Q: What is the device model?
A: The device model is TBC 322.
Q: In which country this equipment is produced?
A: This equipment is produced in Japan.
Q: Are all the components for this model sold individually?
A: No, others are sold in kits or assemblies, not separately.
Q: What are the procedures for getting the right clearance of the shims?
A: Shims are to be used when required to get the right clearance.
Q: What is understood by stocking code A?
A: Stocking code A refers to high velocity parts.
Q: What term N.L.A. relates to?
A: N.L.A. means not available.
Q: What is the relationship under which the parts are grouped classification when it comes to their movement?
A: There is a classification which is dependent on how fast the parts are thought to be moving. For instance, parts that are thought to be fast moving have been classified as A, those that are medium fast as B, medium movers will fall under C and slow movers have been categorized under D.
Q: Are there any safety provisions stated in the manual?
A: Yes, the manual contains safety measures such as the provision of the use of eye protection during the use of the unit.