Targus 000002 User Manual

Product User’s Guide
USB Dongle
May 2005
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Printed in Taiwan
Application Setup & User’s Guide
Trademark(s) ™ and Registered Trademark(s) ®
The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. USA and licensed to the company.
Microsoft, Windows, Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. BTW is Copyright Widcomm, Inc. and the BTW software is licensed to the company Winroute Lite is Copyright Tiny Software, Inc.
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INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 5
The Bluetooth Technology.......................................................................................................................5
What is BTW............................................................................................................................................5
What’s in the box.....................................................................................................................................5
What’s new in BTW4.0 ............................................................................................................................6
Bluetooth Tray.........................................................................................................................................6
My Bluetooth Places................................................................................................................................6
Icons used for Bluetooth devices and services.........................................................................................7
GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................... 11
My Bluetooth Places..............................................................................................................................11
Finding Bluetooth devices .....................................................................................................................11
Finding services.....................................................................................................................................11
Setting up a connection..........................................................................................................................12
Determining a connection status ...........................................................................................................13
Send to another Bluetooth device ..........................................................................................................14
CLIENT APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................ 16
About Client and Server ........................................................................................................................16
Human Interface Device........................................................................................................................16
Printer ...................................................................................................................................................17
Audio Gateway ......................................................................................................................................17
Bluetooth Serial Port.............................................................................................................................18
Dial-up Networking ...............................................................................................................................19
File Transfer..........................................................................................................................................20
PIM Exchange ......................................................................................................................................23
PIM Synchronization .............................................................................................................................24
Network Access......................................................................................................................................24
BLUETOOTH SERVICE .............................................................................................. 27
Common Configuration Settings............................................................................................................27
Notifications ..........................................................................................................................................27
Audio Gateway ......................................................................................................................................28
Bluetooth Image Transfer......................................................................................................................29
Bluetooth Serial Port.............................................................................................................................29
Dial-up Networking Service ..................................................................................................................30
Fax Service ............................................................................................................................................30
File Transfer Service .............................................................................................................................30
Headset Service .....................................................................................................................................31
Network Access......................................................................................................................................32
PIM Item Transfer .................................................................................................................................34
PIM Synchronization .............................................................................................................................36
CONFIGURATION PANEL ......................................................................................... 37
General Tab...........................................................................................................................................37
Accessibility Tab....................................................................................................................................37
Discovery Tab........................................................................................................................................38
Local Services Tab.................................................................................................................................40
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Hardware Tab .......................................................................................................................................44
SECURITY...................................................................................................................... 46
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................46
Authorization .........................................................................................................................................46
Bluetooth Device Identity ......................................................................................................................47
Encryption .............................................................................................................................................47
Link Key.................................................................................................................................................47
Pairing Devices .....................................................................................................................................47
Passkey ..................................................................................................................................................48
Secure Connection.................................................................................................................................48
Security Request Dialog Box .................................................................................................................48
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................. 50
TECHNICAL SUPPORT............................................................................................... 52
LIMITED HARDWARE WARRANTY....................................................................... 53
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY......................................................................... 54
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The Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth is a worldwide standard for the wireless exchange of data between two compatible devices. It utilizes short-distance radio link technology and replaces the traditional cable connections to enable wireless connections between desktop and laptop computers, cellular phones, scanners, digital cameras, printers, and other devices. You can now transfer files between two computers, dial up to the Internet using the host computer’s modem or a cell phone, or even share a network connection without literally attaching your cables to a device. To put it simply, Bluetooth unplugs all your cables and lets you forget about cable clutter for a change.

What is BTW

BTW is the solution for the seamless integration of Bluetooth technology into personal computers that the company has created. It provides you with the means to locate other Bluetooth-enabled devices in the immediate vicinity, allowing you to make use of the services that the remote devices offer. These services, which range from gaining access to the Internet to sending a fax transmission, make mobile computing so much more convenient than ever before.
Installation of the Bluetooth USB dongle is easy. This user’s guide will guide you through the process of making wireless connection between your devices.
For an overview of the features added in this version, please refer to the section What’s New on page 6. To see an updated version of the Bluetooth software, please check out our Website.
BTW supports:
Windows 98SE (Second Edition)
Windows Me (Millennium Edition)
Windows 2000
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Home Edition

What’s in the box

Check if the following items are included in the package. If there are any items missing, please contact your dealer.
Quick Installation Guide
Bluetooth USB Dongle
CD-ROM (includes Quick Installation Guide, Product User’s Guide,
Application Setup Guide, Bluetooth software for Windows, and Acrobat Reader)
USB Extension Cable (optional)
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What’s new in BTW4.0

1. Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
2. Hands-Free Profile (HFP)
3. Basic Imaging Profile (BIP)
4. Bluetooth 1.2 support
5. Extended HID handling

Bluetooth Tray

After installing the software, you would find a shortcut icon to My Bluetooth Places on your desktop. However, there is another icon that you will see after successful installation of the software.
Normally located on the lower right-hand corner of your computer screen, the Windows system tray will now have an additional icon. This is the Bluetooth Tray.
The Bluetooth Tray provides quick access to numerous Bluetooth operations. In this section, we will discuss the many uses of this icon. From this tray, you can:
Have access to My Bluetooth Places: double-click the Bluetooth tray icon.
Have access to the Bluetooth Setup Wizard: The wizard will help you
. Configure how this computer accesses a service on another Bluetooth device
. Locate remote Bluetooth devices.
. Configure the way that this computer provides services to remote Bluetooth devices.
. Set the name and type of this Bluetooth device, e.g., “Mary’s PC” on desktop.
Have access to the Bluetooth Configuration Panel: right-click the Bluetooth tray
icon. Select Advanced Configuration.
Have Quick Connect option: right-click the Bluetooth icon, select Quick Connect,
and then select the type of service to which you wish to connect.
Start/Stop Bluetooth on this computer.

My Bluetooth Places

My Bluetooth Places is part of Windows Explorer. There are multiple ways to access My Bluetooth Places:
In the Windows system tray,
Right-click the Bluetooth icon and select Explore My Bluetooth Places
Double-click the Bluetooth icon
On the desktop, double-click the Bluetooth icon
Open Windows Explorer and select My Bluetooth Places in the Folder panel or from
the Address shortcut menu.
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Icons used for Bluetooth devices and services

Before we move on to the next chapter about the various Bluetooth devices and services, it is important to get familiar first with the icons that you will see and know what they mean.
Each Bluetooth icon changes its color to provide at-a-glance feedback about the status of a device or service. In the next few tables below, you will find both device and service icons in different colors, depending on which Windows platform you are using.
Here, we divide the icon types into two – one for Windows XP, and the other for Windows 98SE / ME / 2000.
Device icons for Windows XP
Bluetooth icons provide at-a-glance feedback about a device or service’s status by changing appearance. The Bluetooth icon in the Windows system tray provides feedback about Bluetooth status.
Bluetooth Icon Indicates Bluetooth Status
Status Icon
Device Icon Types
Device Type Normal Connected Paired
Audio Gateway
Desktop Computer
Human Interface Device
Blue with White
Blue with Red
Blue with Green
Laptop Computer
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Network Access Point
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
Cellular Telephone
Unknown Devices
Service icons for Windows XP
Service icons are gray or yellow in color (or gray with yellow accents) in their “normal” state. When in their “connected” state, the primary color of the icon changes to green.
Service Icon Types
Service Name Normal Connected Unavailable
Audio Gateway
Dial-up Networking
Network Access
PIM Item Transfer
PIM Synchronization
Public Folder
Bluetooth Serial Port
Device icons for Windows 98SE / ME / 2000
Device Icon Types
Device Type Normal Connected Paired
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Audio Gateway
Desktop Computer
Human Interface Device
Laptop Computer
Network Accept Point
Cellular Telephone
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
Unknown Devices
Service icons for Windows 98SE / ME / 2000
Service Icon Types
Service Name Normal Connected
Audio Gateway
Dial-up Networking
Network Access
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PIM Item Transfer
PIM Synchronization
Public Folder (File Transfer)
Bluetooth Serial Port
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My Bluetooth Places

After you have successfully installed the Bluetooth software, you will see an icon on your desktop and an icon on Window System Tray. These are two shortcuts to My Bluetooth Places.
To start Bluetooth: Right-Click the icon on Window System Tray and select Start The Bluetooth icon is blue in color with a white insert when Bluetooth is running.
To stop Bluetooth: Right-Click the icon on Window System Tray and select Stop. The Bluetooth icon is blue in color with a red insert when Bluetooth is stopped.

Finding Bluetooth devices

You are now ready to search for available Bluetooth devices that are within connection range. There are two ways to do this:
1. From your desktop, right-click My Bluetooth Places icon. First select Open, and then select Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood.
2. Double-click My Bluetooth Places. Then double-click Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood.
You may also let BTW automatically search for devices for you. To do so, simply configure the settings in the Discovery Panel. For details, see Configuration Panel on the following.
However, to be certain that the displayed list of devices in the neighborhood is current, it is recommended that you perform a manual search. This is mainly because mobile devices may go beyond the connection range in between automatic updates.
If you still couldn’t find some devices that are within connection range, there are two possibilities:
Your device is configured to report only specific types or classes of devices. (To
change this, modify your device’s configuration in the Discovery tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel.)
The remote (or unlisted) device is in the non-discoverable mode. (To change this,
modify the remote device’s configuration in the Accessibility tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel.)

Finding services

After discovering the devices you can have access to, you may perform Service Discovery. Each available device that you have discovered in the Bluetooth Neighborhood provides you with several services. To find out what these services are, simply do either of the following:
Double-click a device in the Bluetooth Neighborhood, OR
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Right-click a device and select Discover Available Services.
The services that BTW supports are as follows:
Bluetooth Serial Port establishes a wireless connection between two Bluetooth devices. The serial connection can be used by applications as though there is a serial cable between the devices.
Dial-up Networking allows you to use a modem on another Bluetooth device to connect to the Internet and send/receive e-mail.
Fax allows you to send a fax transmission through another Bluetooth device.
File Transfer (Public Folder) allows you to perform file system operations on another
Bluetooth device such as browse, drag-and-drop, open, print, cut/copy, paste, delete, rename, etc.
Headset allows a Bluetooth headset to be used as the audio input/output mechanism for another Bluetooth device, such as a computer or cell phone.
PIM Item Transfer allows you to exchange Personal Information Manager (PIM) data such as business cards, calendar items, e-mail messages, and notes.
PIM Synchronization allows you to synchronize Personal Information Manager (PIM) data between two Bluetooth devices.
Network Access allows you to gain access to the Internet using another Bluetooth device’s Local Area Network (LAN) connection.
Audio Gateway allows the microphone/speakers on Bluetooth device (typically a computer) to be used as the audio input/output mechanism for a remote Bluetooth device, such as a cell phone.
Note: Not all Bluetooth devices provide all of these services. For instance, network gateways only displays the Network Access service to let you have access to the Local Area Network (LAN) connection.

Setting up a connection

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Now that you know how to discover available devices and their services, you are now ready to make a Bluetooth connection with another device.
Setting up a new connection is fast and easy, you have these choices:
Create a connection from the Bluetooth Icon in the System Tray
In the Windows system tray, right-click the Bluetooth icon, select Quick Connect and then the Bluetooth service that you wish to use.
If this computer has created a connection to the desired type of service in the past, the options on the shortcut menu are:
1. The name(s) of any devices(s) with which prior connections to this type of service have been established. Select a name from the list to re-establish connection.
2. Other devices… Select this option to search for additional devices that potentially provide the desired service, select a device from the list and then click Connect.
If this computer has never created a connection to this type of service, the only option on the shortcut menu is “Find Devices…” Select this option to search for devices that potentially provide the desired service, select a device from the list and then click Connect.
Using the Bluetooth Setup Wizard
To start the Bluetooth Setup Wizard, you have 3 ways,
Start the Wizard by right-clicking the Bluetooth icon in the Windows system tray and select Bluetooth Setup Wizard.
In Windows Explorer, with My Bluetooth Places selected, from the Bluetooth menu, select Bluetooth Setup Wizard.
Right-click the Bluetooth Icon on Desktop and select Bluetooth Setup Wizard.
Follow the wizard’s on-screen instructions.
Create a connection from Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood
In Windows Explorer,
1. In the Folders panel, select Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood, right-click a device name and select “Connect to …
2. In the Folders panel, expand Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood, select a device, and then, in the right panel, right-click a service provided by that device and select “Connect to …

Determining a connection status

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The Bluetooth Connection Status dialog box displays information about the status of a connection. It is also where you disconnect an active connection.
To display the Connection Status dialog box:
1. Open My Bluetooth Places and select My Device.
2. Right-click a service name and then select Status from the pop-up menu.
The Connection Status dialog box opens and provides the following information:
Status: tells you whether you are Connected or Disconnected.
Device Name: the name of the device to which your computer is connected.
Duration: the length of time this connection has been established, displayed in
hours, minutes, and seconds. Depending on the service, the connection may time out (automatically disconnect) after a specific period of inactivity.
Activity: the number of bytes sent and received over the connection.
Signal Strength: a variable scale that ranges from Too Weak through Good to Too
Also in the dialog box you will find three ‘control’ buttons:
Properties: click this button to display the Bluetooth Properties dialog box for the
Disconnect: click this button to end your current connection.
Close: click this button to close the Bluetooth Connection Status dialog box.

Send to another Bluetooth device

This feature is used to send information to another Bluetooth device. Data types include:
Files for Windows Explorer
Documents for Microsoft Office applications, including:
Microsoft Outlook items, including:
To use Send to other Bluetooth device
1 In the application:
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1.1 Windows Explorer – select one or more files to be transferred.
1.2 Microsoft Office – only the document in the active window can be transferred.
1.3 Microsoft Outlook – select one or more items to be transferred.
2 From the application’s File menu, select Send To, and then select Bluetooth from the
shortcut menu.
3 Select a device from the shortcut menu to send the data
Select Other…, choose a device from the list and then click OK to send the data.
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About Client and Server

Before we start discussing about what each of the services does, let us briefly tell you a bit about Client and Server since we will be mentioning a lot of these two in this chapter.
In order for two Bluetooth devices to exchange data, they must establish a connection. However, before a connection is established, one device must request a connection with the other. This is the Client.
The second device that accepts or rejects the connection is then known as the Server. Many Bluetooth devices can act as both client and server.

Human Interface Device

The Human Interface Device (HID) Application allows this computer to wireless use one or more remote Bluetooth HIDs as input/output devices.
For example, the HID Application allows this computer to use a Bluetooth keyboard and a Bluetooth mouse.
Create a Bluetooth HID connection:
Note: Some HIDs have multiple modes. Before establishing a connection, be sure the HID is in the desired mode. For example, in the case of an HID that can function as both mouse and a laser printer, be sure the mode switch is set to “Mouse” before attempting to connect.
1. On the Client, open My Bluetooth Places by double-clicking the icon on your desktop.
2. Select Enter Bluetooth Neighborhood.
3. Right-click anywhere except on a device name and select Refresh from the pop­up menu to see an updated list.
4. Double-click HID devices, such as Keyboard or Mouse to make connection.
Once an HID connection is established, that connection will persist. If the computer is shut down, when the computer is turned on again the connection will re-establish automatically.
Note: HIDs usually have a button, which is sometimes difficult to find, that must be pressed before other Bluetooth devices can locate the HID. Even after the button is pressed, the HID can only be discovered for a limited time, and then the button must be pressed again. The time period can be as short as 30 seconds or as long as 180 seconds. Read the document that accompanies the HID before you attempt to connect to the devices.
Close an HID connection:
Under normal circumstances, there is no reason to close an HID connection; once established the connection is maintained automatically, even during the power off and power on processes. If, for some reason, the connection must be closed: from My Bluetooth Places, right-click the service name and select Disconnect.
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The connection’s “persistence” is broken when HID connection is closed manually by operator. If you want to use HID device again, you need to re-establish by manually.


The Bluetooth Printer allows this computer to use a Bluetooth printer. Once a Bluetooth printer has been properly installed, it can be used from this computer in the same way as any other printer would be.
Create a Bluetooth Printer connection at first time:
1. On the Client, open My Bluetooth Places by double-clicking the icon on your
2. Select Enter Bluetooth Neighborhood.
3. Right-click anywhere except on a device name and select Refresh from the pop-up
menu to see an updated list.
4. Double-click Printer you want to make a Bluetooth connection.
Once a Bluetooth Printer connection is established at first time, that might need you install the printer driver. Push OK button to start the printer driver installation.
6. When the wizard asks you to select a printer and model, select the printer and
model on the list. If your printer is not in the list of options, click Have Disk… , insert the driver disk or CD for the printer, and then navigate to the driver and directory that contains the driver initiation file (.inf) for the printer.
7. To complete the installation, follow the on-screen instructions.
8. After install printer driver, you can use this Bluetooth Printer as other printer you have.
Delete a printer:
1. Click Start button on windows working tray.
2. Click Settings
3. Click Printers
4. Right-click on the printer you want to delete and select delete

Audio Gateway

The Audio Gateway service allows a remote Bluetooth device to use this computer’s microphone and speaker’s the remote device’s audio input and output devices. For example, if this computer has voice recognition capabilities, a Bluetooth headset might be used as the audio input device.
Connection is initiated from the client. To establish a Bluetooth Audio Gateway connection:
1. On the Client, open My Bluetooth Places by double-clicking the icon on your
2. Select Enter Bluetooth Neighborhood.
3. Right-click anywhere except on a device name and select Refresh from the pop-up
menu to see an updated list.
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