TallyGenicom 2265, 2280, 2T+ Series Brochure

Get Connected
With FREE Ethernet
from TallyGenicom
2265/2280/2T+Serial Matrix
to your network...
With Ethernet being the connectivity
option of choice, TallyGenicom is
making an offer too good to refuse.
TallyGenicom 2265/80/2T+ serial printers
• Speeds up to 1100 cps
• Prints invoices, receipts and labels on up
to 9 part forms
• Fully automated gap adjustment
• Easy loading clean hands ribbon
For more information call 800.436.4266 or visit
Offer applies to 2265+, 2280+, 2280 – 2T+only. Printer must be purchased
between March 7 and September 28, 2007. User will receive Ethernet
printer at non Ethernet price at time of purchase.
Printer must be registered at www.tallygenicom.com/register.
Promo code DMFE
FREE Ethernet for your
TallyGenicom 2265/80/2T+
serial matrix printer!