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To serve our customers faster and more efficient it is important to achieve a general
standard of technical know how with our partners in the market.
Therefore we developed a Technical Training concept which is based on e-spares. The
concept consists of a Technical Manual and a Technical Training.
These two tools will be produced for each newly launched machine with a certain complexity. The Technical Manual will be available as PDF file and can be downloaded from
e-spares. The Technical Training documentation will be distributed after having attended the technical training.
1.2Technical Training
The Technical Training is addressed as reference book for the technical training sessions
and will be distributed to the floor care responsible and/or to the technical training re-
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sponsible after attending a training session provided by GTS (max. 2 persons per country).
The intension is, that after this session, a technical trainer is able to perform technical
training for their local technical staff and in this way to transfer the knowledge to all
service technicians.
The Technical Training is not intended as manual for the service technicians and will be
distributed only to the training responsible of each country.
1.3Technical Manual
The Technical Manual is addressed to the service technicians and should be translated
and distributed after a technical training.
It contains a summary of procedures, hints and suggestions etc. which are helpful and
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essential for the daily business. The Technical Manual can be downloaded from espares/documents.
We are convinced that the Technical Manual concept together with the Technical Training
are powerful tools, which will help our service organisations to achieve a higher level of
quality in repairs and customer satisfaction.
If you have any comments or questions do not hesitate to contact your country responsible.
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2.1Health & Safety
Scrubber dryers may be powered by mains electricity or batteries. There are risks associated with both, which call for proper precautions, such as the provision of good ventilation and the elimination of risk of ignition.
All work, carried out on such machines, should only be performed by trained personnel
in accordance with local regulations.
Before working on such a machine, isolate it from any electrical power source.
Always wear the required personal protective equipment (including gloves and goggles)
that must be worn when potentially exposed to any hazardous material and when carrying out hazardous tasks.
Note that parts may be contaminated with chemical product. If possible flush hoses out
with fresh water prior to carrying out any maintenance. For information on chemical
products that are used in this machine, please carefully read the product label and Ma-
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terial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Empty water tanks prior to carrying out any maintenance. Ensure contaminated water is
emptied into an approved drain. Avoid pollution.
Static electricity is electricity at rest or the accumulation of electric charge, as opposed
to an electric current which is the movement of electricity. The flow or movement of people and/or materials in and through the environment causes separation of electrons and
therefore static electricity. A familiar example of static electricity is when a person walks
across a carpeted floor. Static electricity/electrostatic charge is generated simply by the
contact and separation of the soles of that individual's shoes from the carpeted floor.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) occurs when the electrostatic charge is transferred from a
material that carries the charge to an electrostatic sensitive device. In the example above,
this electrostatic discharge is the „shock“ felt after walking across the carpeted floor and
then touching a door knob. It is this electrostatic discharge, which comes in varying de-
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grees, that can be most damaging to electronical devices.
Static electricity, is a natural phenomenon and consequently electrostatic discharge is
the primary cause of countless problems affecting industry, business and personal life.
These problems can be as simple as the shock resulting from walking across a carpet; as
costly as the destruction of sensitive electronic components.
Almost any material can generate static electricity. The ability to store or unload the
charge depends on the type of material.
Static discharge can damage devices, this can result in immediate product failure or in a
latent failure. Latent failures can go undetected for a period of time, the results are product failure in the field.
Electrostatic fields are associated with charged objects.
The degree of severity of ESD events depends on the type of discharge which occurs. The
three most common ESD charge transfers are:
•from an external object to the device.
•from a device to another object.
•resulting from electrostatic fields.
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Please do not store electronics without ESD bags at any time.
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3.1General information
3.1.1Part reference
Explicitly mentioned parts are defined by references corresponding to
the e-spares spare parts list.
E.g. Tank axle (02/118) corresponds to the parts list on e-spares, sub
assembly 2, position 118.
3.1.2Consumable supplies
If you have to remove cable ties then position the new ones at the
original place.
If you have to remove self locking nuts, you should replace them by
new ones.
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3.1.3Direction description
On the „RH“ always means on the right hand side of the machine in
working direction (when you are standing behind the machine).
On the „LH“ always means on the left hand side of the machine in
working direction (when you are standing behind the machine).
3.1.4Power source
Depending on the work it might be required to remove the power
source (mains/batteries) from the machine.
The in here mentioned sequences (mechanical and electrical) are
based on the assumption that the power source (mains/batteries)
were removed from the machine before.