Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

6600 Series Printers
Applications Manual
Volume 4
Graphics Languages - Code V, PGL, MT660 IG
6600 Series Printers
Applications Manual
Volume 4
Graphics Languages - Code V, PGL, MT660 IG
Trademark Acknowledgements
Acrobat® Reader is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
DEC is a trademark of Compaq Computer Corp.
Epson is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corp.
Genicom is a trademark of Genicom L.L.C.
HP is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
IBM and Proprinter are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Printronix and PGL are trademarks of Printronix, Inc.
QMS and Code V are trademarks of Minolta-QMS Inc.
TallyGenicom brand is owned by Printronix, Inc.

Table of Contents

1 QMS® Code V™ Graphics Processing
Language............................................................ 15
Graphics Processing Language........................................................... 16
Graphics Mode .................................................................................... 16
Turning Graphics Mode On ........................................................... 16
PY Then ........................................................................................ 17
Turning Graphics Mode Off ........................................................... 17
Code V Command Character (CVCC)................................................. 18
Changing The CVCC .................................................................... 18
Free Format ......................................................................................... 19
Turning Free Format On................................................................ 19
Turning Free Format OFF ............................................................. 19
Control Code Equivalents ............................................................. 20
Ignore Data .......................................................................................... 21
Graphics Pass ..................................................................................... 21
Pass Spacing (Modplot) ................................................................ 22
Pass Buffer Length........................................................................ 22
Pass Format .................................................................................. 23
GPL Commands .................................................................................. 25
Multiple Passes ............................................................................. 25
2 Character Printing ............................................... 27
Control Panel Option ........................................................................... 27
Block Character ................................................................................... 27
Descender Mode ................................................................................. 32
Reverse Image .................................................................................... 33
Revese Image Descender Mode................................................... 33
Half-Tone ............................................................................................. 34
Half-Tone Toggle .......................................................................... 35
Half-Tone Reverse Image ............................................................. 35
Half-Dot Mode (Double Density).......................................................... 36
Half-Dot Mode And Half-Tones ..................................................... 36
Table of Contents
Block Character Fonts ......................................................................... 37
7.5 CPI .......................................................................................... 37
10 CPI ........................................................................................... 38
12 CPI ........................................................................................... 39
15 CPI ........................................................................................... 39
Code V Font Selection......................................................................... 40
Code V Character Set Selection.......................................................... 40
Compressed Fonts .............................................................................. 41
NLQ Fonts ........................................................................................... 42
Default Font Selection ......................................................................... 43
Draft Fonts ........................................................................................... 44
Font/Quality Speed .............................................................................. 44
High Quality Font Mode ................................................................ 44
Full Space Font Mode ................................................................... 44
Half Space Font Mode .................................................................. 45
Lines Per Inch...................................................................................... 45
Dump Mode ......................................................................................... 45
Hex Command..................................................................................... 45
Control Panel Option ........................................................................... 46
Block Character............................................................................. 46
ISO Character Sets.............................................................................. 46
ISO Character Set Table ..................................................................... 47
3 Creating Lines And Graphics .............................. 49
Line Drawing........................................................................................ 49
Solid Lines..................................................................................... 49
Dashed Lines ................................................................................ 51
Boxes................................................................................................... 53
Form Drawing ...................................................................................... 55
Plot Mode............................................................................................. 57
Logos ................................................................................................... 58
Version 1 Logos ............................................................................ 58
Version 2 logos ............................................................................. 59
Pixel Expansion ................................................................................... 59
Table of Contents
4 Barcodes............................................................. 61
Selecting Barcodes ....................................................................... 62
Barcode Density ............................................................................ 62
Barcode Height ............................................................................. 62
Barcode Width............................................................................... 62
Barcode Version 1......................................................................... 63
Barcode Version 2......................................................................... 64
Dark/Light Bar Ratios .................................................................... 70
High Density Barcode ................................................................... 71
LOGMARS Barcode ...................................................................... 72
Code 128 Barcode ........................................................................ 72
Code 128 Special Characters ....................................................... 75
Postnet Barcodes ................................................................................ 79
Accessing POSTNET in CVCC ..................................................... 79
Orientation..................................................................................... 79
Height ............................................................................................ 79
CPI ................................................................................................ 79
Parameters In POSTNET.............................................................. 80
AIAG Barcodes ............................................................................. 80
HIBCC Barcode............................................................................. 81
EMBARC Barcodes....................................................................... 81
5 Positioning and Repeating .................................. 83
Positioning Data................................................................................... 83
Horizontal Tab ............................................................................... 83
Vertical Justification ...................................................................... 84
Pass Height ................................................................................... 85
Pass Width .................................................................................... 86
Pass Density ................................................................................. 86
Dot Slew........................................................................................ 87
Form Length .................................................................................. 87
Interrupt Function .......................................................................... 88
Repeating Data.................................................................................... 89
Repeating Data, Version 2................................................................... 89
Horizontal Repeat, Version 2 ........................................................ 89
Vertical Repeat, Version 2 ............................................................ 91
Multiple Repeat Commands.......................................................... 92
Automatic Increment/Decrement ......................................................... 94
Repeating Data, Version 1................................................................... 98
Horizontal Repeat ......................................................................... 98
Vertical Repeat.............................................................................. 98
Table of Contents
6 Buffered/Defined Forms ...................................... 99
Buffered Forms .................................................................................... 99
Data Fields .................................................................................... 99
Buffered Form Create ................................................................. 100
Buffered Form Execute ............................................................... 100
Control Code Command Changes .............................................. 101
Buffered Form Delete .................................................................. 104
Buffered Form Reset ................................................................... 104
Buffered Form List....................................................................... 105
Buffered Form Repeats ............................................................... 106
Buffered Form Copy .................................................................... 106
Repeat......................................................................................... 108
Predefined Forms .............................................................................. 109
AIAG Forms ................................................................................ 109
Primary Metals Form ................................................................... 111
Version 1 Buffered Formatting........................................................... 116
Buffered Form Create ................................................................. 116
Control Code Command Changes .............................................. 116
7 Industrial Graphics Application.......................... 121
Introduction ........................................................................................ 121
Control Sequences...................................................................... 121
Home And Cursor ....................................................................... 121
Barcodes ..................................................................................... 121
Block Characters ......................................................................... 121
Command Summary ................................................................... 121
Control Sequences ............................................................................ 122
Print Cycles ................................................................................. 122
Entering Barcode/Block Mode..................................................... 122
Invalid Commands ...................................................................... 122
Exiting Barcode/Block Character Mode ...................................... 123
Control Sequence Formatting ..................................................... 123
Valid Control Sequences............................................................. 124
Home And Cursor .............................................................................. 129
Paper Motion Commands ........................................................... 129
Barcodes............................................................................................ 130
Code 39 (Types 1 And 2) ............................................................ 130
Emulation Limitations .................................................................. 130
Code 39 Type 1 Examples .......................................................... 132
Code 39 Type 2 Examples .......................................................... 133
Two of Five with 2:1 Ratio (Type 6) ............................................ 134
Interleaved Two of Five, 2:1 (Type 7) ......................................... 135
Table of Contents
Two of Five with 3:1 Ratio (Type 10)........................................... 136
Interleaved Two of Five, 3:1 (Type 11)........................................ 137
UPC Version A (Type 12)............................................................ 138
EAN-13 (Type 13) ....................................................................... 139
EAN-8 (Type 1) ........................................................................... 140
Block Characters ............................................................................... 141
Block Character Sizes ................................................................. 141
Normal Density (^M) Examples................................................... 141
Other Size Variations .................................................................. 142
Double Density (^D) Examples ................................................... 143
Mixing Barcode/Block Characters ............................................... 144
Command Summary Table ................................................................ 145
8 PGL Menu Operations ...................................... 147
Introduction ........................................................................................ 147
PGL Menu Parameters ...................................................................... 147
Graphic Menu Category..................................................................... 148
PGL Graphic Parameters .................................................................. 149
Smooth Parameter ...................................................................... 149
Darkbar Parameter...................................................................... 149
Vscale Parameter........................................................................ 150
Zero Parameter ........................................................................... 150
SFCC Parameter......................................................................... 150
9 PGL Command Set........................................... 151
PGL Command Set Standards .......................................................... 151
Special Function Control Character (SFCC) ............................... 151
Parameter Delimiter .................................................................... 151
Case............................................................................................ 151
Line Terminator ........................................................................... 151
Printable Data Delimiter .............................................................. 152
Spaces ........................................................................................ 152
Command Parameters ................................................................ 152
Form And Logo Names ............................................................... 152
Numeric Variables ....................................................................... 153
Comments ................................................................................... 153
Print Position Location ................................................................ 153
Data Types .................................................................................. 154
Double-Density Printing (DARK Parameter) ............................... 154
PGL Modes ................................................................................. 155
Table of Contents
PGL Commands ................................................................................ 155
Command Presentation .............................................................. 157
Alphanumeric String Creation Commands (Create).................... 158
Incremented Static (Fixed) Alphanumeric Strings....................... 161
STEPMASK (Increment Information Field) ................................. 162
STARTDATA (Incremented Field)............................................... 162
Dynamic Incremented Alphanumeric Strings .............................. 166
Form Length Commands (Create) .............................................. 166
Duplication Commands (Create)................................................. 167
Using Duplication Commands..................................................... 169
Page Number Command (Create) .............................................. 170
Reverse Print Command (Create)............................................... 171
Exit CREATE Mode (Create) ...................................................... 172
EXECUTE Mode (Normal) .......................................................... 172
Box Command (Create) .............................................................. 177
Using The Box Command ........................................................... 179
Call LOGO Command (Create)................................................... 180
Change LPI Command (Normal and Execute)............................ 181
Change SFCC Command (Normal and Execute) ....................... 182
Create Corner Frames (Create) .................................................. 183
Using The Corner Command ...................................................... 185
Create Form Command (Normal) ............................................... 186
Create Logo Command (Normal)................................................ 187
Delete Form Command (Normal)................................................ 191
Delete Logo Command (Normal) ................................................ 191
Density Command (Normal and Execute)................................... 192
Directory Command (Normal) ..................................................... 192
Expanded Print Command (Normal and Execute) ...................... 193
Horizontal And Vertical Line Commands (Create) ...................... 194
Ignore Commands (Normal, Create, and Execute) ..................... 196
Normal Command (Normal and EXECUTE Mode) ..................... 197
PGL Mode Control ...................................................................... 197
Reset Command (Normal and Execute) ..................................... 198
Scale Command (Create) ........................................................... 199
Select Format (SF) Command
(Normal, Create, and Execute) ................................................... 200
Practice.............................................................................................. 201
Table of Contents
10 PGL Barcodes................................................... 205
PGL Barcodes (Used in CREATE Mode Only).................................. 205
Barcode Command Parameters.................................................. 205
Data Field Characters ................................................................. 211
Incrementing Barcode Data ........................................................ 214
PGL Barcode Commands And Output............................................... 215
Code 39....................................................................................... 215
Code 128B .................................................................................. 216
Code 128C .................................................................................. 217
EAN 8 .......................................................................................... 218
EAN 13 ........................................................................................ 219
Interleaved 2/5 ............................................................................ 220
MSI.............................................................................................. 221
POSTNET ................................................................................... 222
UPC-A ......................................................................................... 223
UPC-E ......................................................................................... 224
11 Barcode And LCP Printing ................................ 225
Introduction ........................................................................................ 225
Special Features ......................................................................... 227
Secured/Unsecured Mode ................................................................. 228
Barcode Printing ................................................................................ 230
Barcode Header .......................................................................... 230
Data Formats of Barcode Types........................................................ 235
Code 2/5 Matrix ........................................................................... 235
Code 2/5 Industrial ...................................................................... 236
Code 2/5 Interleaved ................................................................... 237
Code 11....................................................................................... 238
Code BCD Matrix ........................................................................ 239
Code 39....................................................................................... 240
CODABAR .................................................................................. 241
Code EAN 8 With HRI ................................................................. 242
Code EAN 8 Without HRI ............................................................ 243
Code EAN 13 With HRI ............................................................... 244
Code EAN 13 Without HRI .......................................................... 245
Code MSI/Modify Plessey ........................................................... 246
Code UPC A With HRI ................................................................ 247
Code UPC A Without HRI ........................................................... 248
Code UPC E With HRI ................................................................ 249
Code UPC E Without HRI ........................................................... 250
Code Delta Distance (IBM).......................................................... 251
Code 128..................................................................................... 252
Table of Contents
EAN 128...................................................................................... 257
US Postnet Barcode.................................................................... 262
Large Character Printing (LCP)................................................... 263
LCP Character Set US-ASCII
LCP Character Set German ........................................................ 264
A Customer Support ............................................. 267
TallyGenicom Customer Support Center........................................... 267
TallyGenicom Supplies Department .................................................. 267
Corporate Offices............................................................................... 268
B ASCII Chart ....................................................... 269
C Logos ................................................................ 271
D Patterns ............................................................. 273
E Fonts ................................................................. 277
^~FQ Draft ......................................................................................... 277
^~FQ NLQ.......................................................................................... 278
^~FQ OCR-A & B............................................................................... 279
^~FF Draft.......................................................................................... 280
^~FF NLQ .......................................................................................... 281
^~FF OCR-A & B ............................................................................... 282
^~FH Draft ......................................................................................... 283
^~FH NLQ.......................................................................................... 284
^~FH OCR-A & B............................................................................... 285
F Commands........................................................ 287
G Modplot ............................................................. 291
H Control Panel Selection..................................... 293
Printer Control Panel: Graphics Category ......................................... 293
Graphic Category (Menu Level 1)...................................................... 293
Code V Command Character (CVCC) Parameter
(Level 2 Menu) ............................................................................ 293
Smooth Parameter (Menu Level 2) ............................................. 293
PY Then Parameter (Menu Level 3) ........................................... 294
PN Then Parameter (Menu Level 2) ........................................... 294
DarkBar Parameter (Menu Level 2) ............................................ 294
Version Parameter (Menu Level 2) ............................................. 294
Descender (Descndr) Parameter (Menu Level 2) ....................... 295
Table of Contents
Zero Parameter (Menu Level 2) .................................................. 295
Vscale Parameter (Menu Level 2)............................................... 295
PGL Special Function Command Character (SFCC) Parmeter
(Menu Level 2) ............................................................................ 295
I PY/PN Data Processing.................................... 297
PN Then Data Processing When PN Then = NONE ......................... 297
PN Then Data Processing When PN Then = ALL ............................. 298
PY Then Data Processing When PY Then = NONE ......................... 299
PY Then Data Processing When PY Then = TERM.......................... 300
PY Then Data Processing When PY Then = ALL ............................. 300
J Block-Character Size Tables ............................ 301
Block Character Size Table ............................................................... 301
K Character Sets .................................................. 305
LCP Character Sets ........................................................................... 306
German ....................................................................................... 306
US-ASCII..................................................................................... 307
OCR-A (Code Page 437) ............................................................ 308
OCR-B (Code Page 437) ............................................................ 309
L Addendum to the Line Printer Graphics
Applications Manual.......................................... 311
Postal Barcodes................................................................................. 311
PDF417 2-D Barcode ........................................................................ 311
PDF417 In Code V ...................................................................... 312
PDF417 in PGL ........................................................................... 313
Code 128A Barcodes in PGL............................................................. 314
Codabar Codes in PGL...................................................................... 314
UCC/EAN-128 Barcodes in PGL ....................................................... 314
UPC-E0 Bar Codes in PGL................................................................ 314
Barcode Rotations in PGL ................................................................. 315
User-defined Barcode Ratios in PGL................................................. 315
New Barcode Fonts in PGL ............................................................... 315
ISET/USET Commands In PGL......................................................... 316
POINT Parmeter In PGL .................................................................... 317
20 CPI Support In PGL ...................................................................... 318
SCALE Command Modifications In PGL ........................................... 318
Table of Contents
Processing Language
This manual describes the features and uses of the Code V Graphics Processing Language. Code V uses a Graphics Processing Language (GPL) that provides the user with total control over the printing and formatting of graphics images. This GPL is compatible with QMS 2 and includes the following features.
Block characters, printed horizontally or vertically with height and width
ranging from 0.1 to 9.9 inches. In addition to normal black on white printing, block characters can be printed in special half-tone patterns or in reverse image (white characters on a black background).
Numerous barcodes, including Code 39 Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC, EAN,
Code 128, and Codabar. All barcodes can be printed horizontally or vertically with various height, width, and ratio dimentions. Barcodes may also be printed with or without human readable characters in a wide variety of fonts.
Code V
Code V™ versions 1 and
Solid or dashed line drawings using various line thickness.
Box drawing with user definable size and border thickness.
Horizontal and vertical duplication of graphics images.
User-definable, memory resident forms, including optional font fields.
Predefined AIAG and Primary Metals forms.
Draft, NLQ, OCR-A, and OCR-B typefaces in various sizes.
Predefined symbols such as copyright (©) and registered trademark (®).
A plot mode.
All extensive command set providing total control over the formatting and
printing of graphics images.
Chapter 1 Graphics Processing Language

Graphics Processing Language

The Graphics Processing Language (GPL) consists of a set of commands that are used to print graphics images such as block characters, barcodes, lines, and boxes, as well as provide formatting control for the correct placement of these images. Relatively complex images may be created through the use of a few simple commands.
The original version of QMS Code V (version 1) differs slightly from the current version (version 2). The primary difference between the two is in the way vertical justification commands are implemented. Specifically, version 1 used an approximation for 0.1 inch that has been made more precise in version 2. If you are running an application designed for version 1, the printer can be switched to a mode that can emulate it.

Graphics Mode

For the printer to recognize GPL commands, it must first be placed in Graphics Mode. When the printer is in Graphics Mode, the printer scans the data received from the host for GPL commands, passing non-Graphics data to the current emulation. When the printer is not in Graphics Mode, Code V is disabled and will not search the incoming data for GPL commands.
Graphics Mode may be entered while the printer is in any emulation. Graphics Mode should not be entered while the printer is in Plot Mode. The printed output of Code V adheres to all the applicable Control Panel settings (such as LPI, CPI, Form Length, etc.).
NOTE: All escape sequences in this manual are in ASCII notation.

Turning Graphics Mode On

Graphics Mode is turned on with command ^PY, which must begin in the first column of a line, followed by one of the following six terminators.
1. ^- (caret hyphen)
2. ^* (caret asterisk)
3. ^, (caret comma)
4. Carriage Return
5. Line Feed
6. Form Feed
Once the printer is in Graphics Mode, the data it receives is read into a Pass buffer. The printer will stop looking for characters from the host and process the data held in this buffer when one of the terminators is received. If the buffer fills up before receiving a Pass Terminator, data in the buffer will be processed and printed before the printer accepts any more characters.

PY Then

When Graphics Mode is on:
The control panel displays ONLINE GRAPHICS
All GPL commands and data are processed by Code V
Non-GPL data is passed to the current emulation.
PY Then
This control panel option defines the action taken on characters that are on the same line as the Graphics Mode On Command (^PY). The options are All, Term, and None. The default is None. These options are defined as follows:
All: All data following Graphics Mode On Command is processed.
Term: Only the Terminator (FF, LF, or CR) is processed.
None: None of the data is processed.
If the None option is selected, any one of the following control codes (or
combination of control codes) immediately following a ^PN or ^PY^- on the same line will not be printed:
Carriage Return
Line Feed
New Line
Form Feed
Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed
Carriage Return followed by New Line, or Carriage Return followed by
Form Feed
If PY Then is set to All or Term, all characters that follow a PN or ^PN^- on the same line will print.

Turning Graphics Mode Off

The Graphics Mode Off Command is the sequence ^PN followed by a Pass Terminator. As with the Graphics Mode On Command (^PY), the Graphics Mode Off Command must be sent in the first column of a line (i.e. after a Carriage Return). This command will cause the printer to:
Exit the Graphics Mode
Display the ONLINE message
Treat all further GPL commands as printable characters to be sent to the
current emulation.
A few fundamental GPL commands and concepts are described in the following sections. Knowledge of these commands and concepts is essential for understanding the descriptions and examples in the remainder of this manual.
Chapter 1 Code V Command Character (CVCC)

Code V Command Character (CVCC)

All GPL commands begin with a Command Character. By default, this character is an ASCII caret (^) having hexadecimal value of 5E.

Changing The CVCC

There are two ways to change the CVCC.
Using ESC Sequences
Using the ^N Command Change Sequence
This method can only be done in Graphics Mode. Send the ^N followed by the new CVCC (hex. OOto hex. FF), then terminate the ^N sequence with the New CVCC.
^N$$ would change to CVCC to the ASCII dollar sign character ($-hex, 24, Dec 36).
When you leave Graphics Mode and return to Character Mode or when the pritner is reset, the Command Character defaults to the ASCII caret character (^).
Through The Control Panel
This method can be used either in Graphics Mode or in Character Mode. To use this method take the printer offline and access the Configuration Menu. After accessing the Configuration Menu proceed through the menu levels until you access the decimal selections under the CVCC Parameter in the Graphics Category. Scroll until the desired decimal value is reached, then depress the ENTER key. This Command Character will remain valid until you exit Graphics Mode (this resets it to the default value), the printer is reset, or you change it with a ^N command or through the control panel.
NOTE: If the Command Character is set through the Control Panel outside of
Graphics Mode, that character stays in effect unless changed by the ^N command. If a config. report is printed while in Graphics Mode, it will show the character chosen with the ^N command instead of the character selected through the control panel. When you exit from Graphics Mode, the Command character is reset to the value selected through the Control Panel.
However, if the Command Character is set through the control panel inside of Graphics Mode, that character stays in effect only until you exit Graphics Mode, after which the Command Character is reset to the value you selected through the control panel outside of Graphics Mode. As with the ^N Command, if a config. report is printed while in Graphics Mode, it will show the character chosen through the control panel inside of the Graphics Mode.
All Graphics Mode commands in this manual are shown using the (default) caret symbol.

Free Format

The GPL provides a mode which ignores all data with values less than 20 (decimal 32). Data having values below decimal 32 are collectively called Control Characters and include Line Feed, Form Feed, and Escape characters. By using Free Format Mode, the user can filter out unwanted Control Characters which may be sent by some host systems. Also, a convenient way to send GPL commands to the printer is to simply type the commands into a file and send the file to the printer. In Format Mode, a command may be spread over several lines in the file, with the printer ignoring the CR and LF characters at the end of each line.
NOTE: The Free Format ON/OFF commands may not be used within the

Turning Free Format On

Free Format is turned on by sending the command ^F. After the printer receives the ^F, subsequent control characters are ignored and the printer will no longer recognize CR, LF, or FF as Pass terminators. However, the GPL language will recognize the following control code equivalents as Pass terminators:
Turning Free Format On
data field of a Report or a Buffered Form.
1. ^- (caret hyphen) - equivalent to the Carriage Return Command (CR)
2. ^* (caret asterisk) - equivalent to the Line Feed Command (LF)
3. ^, (caret comma) - equivalent to the Form Feed Command (FF)

Turning Free Format OFF

Free Format is turned off by sending the command ^O^-.
Chapter 1 Free Format

Control Code Equivalents

When Free Format is turned ON, GPL control code equivalents are treated as actual ASCII control codes. For example ^! functions in the same manner as the ASCII control code SOH. If control code characters need to be passed to the printer in Free Format Mode, use the control code equivalents shown in Table 1.
Control Code Equivalents Hex ASCII
^! (caret exclamation) 01 SOH
^” (caret double quote) 02 STX
^# (caret pound sign) 03 ETX
^$ (caret dollar sign) 04 EOT
Tabl e 1. Control Code Equivalents
^% (caret percentage sign) 05 ENQ
^& (caret ampersand) 06 ACK
^’ (caret single quote) 07 BEL
^( (caret left parenthesis) 08 BS
^) (caret right parenthesis) 09 HT
^* (caret asterisk) 0A LF
^+ (caret plus sign) 0B VT
^, (caret comma) 0C FF
^- (caret hyphen) 0D CR
^. (caret period) 0E SO
^/ (caret slash) 0F SI
^0 10 DLE
^1 11 DC1
^2 12 DC2
^3 13 DC3
^4 14 DC4
^5 15 NAK
^6 16 SYN
^7 17 ETB
^8 18 CAN

Ignore Data

Control Code Equivalents
Table 1. Control Code Equivalents
Control Code Equivalents Hex ASCII
^9 19 EM
^: (caret colon) 1A SUB
^; (caret semicolon) 1B ESC
^< (caret left arrow) 1C FS
^= (caret equal sign) 1D GS
^> (caret right arrow) 1E RS
^? (caret question mark) 1F US
The Ignore Data command causes the printer to ignore all data (except for the command to turn Ignore Data OFF). This allows comments or other that is not to be printed to be inserted into the document for information purposes.
Format: ^X<data>^A
^X Ignore Data On Command. The printer will ignore all data after
<data> Data that the printer will ignore.
^A Ignore Data Off Command. The printer will not accept all

Graphics Pass

A Graphics Pass begins with a Pass Start (^M, ^U, ^V, or ^E) and ends with a Graphics Pass Terminator (Pass Start, CR, LF, FF, ^-, or ^,). Any characters placed between the Pass Start and Pass Terminator will print as block characters. Also, all GPL Graphics Image commands, such as the Bar Code and Line Drawing commands must be sent within a Graphics Pass. Each Graphics Pass is treated by the printer as a set of data and instructions to be processed and printed, starting at the current paper position, before accepting any further data from the host.
Each pass begins at the current vertical paper postion and the left margin. From this point, the printer prints to the right and down the page.
NOTE: It is not possible to print above the starting point of a Graphics Pass.
this command except for the Ignore Data Off Comand, ^A.
subsequent data received from the host.
It is possible, however, to issue positioning commands within the
pass which position the paper at any point below the start of the pass.
NOTE: When (LF, FF, ^*, ^,) are used to terminate a Graphics Pass, they
lose their normal meanings, and become Pass Terminators such as
^-. When used outside the Graphics Pass they take on their normal
Chapter 1 Graphics Pass
Not all GPL commands and data sent to the printer need to be in a pass. In fact, many commands must be outside of a pass to function properly. For instance, the command ^H sets the form length if it is used outside of a pass, but sets the pass height if it is used within a Pass.
At this point, it may seem difficult to decide when to use a Graphics Pass. If there is any doubt about whether a command should go inside or outside of a pass, refer to Appdendix F, on page 287. The GPL commands fall into two general categories:
Inside A Pass
GPL positioning commands (e.g., tabs, vertical justification, etc.)
GPL printing commands (e.g., barcodes, lines, boxes, certain fonts, etc.)
Block characters
Outside A Pass
Global Graphics Pass commands (i.e. commands which act on the entire pass as a unit, such as those which cause the entire Pass to be repeated or stored in memory for later use).
“Command Table”
Environmental commands wuch as form length setting, Graphics Mode, and Free Format.
Non-GPL Data
Any data you want to go to the current Control Panel emulation must be sent outside of a Graphics Pass. Appdendix F, lists all GPL commands.
“Command Table” on page 287

Pass Spacing (Modplot)

Code V output can be affected by a Plot Mode option that is available on your printer. Appendix G, how it affects Code V output.
“Modplot” on page 291 explains the Modplot option and

Pass Buffer Length

Data received from the host is stored in a Pass Buffer. The Printer begins to process a Graphics Pass when it receives a Pass Terminator. The printer processes one pass at a time, printing at the end of each pass. If the Pass Buffer fills up before the printer encounters a Pass Terminator, it terminates the pass and attempts to process and print it.
Buffered Form definitions and Repeat sequences cannot be processed until the Form or Repeat Terminator is received; therefore, the entire Form Definition or Repeat Sequence must fit into the Pass Buffer to be printed correctly. Buffered Form execute data can be larger than the Pass Buffer. The Printer processes this data one Pass Buffer at a time, until the Form Execute Terminator is received.

Pass Format

The Printer uses a Heap Buffer to process the pass for printing. If a Graphics Pass is so complex that processing it overflows the available Heap Buffer space, the Printer aborts processing and announces a Heap Overlfow fault.
Pass Format
A single Graphics Pass Command is formatted like this:
Command ^ {M, U, V or E}hhwwjjd<data>^-
Arguments ^ {M, U, V, or E} The braces, { }, indicate that either M, U, V, or E
must be used. This notation is used throughout the manual to indicate that a choice must be made. The braces themselves are not literally part of the command.
The M, U, V, and E determin the orientation of the data to be printed. For example:
Horizontal Orientation (^M)
Prints data across the page right side up.
Upside Down Orientation (^U)
Prints data across the page upside down.
Vertical Right Orientation (^V)
Prints data down the page and roated 90 degrees clockwise so that the baseline faces the left margin of the paper.
Chapter 1 Graphics Pass
Vertical Left Orientation (^E)
Prints data down the page and roated 90 degrees counterclockwise so that the baseline faces the right margin of the paper:
hh The height of each individual barcode or block character. This
dimension is measured vertically on the page and is specified in increments of 0.1 inches (0.25 cm). The allowable height for each barcode/block character ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches or 0.3 to 25.2 cm). For example, a value of 03 means a height of
0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
ww The width of each printed barcode/block character. This
dimension is measured horizontally on the page and is specified in increments of 0.1 inches (0.25cm). The width for each barcode/ block character ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches or 0.3 to
25.2 cm) For example, a value of 10 means a width of 1.0 inches (2.5 cm).
jjd Data can be positioned down the page from the beginning of the
Pass. This is teemed justification. the jj is the amount of justification from 00 to 99 increments of 0.1 inches (0.3 to 25.2 cm). The d allows an additional amount of justification down from 0 to 9 dot rows to fine tune the final position of the data. For example, inserting the value 118 means the data is moved down
1.1 inches (2.8 cm) plus an additional 8 dot rows. A justification value of 000 sets the current print position to the top of the current Graphics Pass.
NOTE: Any values not specified will default to 0.
<data> The actual data can be printed. Characters in the data string will
be printed as block characters or in a particular GPL font. Barcodes, lines, boxes, and formatting commands may also be placed in the pass. The data contained within the pass is printed in accordance with the orientation, height, width, and justifcation values of the Graphics Pass.
^- Every Graphics Pass is terminated with a Pass Terminator,
indicating the end of the Graphics Pass. When the printer is in Free Format Mode, the printer will only recognize ^-, ^*, and ^, as Pass Terminators. When the pritner is not in Free Format Mode, Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF), and Form Feed (FF) may be used. Throughout the manual, ^- will typically be used to indicate a Terminator.

GPL Commands

Most of the examples shown in this manual assume Graphics Mode and Free Format Mode are turned on, although the examples will not always show the ^PY and ^F commands. The complete set of commands to turn Graphics and Free Format Mode On, send GPL commands and data, then turn Free Format and Graphics Mode Off are shown below:
^PY^- Turns on Graphics Mode
^F^- Turns on Free Format Mode
<data>^ Sample GPL Command sequences
^O^ Turns off Free Format Mode
^PN^- Turns off Graphics Mode
The above lines are typically entered into a file and sent to the printer, or are written to the printer using a computer language such as BASIC or C with Free Format and Graphics mode on.
The main reasons to turn Graphics mode off are:

Multiple Passes

To print a large amount of non-GPL data.
To reset the Code V to its default startup state.
To send plot data to the underlying emulation.
The reamining chapters in this manual discusses how the GPL command sequences should be formatted. For all subsequent examples in this manual, the following conditions are assumed:
The control panel displays ONLINE GRAPHICS.
Graphics Mode is ON (^PY^-).
The printer is in Free Format mode (^F^-).
Multiple Passes
A Graphics Pass may contain other GPL commands, including other ^M, ^U, ^V, and ^E commands. The printer does not begin printing a Graphics pass until the Pass is terminated. After a pass is printed, the next pass begins at the bottom of the printed Pass.
For example, the sequence of GPL commands ^M0101000A^M0101000B^M0101000C^- produces the same printed result as ^M0101000ABC^- which prints:
whereas the three graphics Passes ^M0101000A^-^M0101000B^­^M0101000C^- print:
Chapter 1 GPL Commands

2 Character Printing

Control Panel Option

A new option has been added to the control panel under the Graphics category. The new option, Vscale, determines whether or not vertical block characters will be scaled to match the difference between the horizontal and vertical print densities. The option is necessary to be fully compatible with old QMS Code V version 1 boards that are still in the field.
Block characters are build to be printed horizontally at 60 x 72. When the characters are rotated and printed vertically, it is necessary to scale the characters to maintain the cell size of the character. Some QMS Code V version 1 boards do not handle this scaling, so that when a 5 x 7 block character is rotated and printed vertically, it will actually be 4 x 8. when the Vscale option is turned off, we will now emulate this.

Block Character

Block characters are printed by putting the characters to be printed into the <data> portion of a Graphics Pass. Thus, the Block Character Command is the same as the Graphics Pass Command.
Each block character is printed within a window which includes an appropriate amount of space for character separation. The block character window size ranges from 0.1 inches (0.25 cm) to 9.9 inches (25.15cm) in increments of 0.1 inch (0.25 cm). the character window includes 1 dot row or column of intercharacter space for every 0.1 inches in window size. That is, if the Graphics Pass command is ^M0505000, then the character window size will be 0.5 x 0.5 inches, including a 5 dot-column space to the right of the character (see
Figure 1 on page 27).
Figure 1. Character Window
Chapter 2 Block Character
When a block character is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise on a page, the height and width values are exchanged:
the Graphics Pass height value determines the new character width.
the Graphics Pass width value determines the new character height.
Command ^{M, U, V, or E}hhwwjjd<data>^-
Arguments ^{M, U, V, or E} One of the four orientation commands ^M, ^U,
^V, or ^E.
hh The height of each printed character window. This
ww The width of each printed character window. This
jjd The vertical justification, jj, ranges from 00 to 99
dimension is measured vertically on the page and is specified in increments of 0.1 inches (0.25 cm). The height for each character window ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches or 0.25 to 25.3 cm). For example, a height of 03 means a character window height of 0.3 inches (0.76cm).
dimension is measured horizontally on the page and is specified in increments of 0.1 inches. The width for each character window ranges from 01 to 99 (0.1 to 9.9 inches or 0.3 to 25.3 cm). For example, a width of 10 means a character window width of 1 inch (2.5 cm).
(0.0 to 9.9 inches/0.0 to 25.2 cm). The d allows an additional amount of justification down from 0 to 9 dot rows to fine tune the final positioning. For example, inserting the value 118 means the characters are moved down the page 1.1 inches (2.8 cm) plus an additional 8 dot rows. If any of the jjd is not sent, the printer assumes the missing values are 0. If any of the jjd is nto sent, the printer assumes the missing values are 0. For instance, M1010 would have a jjd value of 000.
<data> The actual characters to be printed. This data will
print in accordance with orientation, height, width, and justification values.
^- The Pass Terminator
The following examples illustrate block character printing.
Example 1: The Graphics Pass ^M0202000Graphics ^- prints:
^M Horizontal orientation of character.
02 Character height of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
02 Character width of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
00 Justified downward 0.00 inches.
0 No additional dot rows of justification down.
Graphics Data to be printed.
^- Pass Terminator.
Example 2: The Graphics Pass ^M0302000Graphics^- prints:
^M Indicates this Graphic Pass is oriented horizontally.
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
02 Character width of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
00 No justification down.
0 No additional dot rows of justification down.
Graphics Data to be printed 0.3 inches high and 0.2 inches
Example 3: The Graphics Pass ^U0303000Graphics^- prints:
^U Rotated 180 degrees from the horizontal
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
00 No justification down.
Graphics Block characters to be printed in the upside down
Chapter 2 Block Character
Example 4: The Graphics Pass ^E0101000Vertical Left^_ prints:
^E Vertical left orientation of the pass.
01 Character height of 0.1 inches (0.25 cm).
01 Character width of 0.1 inches (0.25 cm).
00 No justification down.
0 No additional dot rows of justification down.
Example 5: The Graphics Pass ^M0202000GRAPHICS
^M0203053OPTION^- prints:
First Command - ^M0202000GRAPHICS
^M Horizontal orientation of the Graphics Pass.
02 Character height of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
02 Character width of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
000 No vertical justification.
GRAPHICS Data printed at 0.2 inches high and 0.2 inches
Second Command - ^M0203053OPTION^-
^M Horizontal orientation of the Graphics Pass.
02 Character height of 0.2 inches (0.51 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
05 Justification down of 0.5 inches (1.27 cm).
3 An additional three dot rows of justification down.
OPTION Data printed at 0.2 inches high and 0.3 inches wide
with downward justification of 0.5 inches plus three dot rows.
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