KKnnoocckk oouutt PPuunncchh ffoorr aannyy mmiixxeess oorr mmaasstteerrss.. PPeerriioodd.. MMaasstteerr XX33 iiss tthhee vviirrttuuaall iinnccaarrnnaattiioonn ooff
tthhee TTCC EElle
eccttrroonniicc FFiinnaalliizzeerr™™,, tthhee ssttaannddaarrdd mmaasstteerriinngg pprroocceessssoorr iinn tthhee pprroo aauuddiioo ffiieelldd..
Master X3 expedites the mastering process by integrating several phases of mastering
into a single, easy to use interface. It features multiband processing with expansion,
compression and limiting separately for each band. High quality uncorrelated dithering is
included as well.
The intuitive user interface features many new ideas to make the critical mastering
process faster and easier. The overall processing characteristics are controlled via “Target
Curves” that simplify the handling by providing a global processing style for all bands in
all modules.
The interaction between the bands can be fine tuned by applying “Target Factors” which
determine the frequency focus of each processing module, significantly reducing the
number of required user parameters to set this complex process up. “Soft Clipping” even
provides “analog” sound whenever desired.
And now put on your musical pair of glasses – and ENJOY!
TC Electronic
SSccrroollll WWhheeeell SSuuppppoorrtt
If you are using a host application that supports this feature, all parameters support
scrolling on both Windows XP and Mac OS X. Simply place the mouse over a parameter
value field and use the Scroll Wheel to increment/decrement the associated parametervalue.
KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss
In most host applications, Plug-Ins support keyboard commands for certain functions.
The following key commands are available for all Plug-In parameters.
KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss iinn MMaacc OOSS KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss IInn WWiinnddoowwss
Reset To Default = [Alt] Reset To Default = [Shift] & [Control]
PowerCore software 3.0 or higher
Mac OS X (10.4 or higher)
G4/G5 or Intel (1 GHz or faster)
512 MB RAM
VST, Audio Units or RTAS*) compatible
host application.
System must meet requirements of the
host application
PowerCore software 3.0 or higher
Windows XP
PIII 1,4 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
VST compatible host application
System must meet requirements of the
host application
*) RTAS (Pro Tools) is supported via the VST to RTAS adapter from FXpansion
(optional). More info on www.tcsupport.tc
@@4444.. 11 kkHHzz::
mono 21%
stereo 21%
@@4488 kkHHzz::
mono 23%
stereo 23%
@@8888.. 22 kkHHzz::
mono 44%
stereo 44%
@@9966 kkHHzz::
mono 48%
stereo 48%
For each open instance of the Master X3 on PowerCore devices (X8, FireWire, Compact,
Express, mkII, Unplugged), the following DSP usage applies: