. A disconnecting means is the responsibility of the customer.
Table 4.1a – Exa mple Power Termi nal Wire Size Ca pacity Ra nge and Tightenin g Torque for ABB Circuit Breakers
Filter Size
45 & 50 Amp 14 AWG - 2/0 120 (13.6) 22 kA 14 - 1/0 AWG 70 (7.9) 39 & 78 Amp 14 AWG - 2/0 120 (13.6) 25 kA 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 (28.2)
100 Amp 14 AWG - 2/0 120 (13.6) 25 kA 4 AWG – 300 MCM 200 (22.6)
Wire Size
Torque In-lbs
Wire Size
Torque In-lbs
45 & 50 Amp 14 AWG - 2/0 120 (13.6) 65 kA 14 - 1/0 AWG
100 Amp 14 AWG – 2/0 120 (13.6) 65 kA 6 AWG – 350 MCM
39 to 100 Amp 14 AWG – 2/0 120 (13.6) 100 kA 6 AWG – 350 MCM
200 Amp Two 6 AWG – 250 MCM 275 (31.1) 300 Amp Consult Factory
39 & 78 Amp Control Terminals Wire Size 30 to 12 AW G Torque 4.4 in-lb. (.5 Nm)
Note: The values in this table are representative of ABB switch gear. For other manufacturer’s switch gear please contact TCI.
Control Terminals Wire Size 28 to 14 AWG Torque 4.4 in-lb. (.5 Nm)
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