Introduction Features
Key printer features and options are listed in the next two sections.
• Software compatibility. The 9 pin printer operates with EPSON ESC/P and IBM
Proprinter X(L) emulations. The 24 pin printer operates with EPSON ESC/P2, IBM
Proprinter X(L)24e emulations. For both models and emulations are OKI superset
commands available.
• Various character sets. For IBM Mode: IBM Set 1 and Set 2. For EPSON Mode: 15
National Character Sets.
• Multiple fonts. The 9 pin printer has six resident fonts: High Speed Draft, Draft,
Courier, Quadrato, OCR-B, OCR-A.
The 24 pin printer has twelve resident fonts: HS Draft, Draft, Roman, Sans Serif,
Courier, OCR-B, OCR-A, Prestige, Script, Orator, Gothic, Souvenir.
• High-speed printing. At 10 cpi, print speed ranges from 533 cps for high-speed draft
quality to 133 cps for letter quality.
• Memory. The printer is equipped with ROM and RAM memory: 16 MBit of ROM
memory and 256 Kbytes of receiving buffer are available for storing input data and
downloading custom fonts.
• Simple switching of paper types. The ability to “park” continuous forms to switch
between continuous forms and single sheets.
• Automatic tear-off advancing. With factory settings of the Set-Up mode, continuous
forms’ perforations are automatically advanced up to the tear bar at the end of each job
so that forms can be torn off.
• Maintenance-free. The printer only requires periodic cleaning and changing of the rib-
bon cartridge.
Printer configurations are available with:
• Metal tear-off edge