After Initial Pairing
2-1) Before activating the scale, make sure the corresponding Bluetooth device is turned on.
2-2) Press “OUTPUT” key to turn on the scale, as noted by a single beep.
The scale will find the previous corresponding Bluetooth device.
* If unable to establish pairing or if no response from the corresponding Bluetooth device within
30 seconds, an error will show on the scale (step 3-1).
Output Data
:•The data are divided with commas (,) for each data.
•The terminator (end of data) is CR (ASCII code 0
D), LF (ASCII code 0
[Output example (in the case to lb unit)]
Control Data Control Data Model No Weight Data Checksum CR
{0 , 16 , ˜0 , 1 , MO , "HD-351BT" , Wp , xxx.x , CS , xx ,
Signal Speed
Heade Output data (ASCII code) Substance
Control Data {0 Fix to 16 2bytes fixed
Control Data ˜0 Fix to 1 1bytes fixed
Model No. MO "HD-351BT" 10bytes fixed
Wk XXX.X 3 - 5bytes variable length
Wp XXX.X 3 - 5bytes variable length
Ws XX.YY.Y 5 - 7bytes variable length X:st Y:lb
Checksum CS XX 2bytes fixed
Start Bit
9600 bps
1 bit
Data Bit Length 8 bits
Parity None
Stop bit
1 bit
2-3) A successful pairing operation between scale and the corresponding Bluetooth device will be
noted by a double beep.
2-4) The display will change to the zero calibration display.
2-5) The display will then changed to the waiting display. Step onto the scale and measure weight.
2-6) The weight result will flash after measurement is completed. The weight data will then be sent to
the corresponding Bluetooth device.
2-7) To continue with more weighting’s, press “OUTPUT” key (Step 2-4).
2-8) The scale will automatically shut off when ---
* The user remains on the scale for 30 seconds.
* The user get off from the scale, and then after 30 seconds.
Error Process
3-1) Failure to “PAIR” display.
3-2) Display will change to zero calibration display.
3-3) The display will then change to the waiting display. Step onto the scale and measure weight, or
to reattempt Bluetooth pairing press “OUTPUT” key (step 1-2).
3-4) The weight result will flash after measurement is completed.
* The weight result data will not be sent to the corresponding Bluetooth device.
* To reattempt Bluetooth pairing, press “OUTPUT” key (step 1-2).
3-5) The scale will automatically shut off when ---
* The user remains on the scale for 30 seconds.
* The user get off from the scale, and then after 30 seconds.
8. Output Data Format