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Safety Data Sheet
according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date: 04.14.2016
Tap Magic Xtra-Foamy (Aerosol)
1 Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.1 Product identifier
Material Name: Tap Magic Xtra-Foamy (Aerosol)
Product code: 80017FL
Additional information: After use of this product, clean and lubricate metal surfaces to avoid staining
and/or corrosion.
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against: Machining,
Cutting, Tapping, and Metal Processing
1.3 Details of the manufacturer/supplier of the safety data sheet
The Steco Corporation
2330 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72202
Emergency telephone number:
ChemTel Inc
North America: 1-800-255-3924
International: 1-813-248-0585
2 Hazards identification
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture:
In compliance with EC regulation No. 1272/2008, 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3 and amendments.
Flammable aerosols, category 1.
Compressed gases.
Acute aquatic hazard, category 1.
Chronic aquatic hazard, category 1.
Hazard-determining components of labeling:
Extreme Pressure Lubricant
2.2 Label elements
Hazard pictograms:
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements:
H222 Extremely flammable aerosol.
H280 Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements:
P102 Keep out of reach of children.
P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. No smoking.
P211 Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.
Generated by SDSPublisher (patent-pending) www.GSMSDS.com, 1-813-435-5161

according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date: 04.14.2016
Tap Magic Xtra-Foamy (Aerosol)
P251 Pressurized container. Do not pierce or burn, even after use.
P273 Avoid release to the environment.
P391 Collect spillage.
P410+P403 Protect from sunlight. Store in a well ventilated place.
P410+P412 Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C/122 °F.
P501 Dispose of contents and container as instructed in Section 13.
2.3 Other hazards: None known
Information concerning particular hazards for humans and environment:
The product has to be labeled due to the calculation procedure of the "General Classification guideline
for preparations of the EU" in the latest valid version.
Classification system:
The classification is according to EC regulation No. 1272/2008, 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3 and
amendments, and extended by company and literature data. The classification is in accordance with the
latest editions of international substances lists, and is supplemented by information from technical
literature and by information provided by the company.
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Safety Data Sheet
3 Composition/information on ingredients
3.1 Chemical characterization: Mixture.
3.2 Description: None
3.3 Hazardous components (percentages by weight)
Identification Name Classification Wt. %
CAS number:
CAS number:
CAS number:
3.4 Additional information: None.
4 First aid measures
4.1 Description of first aid measures
General information: None.
After inhalation:
Loosen clothing as necessary and position individual in a comfortable position.
Maintain an unobstructed airway.
After skin contact:
Rinse affected area with soap and water.
If symptoms develop or persist, seek medical attention.
After eye contact:
Rinse/flush exposed eye(s) gently using water for 15-20 minutes.
If symptoms develop or persist, seek medical attention.
After swallowing:
Extreme Pressure Lubricant Aquatic Acute 1; H400
Petroleum Distillate 10-20
Propellant 10-20
Aquatic Chronic 1; H410
Generated by SDSPublisher (patent-pending) www.GSMSDS.com, 1-813-435-5161

Safety Data Sheet
according to 1907/2006/EC (REACH), 1272/2008/EC (CLP), 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date: 04.14.2016
Tap Magic Xtra-Foamy (Aerosol)
Rinse mouth thoroughly.
Seek medical attention if irritation, discomfort, or vomiting persists.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:
No additional information.
5 Firefighting measures
5.1 Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media:
Use dry chemical, chemical foam, carbon dioxide, or alcohol-resistant foam.
Unsuitable extinguishing media:
Do not use water as an extinguisher.
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5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:
Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors.
Contents under pressure.
In a fire or if heated, a pressure increase will occur and the container may burst or explode.
Vapors can flow to distant ignition sources and flashback.
Liquid is volatile and may generate an explosive atmosphere.
5.3 Advice for firefighters
Protective equipment:
Wear protective eye wear, gloves and clothing.
Refer to Section 8.
Fire-fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus.
5.4 Additional information:
Avoid inhaling gases, fumes, dust, mist, vapor and aerosols.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.
6 Accidental release measures
6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Ensure air handling systems are operational.
Beware of vapors accumulating to form explosive concentrations.
Vapors can accumulate in low areas.
6.2 Environmental precautions:
Should not be released into the environment.
Prevent from reaching drains, sewer or waterway.
6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Wear protective eye wear, gloves and clothing.
Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment.
Absorb liquid spill with vermiculite or other inert material.
Sweep or scoop up solid material while minimizing dust generation.
Generated by SDSPublisher (patent-pending) www.GSMSDS.com, 1-813-435-5161