Tarrison Hot/Cold Servery Systems provide total flexibility in menu planning. With the flip of a
switch, these units convert from bain marie style warmers to self contained refrigerated cold
wells. Hot/Cold Serverys have the same quality features as Tarrison Hot Servery and Tarrison
Cold Servery with the added bonus of ‘two units in one’ for a unique space saving opportunity
and daypart menu planning. Combine these units with Round Hot Drop-ins for added flexibility.
• Available in standard lengths of
36”, 42”, 48”, 62”, 74”, 84” & 96”
• Standard depth 32”
• 19 different top congurations available
by simply choosing from the following
Top Guide
• Single control switch to change from
Hot to Cold
• Can be combined with additional hot
round or rectangle wells
Additional Options Available:
• Solid Surface Tops
• Sneeze Guards
• Single and Double Overshelves
48” Hot/Cold Servery
Model No. TSHC-48002
shown with optional laminate panels, sneeze
guard and tray rail
• Sliding Doors
• Electrical Load Centre
• Tray Rails
• Kick Plates
• Many more to choose from
Two Pan 12x20” - 32.75” x 27.125” OD
Three Pan 12x20” - 46.5” x 27.125” OD
Four Pan 12x20” - 60.25” x 27.125” OD
Five Pan 12x20” - 74” x 27.125” OD
Six Pan 12x20” - 87.75” x 27.125” OD
Item Number
TSHC-36001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-42001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-48001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-48002 3R 3000 14.4 1/3 7.0
TSHC-62001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-62002 3R 3000 14.4 1/3 7.0
TSHC-62003 4R 3800 18.1 1/2 7.5
TSHC-74001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-74002 3R 3000 14.4 1/3 7.0
TSHC-74003 4R 3800 18.1 1/2 7.5
TSHC-84001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-84002 3R 3000 14.4 1/3 7.0
TSHC-84003 4R 3800 18.1 1/2 7.5
TSHC-84004 5R 6000 28.9 3/4 15.3
TSHC-96001 2R 1900 9.0 1/4 5.5
TSHC-96002 3R 3000 14.4 1/3 7.0
TSHC-96003 4R 3800 18.1 1/2 7.5
TSHC-96004 5R 6000 28.9 3/4 15.3
TSHC-96005 6R 6000 28.9 3/4 15.3
Bain Marie
Watts Amps HP Amps
on 208V
Refrigerated on 115V
www.tarrison.com 905-825-9665