Tatung Vibrant VM78F Service Manual

Service Manual
17-inch Color Monitor VM78F
Table of Contents
1. Precautions .................................................................................................................2
2. Product Specifications ..............................................................................................5
3. Operation Theory .....................................................................................................10
4. Alignments and Adjustments ...................................................................................15
5. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................19
6. Recommended Spare Parts List ..............................................................................26
7. Block Diagram..........................................................................................................28
1 Precautions
Follow these safety and servicing precautions to prevent damage and to protect against potential hazards such as electrical shock and X-rays.
1-1 Safety Precautions
1-1-1 Warnings
1. For safety purpose, do not attempt to modify the circuit board, and always disconnect the AC power before performing servicing on the monitor.
2. Operation of the monitor outside its cabinet or with the cover removed involves the risk of shock hazard. Repair work on the monitor should only be attempted by service personnel who are thoroughly familiar with all necessary safety precautions and procedures for working on high voltage equipment.
3. Do not lift the CRT by the neck. After completely discharging the high voltage anode, handle the CRT only when wearing shatterproof goggles. Try to keep the CRT away from the body during handling.
4. High voltage should always be kept at the rated value, no higher. Only when high voltage is excessive are X-rays capable of penetrating the shell of the CRT. Operation at high voltages may also cause failure of the CRT or high voltage circuitry.
5. The CRT is especially constructed to limit X­ray emission to 0.5mR/HR at 300 microamperes anode current. To ensure continued X-ray protection, replace the CRT with only the same or equivalent type as the original, and adjust the anode’s voltage to the designated maximum rating, never to exceed.
1-1-2 Safety Checks
Before returning the monitor to the user, perform the following safety checks:
1. Inspect to make certain that each lead dress is not pinched or that hardware is not lodged between the chassis and other metal parts in the monitor.
2. Inspect all protective devices such as
nonmetallic control knobs, insulating materials, cabinet backs, adjustment and compartment covers or shields, isolation resistor-capacitor networks, mechanical insulators, etc.
3. AC Leakage Current Check Always perform the AC Leakage Current
Check on the exposed metal parts, including metal cabinets, screwheads and control shafts, as follows:
a) Plug the AC line cord directly into a rated
AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer during the check.
b) Use an AC voltmeter with at least 5000
ohms per volt sensitivity as follows: Connect a 1500 ohms, 10 watt resistor
paralleled by a 0.15uF AC capacitor in series with all exposed metal cabinet parts and a known earth ground, such as electrical conduct or electrical ground connected to earth ground, as shown in the Figure 1-1. Measure the AC voltage across the combination of resistor and capacitor.
c) Reverse the AC plug at the AC outlet and
repeat the steps for AC voltage measurements for each exposed metal part.
d) Voltage reading must not exceed 0.3 volts
RMS, equivalent to 0.2 milliampere AC. Any value exceeding this limit will constitute a potential shock hazard and must be corrected immediately.
Figure 1-1. Set Up For AC Leakage Current Check
To known
earth ground
1500 ohm 10 watt
To exposed metal
cabinet part
1-1-3 Product Safety Notices
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics which are often not evident from visual inspection, the protection afforded by them may not be obtained by replacing them with components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Before replacing any of these components, consult the Recommended Spare Parts List given at the end of this manual. Any of the replacements that do not provide the same safety characteristics may result in shock, fire, X-ray emission or other hazards.
1-2 Servicing Precautions
Warning: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the wrong polarity might explode. Caution: Before performing servicing covered by this service manual, read and follow the Safety Precautions
section of this manual.
Note: If there are any unforeseen conflictions between the following servicing precautions and any of
the safety precautions, always follow the safety precautions.
1. Follow closely the servicing precautions printed on the monitor cabinet and chassis.
2. Always unplug the AC power cord from the AC power source before removing or installing any component or assembly, disconnecting PCB plugs or connectors and connecting a test component in parallel with a capacitor.
3. When replacing parts or circuit boards, clamp the lead wires around the component before soldering.
4. When replacing a high wattage resistor (>0.5W metal oxide film resistor) in the circuit board, keep the resistor about 1 cm (1/2 inch) away from the circuit board.
5. Keep wires away from the high voltage or high temperature components.
6. Keep wires in their original positions so as to minimize interference.
7. Always connect a test instrument’s ground lead to the instrument chassis ground before connecting the positive lead; always remove the instrument’s ground lead last.
After putting the rear cover back on and making sure the monitor is working properly, the Hi­Pot & Ground Continuity tests MUST BE performed before the monitor is returned to user.
1-3 Hi-Pot Test
1. Test Equipment Puncture test model PM5530 ADT or KIKUSU TOS-8750 voltage tester or equivalent approved equipment.
Note : The test equipment must be calibrated in regular period.
2. Test Setup a) Apply voltage : DC 2100 VDC b) Test duration : 3 seconds c) Cutoff current should be set to 3 mA
3. Test Procedure a) Unplug power cord from AC source. b) Put the power switch of the monitor in the “ON” position. c) Leave signal cable un-connected.
d) Plug monitor power cord to the Hi Pot tester terminals. e) Turn on tester and watch the indicator or beeper. f) If the indicator lamp lights, or beeper beeps, the test fails.
1-4 Ground Continuity Test
1. Test Equipment AC low ohm tester TOS-6100 or equivalent approved equipment.
Note : The test equipment must be calibrated in regular period.
2. Test Setup a) Test duration : 3 seconds b) Set current limit at 25 A c) The grounding resistance must be less than 0.1 ohm.
3. Test Procedure
a) Plug the monitor power cord to the tester terminals. b) Make sure all connections are well-contacted. c) Turn on monitor power and tester power. d) Press “Test” button. e) If green light shows up, means test OK.
If red light shows up, means test fails.
f) If the Tester has a digital display, the resistance value must not exceed 0.1 ohm.
Note : Be sure not to touch the metal portion of the signal cable head during testing.
2 Product Specifications
2-1 Specifications
17-inch (15.8-inch Visual image area), sloted mask, 90 degrees
Picture Tube
deflection, dot type black matrix, medium short persistence
phosphor, dark tint, non-glare/ anti-static screen,
0.25 mm(FNSL/T) dot pitch
Scanning Frequency
Maximum Resolution 1280 dots (H) x 1024 lines (V) @75Hz refresh rate
Display Area 310 mm (H) x 230 mm (V) typical
Display Characters 80 char. x 60 rows on a 10 x 10 matrix
Display Colors Analog Input
Synchronizatin Signals Separate Sync: horizontal/vertical, TTL, positive or negative
Signal Connectors 15-pin, D-shell connector
Video Signals Analog : 0.7 Vp-p, RGB positive
Power Input 75 Watts (maximum) AC rated voltage, 100VAC to 240VAC
Misconvergence Center Area : < 0.3 mm; Corner Area : < 0.4mm
VGA, Super VGA, 1024x768@60/70/75/85/100 Hz
1280x1024@60/75 Hz
Unlimited Colors
Horizontal : 30 to 86 kHz Vertical : 50 to 120 Hz
User Controls Power On/Off, Contrast, Brightness, Horizontal Size, Horizontal
Service Controls PWB-1619
Preset Modes 12 (see Table 2-2. Timing Chart)
Note: Above specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Position, Vertical Size, Vertical Position, Pincushion, Trapezoid, Rotation, Color temperature, Language, Display Frequency, Degauss, Recall, H. Moire,V. Moire, Pincushion Balance, Parallel, OSD Position, Top Corner, Bottom Corner
PWB-1620 : power voltage adjust (VR801)
Operation temperature : 10oC to 40oC ambient Operation Humidity : 20% to 80% ambient Storage temperature : -40oC to 65oC ambient Storage Humidity : 10% to 90% (non-condensing)
Altitude : Non operating 40,000 feet sea level operating 10,000 feet sea level
2-2 Signal Cable Pin Connections
Table 2-2. Signal Cable Pin Assignment
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Red video 9** +5V
2 Green video 10 Digital Ground 3 Blue video 11 Ground 4 Ground 12 SDA 5* NC 13 H-Sync 6 Red ground 14 V-Sync/VCL
7 Green ground 15 SCL 8 Blue ground
Note * This pin is used for selftest detection. Connect this pin to ground at the PC end. ** For PC 99: This pin will provide +5V from PC side.
2-3 Timing Chart
This section describes the timings that the computer industry recognizes as standard for computer-generated video signals.
Table 2-3. Timing Chart
MODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H. Dots 720 640 800 640 800 1024 800 1024 1280 1024 1280 1280 V. Lines 400 480 600 480 600 768 600 768 1024 768 1024 960 H. Freq. (KHZ) 31.47 31.47 37.88 43.27 46.8 48.36 53.67 60.02 64.34 68.68 80 85.938 V. Freq. (HZ) 70.08 59.95 60.32 85 75 60 85 75.03 60 85 75 85 A Period (us) 31.78 31.78 26.4 23.11 21.333 20.68 18.63 16.66 15.55 14.56 12.504 11.636 B Blking (us) 6.356 6.356 6.4 5.33 5.172 4.923 4.409 3.657 3.589 3.725 3.022 3.017 C Sync. (us) 3.81 3.81 3.2 1.556 1.616 2.092 1.138 1.219 0.972 1.016 1.067 1.077 D B.P. (us) 1.907 1.907 2.2 2.22 3.232 2.462 2.702 2.235 2.248 2.201 1.837 1.508 E Active (us) 25.42 25.42 20 17.78 16.162 15.75 14.22 13 11.96 10.836 9.481 8.62 F F.P. (us) 0.636 0.636 1 1.556 0.323 0.369 0.569 0.203 0.374 0.508 0.119 0.431 G Peroid (ms) 14.27 16.68 16.58 11.76 13.333 16.67 11.76 13.33 16.67 11.77 13.329 11.764 H Blking (ms) 1.557 1.43 0.739 0.67 0.533 0.786 0.578 0.533 0.642 0.582 0.525 0.593 I Sync. (ms) 0.064 0.064 0.106 0.069 0.064 0.124 0.056 0.05 0.047 0.044 0.038 0.035 J B.P. (ms) 1.08 1.02 0.607 0.578 0.448 0.6 0.503 0.466 0.501 0.524 0.475 0.547 K Active (ms) 12.71 15.25 15.84 11.09 12.8 15.88 11.18 12.8 16.03 11.18 12.804 11.171 L F.P. (ms) 0.413 0.35 0.026 0.023 0.021 0.062 0.019 0.017 0.094 0.015 0.013 0.012
CLOCK(MHZ) 28.3 25.1 40 36 49.5 65 56.25 78.75 107 94.5 135 148.5
Sync H - - + - + + + + + + + +
Polarity V + - + - + + + + + + + +
Seperate Sync
A: Period B: Blanking Time C: Sync Width D:Back Porch E: Active Time F: Front Porch
G: Period H:Blanking Time I: Sync Width J: Back Porch K: Active Time L: Front Porch
2-4 Display Power Management Signal (DPMS)
Note: These power-saving states exceed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star
Table 2-4. Display Power Management Signal (DPMS)
State LED Color H-Sync V-Sync Power
ON Green Pulse Pulse Normal*
OFF Amber No Pulse No Pulse <5 watts
* For power consumption : 75W Max. (@ 230V AC, preset size and maximum light output condition)
2-5 TCO Version
The monitor meets the TCO 95/99, NUTEK energy saving, electric and magnetic field requirements. Also it is compliant with TCO 95/TCO 99 labelling scheme.
The emission from magnetic and electric field must comply with the limits specified by the Swedish Board for Measurement and Testing, commonly known as MPR 1990 recommendations. These limits are summarized in the Table 2-4.
Table 2-5. TCO 95 Emission Requirements
Magnetic Field 25 nT 200 nT Electric Field 1 V/m 10 V/m Frequency Range 2~400 kHz 5~2000 Hz Value RMS RMS Distance 30 cm 30 cm Electrostatic
The monitor is designed with selected CRT and carefully routed wires around CRT, make sure exactly the same routing scheme is used when doing CRT replacement.
+/- 500 V +/- 500 V
2-5-1 TCO 95 Version (Optional)
The TCO 95 scheme is for international and environmental labelling of personal computers. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employ ees), Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation) and NUTEK (The National Board for Industry and Technical Development in Sweden).
1)`Scope TCO 95 touches on ergonomic qualities, emissions (electrical and magnetic fields), energy efficiency and
ecology (with demands for environmental adaptation for both the product and the production processes at the manufacturing plant).
2) Environmental Requirements The monitor abides by the environmental demands concerning restrictions on the presence and use of
heavy metals, brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs (freons), and chlorinated solvents, among other things. The monitor is also recyclable.
3) Energy Requirements The monitor also follows the energy requirements that, after a certain period of inactivity, the monitor shall
reduce its power consumption to a lower level in one or more stages.
4) Others The monitor meets the strict environmental demands for the reduction of electric and magnetic fields,
physical and visual ergonomics and good usability.
Table 2-5-1. TCO 95 Visual Ergonomics
Feature Standard Description
Linearity 1% or less Difference in length of columns or rows compared to the
corresponding lengths through the center of the monitor. Display Luminance 100 cd/m2 (at least) Luminance
1.7:1 or less The ratio is between the max to min luminance within the whole active area.
2-5-2 TCO 99 Version
TCO 99 will append the color temperature and energy efficiency specification, also cover the environmen­tal requirement.
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