Thank you for purchasing the Tannoy System 800A Active Monitor.
The System 800A is a compact, active near-field reference monitor. Using an advanced
Dual Concentric 8” driver, it offers the advantages of point source operation in a costeffective design, combined with the benefits of active speaker technology: a highly
optimised active crossover section; ideal matching between amplifiers and transducers;
higher output for lower distortion. Active user controls are also provided to allow further
bass extension (LF contour) and greater flexibility. The attractive octagonal shape of the
cabinet, with its original rounded edge front panel also contributes to the excellent
acoustic performance of the system.
Designed to be located on top of the mixing console, in a landscape format, it will
equally suit other situations where it can be used in portrait mode without any drawback,
thanks to its point source operation.
This manual is intended to provide the user with some useful advice on how to install
and use the loudspeakers, as well as more technical information about how the system
is designed, and its detailed specifications. Our goal is to help you get the best results
from this monitoring system.
Unpacking and visual checks
The System 800A are packed in pairs. To remove the speakers from the carton without
damage open the end flaps fully and bend them right back. Remove the upper cushion,
then lift each loudspeaker out carefully.
Inspect the speakers for signs of transit damage. In the unlikely event of this having
occurred inform the carrier and the supplier. Keep all the packaging if damage has
occurred, as this will show evidence of any excessive handling forces. It is also a good
idea to keep the carton for future transportation.
Preliminary recommendation
Initially we would like to give you a word of warning about the high sound pressure
levels that these speakers are capable of generating. Over a sustained period of time
levels over 95 dB for 8 hours per day will eventually cause permanent hearing loss.
Because Tannoy monitors have very low levels of time, amplitude and frequency
distortion it is not always obvious that the sound pressure level is high whilst working
with them.
For continuous exposure we recommend the occasional use of a sound level meter
capable of integrating the sound level over a period of exposure according to noise
control standards. This should be used just to check that noise levels are always within
safe limits.
Installing and connecting the system.
The compact, integrated design of a self-powered unit like the System 800A makes it
particularly easy to install.
After having unpacked the unit, first check that the operating voltage is correctly set
(rear panel, location 1 in figure 1), if it is not adjust the selector to the appropriate
position. Also check and if necessary replace the fuse (location 3), as its rating should
match the operating voltage.

When choosing a suitable location for the monitors, bear in mind that the physical
mounting of loudspeakers can have a large influence on performance. For best results
the monitors should be mounted on a rigid structure, preferably with the use of soft pads
(rubber, Sorbothane, Blu-Tak etc.)
When used in the landscape orientation, we recommend location of the monitors so that
the drive units are toed inwards, with their axes oriented towards the listening position.
The distance between the two speakers should be about 1.5 to 2 metres, depending on
the monitoring position. The distance between the monitoring position and each speaker
should be slightly greater than the distance between the speakers. If the speakers are
placed too close to each other the full stereo image may not develop, on the other hand
if you place them too far apart you will notice an audible hole in the middle of the stereo
Ensure that the console position does not obscure the direct sound radiation from the
Dual Concentric drive unit when sitting down. The engineer and producer should have a
clear, uninterrupted view of the monitor loudspeakers.
Having chosen an appropriate location for your monitors and arranged them
accordingly, connect the power cord to the mains socket and turn the power on (mains
switch, location 2 in figure 1). The blue LED on the front panel should now be
illuminated. Before connecting the source to the monitor, it is advisable to ensure that
there is no signal present (by setting the output faders) so that the signal is not likely to
overload the system.
Connect the audio signal source (console output) to the input connector (combined
XLR/jack socket) at the back of the monitor (location 4 in figure 1).
Figure 1. System 800A - Rear view
As indicated on the silk screen printing, the input connector is wired to the balanced
input as indicated below :
XLR input Jack input
Signal (+) pin 2 Tip (T)
Signal (-) pin 3 Ring (R)

Ground pin 1 Screen (S)
If the source itself has a balanced output, use shielded twin conductor cable
(microphone cable) connecting pin 2/T to pin 2/T, pin 3/R to pin 3/R, and pin 1/S to pin
1/S (using the shield).
If the source has an unbalanced output, a single conductor shielded cable can be used,
connecting pin 2/T of the input to the “hot” signal pin of the source, while pin 3/R and pin
1/S should be linked together and connected to the source signal ground.
Controls and indicators.
The input level switch (location 5) provides a sensitivity (i.e. gain) adjustment, the top
and bottom positions corresponding respectively to -10 dBu and +4 dBu nominal
sensitivities. The position of the input level switches should be identical on each monitor
for correct channel balance.
When set to ‘Free space’, the LF Contour facility (location 6) extends the bass response
and enhances the low frequency content below 150 Hz by means of a Hi-Q 2nd order
Hi-Pass filter. In the ‘Half space’ position the LF signals are unprocessed and the bottom
end response remains that of a vented system i.e. a 4th order (24 dB/octave). Note that
when activating the Hi-Pass filter (‘Free Space’), very low frequencies under 30 Hz will
be significantly attenuated so that mechanical stress on the LF drive unit (excursion) is
maintained within safe operating limits. Also, the boost applied to the signal in the ‘Free
space’ position will reduce the headroom on the LF amplifier channel and therefore the
maximum SPL available.
The HF Contour switch (location 7) allows adjustment of the HF level. Its operates as a
shelving filter above 2 kHz with -2 or +2 dB amplitude and a 0 dB (flat) middle position.
Use this facility if you feel that a flat response is not the most appropriate to the
acoustical environment, and that the HF level requires adjustment.
Use close to TV screens and video monitors.
The cabinet construction incorporates metal plates which provide a degree of shielding
against the magnetic field created by the drive unit. The speakers can be therefore used
relatively close to TV screens without any picture distorting effect. However some
precautions must be taken, depending on which side of the speaker is located close to
the screen. The diagram below gives an indication of the distance required between
each side of the cabinet and the screen nearby. The figures are based on an emitted
stray field not exceeding 0.3 mT (300 Gauss), usually considered as a safe value.
However, as magnetic sensitivity varies from one screen to another, you are strongly
advised to check before making any permanent installation.
Distance required ≥ 6 cm
Distance required ≥ = 0
Distance required ≥ 13 cm
Distance required ≥ 6 cm
Figure 2. Safe distance for magnetic immunity