ANSI is a registered trademark of American National Standards Institute, Inc.
Belkin is a registered trademark of Belkin Corporation.
Centronics is a registered trademark of Genicom Corporation.
Chatillon is a trademark of John Chatillon & Sons, Inc.
Code V is a trademark of Quality Micro Systems.
Dataproducts is a registered trademark of Dataproducts Corporation.
EIA is a registered service mark of Electronic Industries Association.
NERGY STAR® is a registered trademark of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency. As an
Printronix has determined that this product meets the
guidelines for energy efficiency.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
IGP is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Intelligent Printer Data Stream and IPDS are trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
NERGY STAR® Partner,
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems.
LinePrinter Plus is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Linux is a registered trademark assigned to Linus Torvalds.
MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows (3.1x, 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP) are
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
PC-DOS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
PGL is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Primelogic is a trademark of PTC Group, Inc.
PrintNet is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Printronix is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
PSA and PSA3 are trademarks of Printronix, Inc.
QMS is a registered trademark of Quality Micro Systems.
SureStak is a trademark of Printronix, Inc.
TallyGenicom brand is owned by Printronix, Inc.
Torx is a registered trademark of Camcar/Textron Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Utica is a registered trademark of Cooper Power Tools.
War ranty And Cop yright Information
Printronix, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding
this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Printronix, Inc. shall not
be held responsible for errors contained herein or any omissions from this
material or for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential, in connection with the furnishing, distribution, performance or
use of this material. The information in this manual is subject to change
without notice.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No
part of this document may be reproduced, copied, translated or incorporated
in any other material in any form or by any means, whether manual, graphic,
electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the prior written consent of
Printronix, Inc.
The Environmental Protection Agency E
a partnership effort with manufacturers of data processing equipment to
promote the introduction of energy-efficient personal computers, monitors,
printers, fax machines, and copiers to help reduce air pollution and global
warming caused by electricity generation.
Printronix, Inc. participates in this program by introducing printers that reduce
power consumption when they are not being used. As an E
Partner, Printronix has determined that this product meets the E
guidelines for energy efficiency.
any product or service.
® emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of
® Computers program is
Communication Notices
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to
take adequate measures.
Federal Communications Com m ission (FCC) Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Fules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to
correct the interference at his own expense.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order
to meet FCC emission limits. Printronix is not responsible for any radio or
television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and
connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment.
Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Fules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
European Union (EU) Co nformity Statement
Printronix cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection
requirements resulting from a non-recommended modification of the product,
including the fitting of option cards not authorized by Printronix.
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A
Information Technology Equipment according to European standard EN
55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for commercial and
industrial environments to provide reasonable protection against interference
with licensed communication devices.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in order
to reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV
communications and to other electrical or electronic equipment. Such cables
and connectors are available from Printronix authorized dealers. Printronix
cannot accept responsibility for any interference caused by using other than
recommended cables and connectors.
Industry Canada Compliance St atem ent
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A conform á la norme NMB-003 du
Statement of CISPR 22 Compliance
Attention: This is a Class A Product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Japanese VCCI Class A
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user will be required to take
adequate measures.
Australia/New Zealand
Attention: This is a Class A Product. In a domestic enviroment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Declaration: This is a Case A Product. In a domestic environment this
product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required
to take practical actions.
German Conformity St ateme nt
Zulassungsbescheinigung Gesetz über die elektromagnetische
Verträglichkeit von Geraten (EMVG) vom 30. August 1995
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem deutschen das EGKonformitätszelchen - CE - zu führen.
Der Außteller der Konformitätserklärung ist die Printronix......(1)
Informationen in Hinsicht EMVG Paragraph 3 Abs. (2) 2:
Das Gerät erfüllt die Schutzanforderungen nach EN 55022 und
EN 55024 Klasse A.
EN 55022 Klasse A Geräte bedürfen folgender Hinweise:
Nach dem EMVG: “Geräte dürfen an Orten, für die sie nicht asreichend
entstört sind, nur mit besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesminesters für
Post und Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes für Post und
Telekommunikation betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird erteilt, wenn
keine elektromagnetischen Störungen zu erwarten sind.” (Auszug aus dem
EMVG, Paragraph 3, Abs. 4) Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist nach
Paragraph 9 EMVG in Verbindung mit der entsprechenden Kostenverordnung
(Amtsblatt 14/93) kostenpflichtig.
EN 55022: Dieses ist eine Kategorie A Vorrichtung. Betrieb in den
Wohnbereichen kann elektrische Störung verursachen. Es ist die
Verantwortlichkeit des Benutzers, passende Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen.
EN 55024: Begrenzung Werte für Gebrauch in bevölkerten Bereiche,
kommerziellen und Industriegebieten sind innen Übereinstimmung mit den
spezifizierten Anforderungen Hinsichtlich Störfreiheit.
Anmerkung: Um die Einhaltung des EMVG sicherzustellen sind die Geräte,
wie in den Handbüchern angegeben, zu installieren und zu betreiben.
European Union (EC) Electromagnetic Compatibility
This product conforms to the protection requirements of EC Council Directive
89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating
to electromagnetic compatibility. Printronix cannot accept responsibility for
any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a nonrecommended modification of the product, including the fitting of option cards
not authorized by Printronix.
Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Übereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG
vom 9.Nov.92 das EG-Konformitätszeichen zu furhren.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used to
reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV communication
and to other electrical or electronic equipment. Printronix cannot be
responsible for any interference caused by using other than recommended
cables and connectors.
This product has been tested and found to comply with limits for Class A
Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22/European
Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for
commercial and industrial environments to provide reasonable protection
against interference with licensed communication equipment.
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Dieses Gerät erfüllt die Bedingungen der EN 55022 Klasse A. Für diese
Klasse von Geräten gilt folgende Bestimmung nach dem EMVG:
Geräte dürfen an Orten, für die sie nicht ausreichend entstört sind, nur mit
besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesminesters für Post und
Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes für Post und Telekommunikation
betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird erteilt, wenn keine
elektromagnetischen Störungen zu erwarten sind.
(Auszug aus dem EMVG vom 9.Nov.92, Para.3, Abs.4)
Hinweis: Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist von der Deutschen Bundespost
TallyGenicom® 6600 Cartridge Ribbon Printer (CRP) Series
TallyGenicom® has been the global leader in industrial printing solutions for
over 30 years, earning a reputation for designing and manufacturing leading
edge products and delivering them to market with unsurpassed service and
The TallyGenicom 6600™ Line Matrix Printing Platform extends the series of
technology innovations that cement TallyGenicom’s leadership position. Line
matrix printing is TallyGenicom’s flagship technology, and it remains the
workhorse solution for supply-chain and back-office printing applications
because of its reliability, lower cost of ownership and flexibility of printing
Most reliable printer ever – provides more up time and lower operating
Ultra capacity ribbons – deliver darker image, last longer, and costs less
to operate than other print technologies
Integrated print management system – provides precise control over print
quality, print costs, and job planning
Cabinet or Pedestal styles – best user access and forms handling
Unsurpassed ease of use – simplifies operation and enhances
There are four printer configurations:
Enclosed Cabinet
The enclosed cabinet models provide for near silent operation, making
these printers perfectly suitable for use in the quietest of office
Provides the best paper handling for large print runs. All paper input and
output is contained inside the cabinet and protected from bumping and
Highly effective combination of moveable fences and chains allows for
precise stacking all the way up to a full box of paper.
For tougher forms that tend not to refold well, a SureStak power stacker
option is available for the enclosed cabinet models.
Available in four print speeds – 500 line per minute (lpm), 1000 lpm,
1500 lpm, and 2000 lpm models.
TallyGenicom® 6600 Cartridge Ribbon Printer (CRP) Series
The pedestal model has a clamshell design that allows easy access to all
controls, providing faster ribbon replacements and easier paper loading.
Oversized casters are standard making movement easy.
Versatility to configure the paper path for either top or rear exit.
Using the top paper exit, this printer is ideal for short print runs and easy
access to output.
Available in three print speeds – 500 line per minute (lpm), 1000 lpm, and
1500 lpm models.
Quiet Pedestal
This printer configuration is the same as the above Pedestal configuration
but with an enclosed input paper area with a front door, side panels, and
bottom panel to seal the input paper path.
Provides a reduction in acoustic noise.
Zero Tear Pedestal
Special push tractor configuration enables printing from the very first to
the very last line of a form and then tear-off with no forms lost.
The elimination of wasted forms between jobs can yield significant
An ideal solution for supply-chain and back-office applications.
Available in three print speeds – 500 line per minute (lpm), 1000 lpm, and
1500 lpm models.
Order the Correct S p are s
When you replace worn or damaged printer components, make sure you
order the correct spares for the model you are servicing. The next section
shows you how to identify a 6600 Cartridge Ribbon Printer.
A 6600 printer has a model number logo and ribbon cartridge logo on the
printer front cover. The model number is an alphanumeric code that identifies
the printer type, its housing, and its maximum rated print speed. The serial
number “C” indicates that this is a cartridge equipped printer. The model
number and serial number of the printer are on the identification label next to
the input/output ports at the rear of the printer.
interpret a model number.
Figure 1 shows how to
The speed of printing for “real world” print jobs is affected by the interaction of
many variables and varies from print job to print job. For more information,
see “Printing Rates” on
Zero Tear Pedestal (ZTP) Printers
Zero Tear Pedestal (ZTP) printers are models equipped with special
hardware and software that permits them to print small jobs or single sheets
without losing a sheet between print jobs. A ZTP printer automatically
presents the current print line to a tear bar when it finishes printing and
presents the perforation of the last form printed to the tear bar. When it
receives more data from the host computer, the printer pulls the form down to
the print station and resumes printing.
ZTP printers are covered in Appendix E (page 403).
Figure 1. How to Interpret a Model Number
page 282.
Cabinet Type:
F = Floor Cabinet
P = Pedestal Model
Controller Board Revision Level.
H = PSA3 board
V8 ASIC Revision Level
Revision Level
TallyGenicom® 6600 Cartridge Ribbon Printer (CRP) Series
Printer Configuration Code
Every printer has a configuration code which specifies the printer’s cabinet
type, controller board revision level, V8 ASIC revision level, and MECA ASIC
revision level. The configuration code is included in the configuration printout.
Figure 2 shows how to interpret the printer’s configuration code.
Figure 2. How to Interpret the Printer’s Configuration Code
Forms Handling
Pedestal Models
Pedestal models provide access to printed forms from the top cover with a
tear-at-perforation edge for ejected forms or a paper exit at the rear of the top
cover. Pedestal printers also have a wireform paper tray attached to the front
of the pedestal and a wireform catch basket attached either to the back of the
pedestal or to the back of the printer top cover.
Cabinet Models
Cabinet models can be equipped with four kinds of paper stacking devices:
The fixed paper fence is a wireform divider that separates the source
paper stack from the printed output stack, and is used in combination with
hanging chains that guide printed forms downward.
For improved performance at higher print speeds, the chains are used
with a moveable fence called the “passive paper stacker,” which can be
positioned to match the form’s length.
The front access paper stacker consists of a shelf that holds the input
paper and a sliding tray that receives the printed forms. The sliding tray
pulls forward, permitting the user to both load and unload paper from the
front of the printer. This option is helpful in locations where access to the
rear of the printer is limited or impossible.
For more demanding applications, an optional power stacker is available.
(The power stacker is covered in Appendix D on
page 353.)
These devices are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Paper Stackers Used On Cabinet Models
6610QNot UsedStandardOptionOption
6615QNot UsedStandardOptionOption
6620QNot UsedStandardOptionOption
Fixed Paper
Important Maintenance Notes
To ensure the best performance of the printer, remember these maintenance
principles when you service it. Failure to observe these guidelines can result
in damage to the equipment:
Do not adjust the platen gap unless
1) the original shuttle assembly or platen has been replaced with a new or
rebuilt unit, or
2) you are instructed to do so in a troubleshooting procedure.
Never bend or try to adjust (“tweak”) the hammer springs. The
hammer springs are precisely aligned and the hammer tips are delicate.
Always handle hammer springs by the thick mounting base.
Use only the ribbon cartridges specified in the User’s Manual. Using
ribbon cartridges not made by TallyGenicom can lead to degraded print
quality, expensive damage to the printer, and can void the owner’s
Never close the forms thickness lever (platen lever) too tightly.
Closing the forms thickness lever too tightly can lead to smeared print,
degraded print quality, paper jams, and damage to the platen and shuttle
For your safety and to protect valuable equipment, always read and comply
with all information highlighted under notices.
The heading of a notice indicates the kind of information it contains, as
explained below:
Describes a condition that could hur t you.
Describes a condition that coul d damage equipment or data.
Information vital to proper operation and maintenance of the printer.
NOTE: Tips for efficient operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
About this Manual
About this Manual
This is a field service maintenance manual, intended for use by trained
service personnel. It is designed so that you can quickly locate the
maintenance information you need to restore the printer to operation.
This manual does not explain how to install, operate, or configure the printer.
For that information, refer to the Quick Reference Guide and the User’s
This manual does not explain how to program application software for
operation with the printer. Programming information for the printer languages
used by the printer is in the appropriate programmer’s reference manual:
Integrated Network Interface Card User’s Manual
Information about network protocols, configuration, and network
6600 Series Printers Emulations Applications Manual, Volume 1
Defines printer emulations.
6600 Series Printers Fonts and Character Sets Applications Manual,
Volume 3
Defines printer fonts and character sets.
6600 Series Printers Graphics Languages Applications Manual, Volume 4
Defines Code V, PGL, and MT660 IG printer graphics languages.
How to Use this Manual
Taking a systematic approach to maintenance tasks will help you restore the
printer to operation as quickly as possible:
1. Locate the procedure or information you need in the Table of Contents or
2. Read the entire procedure before you do it.
3. Gather the parts and tools you will need.
4. Make sure you understand all notices before you start a task. (Notices are
defined on
page 21.)
Printing Conventions in this Manual
Printing Conventions in this Manual
Control panel keys and indicators are highlighted in UPPERCASE BOLD
Example: Press the CLEAR key, then press the ONLINE key.
Messages that appear on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) are set off by
quotation marks (“ ”).
Example: Press the ONLINE key. “OFFLINE” appears on the LCD.
Control panel key combinations are indicated by the + (plus) symbol.
Example: Press U + V.
means press the key and the key at the same time.
The Safety Notices on page 23 apply at all times when you are working
on the printer. Please read them now.
Safety Notices
Always disconnect the AC power cord from the printer or power source
before performing any maintenance procedure. Failure to remove power
could result in injury to persons or damage to equipment. If you must
apply power during maintenance, you will be instructed to do so in the
maintenance procedure.
Always disconnect the AC power cord before cleaning the printer.
To prevent injury from electric shock, wait at least one minute after
shutting off power before removing the power supply circuit board.
Wear a properly grounded static wrist strap when handling the power
supply board. Handle the board by the sides. Do not touch components
or flex the board during removal/installation.
Over time, the upper edge of the paper ironer can become sharp. To
avoid cutting yourself, handle the paper ironer on the sides.
Hold the printer cover securely while disengaging the dashpot.
Hinweise zur Sicherheit
Hinweise zur Sicherheit
Bevor Sie anfällige Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, müssen Sie zuerst
immer das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose ziehen. Wird das Netzkabel
nicht herausgezogen, können Verletzungen oder Geräteschäden
entstehen. Falls die Wartungsarbeit Stromzufuhr erfordert, wird im
Wartungsablauf darauf hingewiesen.
Ziehen Sie das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose, bevor Sie den Drucker
Um Verletzungen durch Elektroschocks zu vermeiden, warten Sie
mindestens eine Minute nach Stromausschaltung, bevor Sie die
elektrische Schaltkarte entfernen. Bitte immer einen geerdeten,
statischen Handgelenkriemen tragen, wenn Sie die elektrische
Schaltkarte handhaben. Halten Sie die Karte nur an den seitlichen
Auswurfshebeln. Während des Herausnehmens/Installierens dürfen die
Komponenten der Karte nicht berührt oder gebogen werden.
Die obere Kante der Papierschiene wird mit der Zeit scharf. Halten Sie
die Schiene deshalb an den Seiten, damit Sie sich nicht schneiden.
Behalten Sie die Druckerabdeckung sicher im Griff, wenn Sie das
Gasfederpaket entfernen .
Controls and Indicators
Electrical Contro ls
Electrical Controls
Switch or
Power SwitchTurns printer on and off: 1 = on, 0 = off. This switch is also a circuit
Status IndicatorOn when the printer is online, off when the printer is offline. Flashes to
indicate a fault or warning.
LCDLiquid Crystal Display. Displays printer status messages, fault messages,
and menus which permit user to set various configurations.
ONLINEToggles the printer online and offline. Clears the printer after a fault is
corrected and returns the printer to offline state. Pressing CLEAR silences
the audible alarm (if enabled).
LFPerforms a line feed (LF - line feed). A single press of the LF key causes a
line advance.
FFPerforms a form feed paper advance (FF - form feed) . A single press of
the FF key causes a form advance to the top of the next form.
CLEARIn a fault state this key attempts to clear the fault. When the fault is cleared
the printer returns to the offline mode.
When the printer is in offline mode and no fault is present, this key allows
entry into the Clear menu..
TOFMoves paper downward from TOF (Top Of Form) alignment mark to the
print station and sets this as the first line of print on a page, independent of
forms length. If there are data in the buffers, the printer slews to the page
position where printing left off and prints the data.
VIEWWhen the printer is online or offline, pressing this key executes the view or
eject function. A short press of the View key performs the view function. If
the key is held down for more than one second, the key eject function is
If online with data in the printer buffer, the data prints and the key functions
as described below.
For cabinet models, pressing the VIEW key moves the last data printed to
the tractor area for viewing. While in the view state, the message "Printer
in View" displays, and pressing the UP or DOWN arrow keys moves the
paper up or down in 1/72 inch increments. Pressing VIEW a second time
moves the paper back to the adjusted print position.
If in a fault state, this key will be ignored.
CONFIGIn offline mode, this key allows for fast selection of any of the previously
stored configurations. Pressing this key causes the printer to cycle through
the following messages: Load Config., Factory Config, Load Config 1,
Load Config 2, Load Config 3,...,Load Config 8.
Controls and Indicators
Switch or
MENU/ENTERWhile in offline mode, this key allows entry into the configuration menus.
When navigating the configuration menus, MENU/ENTER selects the
currently displayed option value as the active value. An asterisk (*)
appears next to the active value on the display. MENU/ENTER is also
used for starting and stopping printer tests and generating a configuration
Moves up between levels in the configuration menus. When in offline
mode, makes vertical forms adjust.
In VIEW mode, moves paper up 1/72 inch. (See VIEW key.)
Moves down between levels in the configuration menus. When in offline
mode, makes vertical forms adjust.
In VIEW mode, moves paper down 1/72 inch. (See VIEW key.)
Moves between the options on the current level of configuration.
Moves between the options on the current level of configuraiton.
Press up and down arrow keys together unlocks or locks the MENU/
ENTER key.
Electrical Controls
184071 REV B
Rotated 180 Degrees
Power Switch
Circular Pad
Figure 3. Electrical Controls
110 20
1 inch
0.1 inch
Controls and Indicators
Mechanical Controls
Control or IndicatorFunction
Paper SupportsHelp prevent paper jams by supporting inner sections of paper. They
are positioned manually by sliding them along the tractor shafts.
Forms Thickness LeverSets the platen for paper and forms of different thicknesses. This
lever must be fully opened (raised) to load paper, unload paper, and
move paper with the vertical position knob.
Forms Thickness
Pointer and Scale
Forms Thickness Lever
and Platen Stop
Indicates the relative thickness of forms and paper. Align pointer with
A for thin (single-part) forms, B for thicker forms, and so on.
The forms thickness lever closes the platen to the relative thickness
of the paper. The platen stop assembly returns the platen to the lever
adjustment made by the user.
Tractors (2)Hold and feed paper. Used to set side margins and position the paper
Tractor Locks (2)Lock tractors in position.
Vertical Position KnobUsed to set top of form or the first line to be printed. Open the forms
thickness lever and rotate this knob to move paper vertically.
Paper ScaleA horizontal scale graduated in tenths of an inch, useful for setting
paper margins and counting text columns. (See below.)
Mechanical Controls
183871 REV A
Tension Knob
Air Shroud
Tab (2)
Slot (2)
Blue Tractor
Lock (2)
Support (2)
Tractor (2)
Position Knob
Platen Lever
Splined Shaft
Platen Stop
Hammer Bank
Cover and
Ribbon Mask
Ribbon Cartridge
Figure 4. Mechanical Controls
Tools and Test Equipment
Tools and Test Equipment
For field level maintenance of the printer, you will need these tools:
Adapter, 1/4 in. hex to 1/4 in. square, Utica® HW-18
Alcohol, anhydrous
Allen Wrench, 1/16 inch
Allen Wrench, 3/32 inch
Allen Wrench, 5/32 inch
Allen Wrench, 7/64 inch
Allen Wrench, 5/64 inch
ESD Wrist Strap
Feeler Gauge, Flat, 0.010 inch
Feeler Gauge, Flat, 0.011 inch
Feeler Gauge, Flat, 0.012 inch
Feeler Gauge, Flat, 0.013 inch
Feeler Gauge, Flat, 0.040 inch
Field Kit, Tester, P5 Power Supplies, Generic, (P/N 178083-001)
Force Gauge, (Chatillon™ NY, Gauge-r, 0-20 lb., CAT 719-20)
Force Gauge, “Fish Scale” type, 0-16 oz.
Hardware Kit, P5XXX Mech, ZTP (P/N 178573-001)
Hex bit, 3/16 in., torque screwdriver
Hex bit, 3/32 in., torque screwdriver
Hex bit, 5/32 in., torque screwdriver
Hex bit, 5/64 in., torque screwdriver
Lubricant, Bearing (P/N 101805-001)
Nut Driver, 1/4 inch
Nut Driver, 5/16 inch
Nut Driver or Open End Wrench, 7/32 inch
Open End Wrench, 5/16 inch
Pliers, Grip Ring, External
Screwdriver, flat tip
Screwdriver, Phillips, #1
Screwdriver, Phillips, #2
Screwdriver, Torque, Utica TS-35
Shuttle Stabilizer Tool (P/N 255447-001)
Tie Wraps, 4 inch and 8 inch
Torx® T-10, T-15 Driver
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