Tannoy Life Buds User Manual

Quick Start Guide
Audiophile Wireless Earbuds with Immersive Single Point Source Audio
1. Read these ins truct ions.
2. Keep these ins truct ions.
3. Heed all warni ngs.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not u se this appa ratus near water.
6. Clean o nly with dr y cloth.
7. Do not t hrow this pr oduct in the  re, to avoid e xplosion .
8. Do not e xpose thi s produc t to bright s unshine fo r a long time.
9. Do not d isassem ble or modif y this product.
Music Trib e accepts n o liabilit y for any lo ss which may b e su ered by any p erson who reli es either w holly or in p art upon a ny descri ption, ph otograp h, or statem ent contai ned herei n. Technica l speci cations, a ppearan ces and othe r inform ation are subj ect to cha nge witho ut notice. A ll tradema rks are th e proper ty of thei r respe ctive own ers. Mida s, Klark Tekn ik, Lab Gr uppen, La ke, Tannoy, Turbos ound, TC Elect ronic, TC He licon, Beh ringer, Bug era and Cool audio are t rademar ks or regis tered tra demark s of Music Trib e Global Br ands Ltd. © Music Trib e Global Br ands Ltd. 2018 Al l rights r eserve d.
10. Please s tore this p roduct i n a clean and dry e nvironme nt.
11. Charge i t once a month (minimum).
12. WARNI NG! Chokin g and Swallow ing Hazard . Keep the produc t safely o ut of reach o f childr en and pets . The small si ze and the in ternal bat tery pre sent a choki ng and swall owing haza rd. Failure to f ollow ins tructio ns may lead to p ermanent d amage or death.
13. WARNI NG! To prevent p ossible hearin g damage, do no t listen at high vo lume levels f or long periods.
For the ap plicabl e warrant y terms an d conditi ons and addi tional in formati on regard ing Music Tri be’s Limite d Warrant y, please se e complete d etails on line at
musictri. be/warrant y.
LIFE BUDS x 1 p air
Charging Case
Charging Cable
This Qui ck Start Gu ide
Storage B ag
Caps of va rious size s
Charging Status LEDs
The char ging case i ncludes an i nternal ba ttery t hat charge s the LIFE BUDS w hen the lid is c losed. Th ey can be char ged up to 3 tim es before t he chargin g case has to be rech arged. Con nect the s upplied c harging ca ble to the rea r connect or on the cas e to recharg e from a USB po rt. The fr ont LEDs show t he chargi ng status of the LIFE B UDS inside.
Charging Port (Micro USB)
Multi Function Button (MFB)
Blueto oth Version : 5.0. Enjoy a tru e high-de  nit ion stere o music exp erience! Each LIF E BUD has a singl e multi-f unction b utton (MFB) c ontrol, a mi crophon e,
and an LED in dicator. Var ious cap si zes allow you t o choose th e most comfor table  t and  nd the best s ound quali ty.
Use both L IFE BUDS toge ther, or as sing le units.
Replaceable Cap
Befor e use, plea se read thi s quick sta rt guide c areful ly and keep it in a safe pla ce. Please f ully charg e the LIFE BUDS b efore us e. Please r egularly c harge the LI FE BUDS if you do n ot use them f or a long time
(more tha n 3 months). Plea se use the sup plied cha rger cable .
General Operation
Auto Powe r on/o : Open/Close th e lid, LIFE BUDS p ower on/o automat ically. Blueto oth Pairi ng: Pairin g is Automati c. Shutdown: Press the M FB button u ntil the red L ED is on. Answer i ncoming c all/Ha ng up: Press t he MFB butt on. Play music/Pause: Press the MFB b utton. Next music track: Double pre ss the Lef t MFB butto n. Previous music track: Double pres s the Right MF B button. Hearing Aid: Triple- press the MF B button to t urn on/o hearing -aid.
Rejec t incomin g Call: Pre ss the MFB but ton to ‘Call R ejected ’ voice
and release. Phone Tra nsfer: Pr ess the MFB bu tton for 1 s econd and he ar the soun d ‘BEEP’,
it will tr ansfer th e current c all betw een LIFE BUDS a nd phone. (Do NOT pre ss the MFB so q uickly, or it w ill hang up)
Call Mu te Mode: Doub le-pres s the MFB but ton to mute/u nmute voice . Note: Only the Ri ght LIFE BUD ha s the callin g functi on when both L IFE BUDS
are used . LIFE BUDS Reset: Put the LI FE BUDS in the ch arging ca se, press LIF E BUD to
chargi ng status (red LED on), dou ble-pre ss the MFB but ton, LIFE BU D reset succes sfully af ter blue LE D  ash es 5 times, th en do same fo r the other on e.
LIFE BUD Charging
1. The Red LED on the L IFE BUDS  ashes whe n the power is l ow. Please cha rge the LIFE BU Ds soon.
2. Put the LIFE BUDS i n the chargi ng case, clo se the lid, an d the LIFE BUDS w ill star t charging (r ed LED on).
3. The LIFE BUD LED wil l turn o automat ically whe n it is fully c harged.
Status LEDs
Charging Case LEDs
Blue LED on : Above 50% ch arged. Red LED on: 2 5%-50% cha rged. Red LED  ash: B elow 25% cha rged. Note: If the charg ing case LED s are not on wh en the LIFE BUD S are  r st inser ted, open th e chargin g case lid and m ake sure the L IFE BUDS are in t he correct position.
Red LED  ashi ng: The bat tery char ge is low. Red LED on: C harging (wh en in the cha rging cas e). Red LED on momentarily: Power tur ned o . Blue LED  ashing ver y slowly: Th e LIFE BUDS are w orking. Blue and r ed LED  ashing: LIFE B UDS pairin g.
Using both LIFE BUDS
There ar e two metho ds to set up th e LIFE BUDS, and e ach may be use d:
Method one
1. Make su re both LIFE B UDS are insid e the case, an d your phon e or other device’s Blueto oth is turne d o .
2. Open t he lid and the L IFE BUDS will a uto-pow er on and enter p airing mo de.
3. The le ft LIFE BUD w ill  as h blue, and th e right will  ash blue and r ed and wait for t he connec tion wit h your phone o r device.
4. Turn on th e Bluetoo th mode on you r phone or dev ice, and sea rch for the LIFE BUD on t he screen . Click and co nnect it. W hen conne cted succe ssfull y, the LEDs o n both LIFE BUD S will  ash blue slow ly.
Method two
1. Make su re both LIFE B UDS are insid e the case, an d your phon e or other device’s Blueto oth is turne d o .
2. Open t he lid and tak e out the Righ t LIFE BUD. The LE D will  ash blue and r ed and wait f or the conne ction wi th your pho ne or device.
3. Turn on th e Bluetoot h mode on you r phone or dev ice, and sear ch for the LIFE BUD on t he screen . Click and co nnect it. W hen conne cted succe ssfull y, the LED wi ll  ash b lue slowly. T he  rs t LIFE BUD is co nnected .
4. Take out th e Left LIFE B UD. The LED wil l  ash b lue once, and i t will be connected automatically.
Using a single LIFE BUD
1. Make su re both LIFE B UDS are insid e the case, an d your phon e or other device’s Blueto oth is turne d o .
2. Open t he lid and tak e out the Righ t LIFE BUD. The LE D will  ash blue and red. ( If using the Le ft LIFE BUD i nstead ,  rst pr ess MFB unti l the LED  ashes blu e and red.)
3. Turn on th e Bluetoot h mode on you r phone or dev ice, and sear ch for the LI FE BUD on the s creen. Cli ck and conne ct it. Whe n connect ed success fully, the LED will  ash blue slow ly.
Tro uble sho oting ti ps
1. If you r phone cann ot  nd t he LIFE BUDS, p lease che ck that the LI FE BUDs are on match ing(blue an d red LED  ashing). If t he LIFE BUDs ar e not matche d for a long t ime, pleas e turn on the L IFE BUDS to matc h again, or pr ess around t hree seco nds until LE D  ash es blue and re d. Someti mes it is bet ter to rese t the LIFE BUDS an d the Bluet ooth func tion of the p hone.
2. If it is n ot possibl e to talk or lis ten to music w hile conne cted succ essfull y: You might ne ed to choos e Bluetoot h “Mobile Au dio” or “Med ia Audio” whe n using an A ndroid sy stem, or ple ase choos e Bluetoot h on call inte rface.
3. If your p hone or dev ice is paire d/connec ted with th e LIFE BUDS but t here is no sound : Try removin g the LIFE BUDS a s a Bluetoot h device and t hen pair with you r phone or dev ice a secon d time.
Speci cations
Blueto oth versio n V 5.0 Wirele ss range 10 meter s (with no obs tacles) Suppor t model HSP / HFP / A2DP / AVRCP Freque ncy Range 2402 to 2480 MH z
Channe l No. 79 Max Out put Power 10 dBm
LIFE BUDS Performan ce
Output 10 mW Freque ncy Respo nse 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Batte ry (LIFE BUDS)
Capaci ty 3.7 V/50 mAh Chargi ng time (appr oximatel y) 1 hour Usage ti me (approxi mately)
Music pl ayback 4 hours Phone ca lls 4 hours Standby 120 hours
Charging Case
Batte ry capaci ty 3.7 V/450 mAh Chargi ng time (appr oximatel y) 2 hours LIFE BUD re charges 3 full cha rges Power inp ut Micro USB, 5 V / 1 A
Operat ing tempe rature -10C to 50C Dimens ions (chargi ng case) 68.5 x 32 x 33.5 mm
(2.7 x 1.26 x 1.32") Weight (in cluding c harging ca se) 43 g (0.09 lbs)
Other important information
1. Register online. Pleaseregister your new Music Tribe equipment right
after you purchase it by visiting tannoy.com. Registeringyour purchase using our simple online form helps us to process your repair claims more quickly and e ciently.
Also, read the terms and conditions of our warranty, ifapplicable.
2. Malfunction. Should your Music Tribe Authorized Reseller not be located in your vicinity, you may contact the Music Tribe Authorized Ful ller for your country listed under “Support” at tannoy.com. Shouldyour country not be listed, pleasecheck if your problem can be dealt with by our “OnlineSupport” which may also be found under “Support” at tannoy.com. Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at tannoy.com
BEFORE returning theproduct.
Respon sible Par ty Name: Music Tri be Commer cial NV Inc . Address: 5270 Proc yon Street
Las Vesg as, NV89118 USA
Phone Nu mber: +1 702 800 8290
This equ ipment has b een teste d and found t o comply wit h the limit s for a ClassB digita l device, pu rsuant to pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru les. Thes e limits are d esigned to provi de reasona ble protec tion aga inst harmf ul inter ference in a r esident ial
insta llation. Th is equipm ent genera tes, uses an d can radiat e radio fre quency energy a nd, if not ins talled an d used in acco rdance wit h the instr uction s, may caus e harmful i nterfer ence to radi o communic ations. H owever, there i s no guaran tee that inte rferen ce will not oc cur in a par ticular in stallati on.
If this eq uipment do es cause ha rmful int erfere nce to radio o r televisio n recept ion, which c an be deter mined by tur ning the eq uipment o and o n, the user i s encourag ed to try to c orrect t he interf erence by on e or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receivi ng antenna .
Increa se the sepa ration be tween the e quipment a nd receive r.
Connec t the equip ment into an o utlet on a ci rcuit di er ent from th at to
which th e receiver i s connect ed.
Consult t he dealer or a n experi enced radi o/TV tec hnician fo r help.
This equ ipment com plies wit h Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Ope ration is su bject to the foll owing two c ondition s:
(1) This devic e may not caus e harmful i nterfer ence, and (2) This dev ice must acc ept any inter ference r eceived, i ncluding i nterfe rence that may c ause undes ired oper ation.
This tra nsmitte r must not be c o-locat ed or opera ting in conj unction w ith any other an tenna or tra nsmitte r.
The Musi c Tribe is not re sponsibl e for any radi o or TV inter ference c aused by unauthorized modi cations to this equipment.
Such mod i c ations cou ld void the us er author ity to oper ate the equi pment FCC RF Radi ation Exp osure Stat ement: (1) This Transmi tter mus t not be co-l ocated or o perating i n conjunc tion with an y
other an tenna or tra nsmitte r. (2) This equ ipment com plies wit h FCC RF radiat ion expos ure limit s set fort h for an uncontrolled environment.