Part Number
AOR-8 or AOR16
8- or 16-Station Area of Rescue Command Unit
Trim Ring for Flush Mounting(Optional)
6-32 Screw for Flush Mount Trim Ring Assembly
2 12VDC, 4.5Ah Backup Battery
1 Audible and Visual Indicator of Incoming Area of Rescue
Emergency Phone
Installation Instructions
Model AOR-8 / Model AOR-16
This manual is for installation and programming of the AOR-8 or AOR-16 Area of
Rescue Command Unit. For instructions on programming individual Talkaphone
Area of Rescue Emergency Phones, please refer to the Installation & Operation
Manual for Emergency/Information Phones.
This manual will guide you through the installation of this product and provide
comprehensive operating instructions. Please read this instruction manual
completely and thoroughly before installing this product.
II. Contents
Before beginning installation, make sure you have all the included components. Each AOR-8/16
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Maximum impedance between the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Phones
and the AOR-8 or AOR-16 is 25 Ohms. Maximum cable length will vary with gauge
(See Frequently Asked Questions, p.10).
For Local Mode Only
No external phone line (i.e. POTS line) is required.
For Remote Mode or Day/Night Mode
Three (3) dedicated POTS/PSTN lines (i.e. analog telephone lines or analog PBX
If connected to a PBX, the extension(s) must provide:
1. At least 24 Volts at 20 mA off-hook (no current is drawn on-hook
2. Either a disconnect pulse (voltage drop at end of call) or 30-seconds or
silence after hang-up (no re-order or howler feature)
If connected to a POTS/PSTN line, there must be no special features, such as
hook-flash, call-waiting, auto-redial when busy or voicemail. If the telephone
company has activated any such features, contact them to have these features
turned off.
IV. Installation
1. Remove Area of Rescue Command Unit from packaging carton and inspect for
possible damage during shipment. If the unit is damaged, or any of the
components are missing, contact your Talkaphone Co. distributor immediately.
Do not discard any hardware or packing material before you are certain you
have all the items listed above, and the unit is installed and functioning
2. Remove the two (3) Phillips screws from the right side of the unit which secure
the hinged front cover shut.
3. Remove the packaged front cover door handle from the telephone
compartment and install to the outside surface of the unit using the provided
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4. Carefully open the hinged front cover taking care there are no loose items
which may have shifted during transportation.
5. The AOR-8 or AOR-16 may be either surface mounted onto a wall or flush
mounted into a wall.
NOTE: For flush mounting units, AOR-8 and AOR-16 units should be
ordered with the available AOR-TR16 Flush Mount Trim Ring (sold
NOTE: Conduit knockouts exist on the rear, top, and bottom sides of the
enclosure for access to power and communication lines. Determine the
method of bringing in these power and communication lines before
mounting the enclosure.
NOTE: Whenever possible, it is best to keep the maximum clearance
possible between analog phone lines and alternating current. Running
phone lines too close to hot VAC lines will produce undesired effects on
the phone line.
6. For mounting the unit directly to the surface of an interior wall,
The AOR-8 and AOR-16 has six (4) surface mounting keyholes.
7. For Flush Mounting the Unit
The AOR-8 and AOR-16 each have eight (8) 7/32 [in] knockouts located on the
top, bottom and sides which can be used for either mounting the unit within a
wall or to fasten the available AOR-TR16 Flush Mount Trim Ring. This trim ring
may be installed in contact with the closed cover without inhibiting the
functionality of the hinge.
8. Secure the AOR-TR16 to the AOR-8 or AOR-16 unit in the desired location
using the provided 6-32 screws, two (2) washers, and hex nut
9. Installation of Strobe/Siren
Mount the strobe/siren assembly on a wall in an appropriate location per the
instructions packaged with the strobe/siren assembly.
10. Three (3) outgoing low voltage power lines from the strobe/siren assembly must
be wired to the Black, Red/White, and Orange lead wires from the relays
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located at the upper right interior of the AOR-8 or AOR-16. Same color wires
from the strobe/siren and the AOR-8 or AOR-16 should be connected together.
11. Installing Phone lines
Bring in analog phone lines through conduit knockouts located on the rear, top,
or bottom sides of the unit. Always try to separate power lines from
communication lines as much as possible to reduce undesired effects on the
phone line.
12. The AOR-8 can support up to eight (8) emergency analog phones. The
emergency analog phones on the system can connect to either the incoming
POTS/PSTN line or the local phone built into the AOR-8 unit.
The AOR-16 each support up to sixteen (16) emergency analog phones divided
into two (2) banks of eight (8). The emergency analog phones on the system
can connect to either the incoming POTS/PSTN line or the local phone built into
the AOR-16 unit.
13. Attach the incoming Emergency Phone lines to ports 1-8 in the appropriate
bank as labeled on the interior panel. The connections are NOT polarity
sensitive. If a POTS/PSTN line or PBX extension line is to be used in addition
to the phone built into the enclosure, connect the incoming phone line to the
Telco “Telco IN” positions of the same bank.
14. Local Mode
In Local Mode, pressing the button on any of the Talkaphone Area of Rescue
Emergency phones will cause the built in touch-tone telephone to ring.
15. Remote Mode
In Remote Mode, pressing the button on any of the Talkaphone Area of Rescue
Emergency phones will cause them to access a phone line to dial out. For this
configuration, connect an outside phone(s) line to the “Telco IN” position(s) on
the appropriate bank.
NOTE: See Technical Requirements, p.2, for outside phone line
16. Day/Night Mode
Day/Night Mode is primarily used when a facility has a guard on-site during the
day but not at night. It may also be used in any situation where the guard
station is not always manned. When a Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency
Phone calls and the AOR-8 or AOR-16 is in Day/Night mode, it will ring the
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Command Unit’s built in local handset phone first, ring it a second time if no
one answers the first time, then if no one answers the second time it will dial a
remote number. If no one should answer the remote number, it will re-ring the
local phone and continue this cycle until either the phone is answered or times
out (see Emergency Phone manual for information on setting the time-out.)
When a guard leaves for the night, she can enter the code *36* to configure the
consolidator to ring the remote phone first and then switch to the local phone
(see Software Programming, page 6). For Day/Night Mode connect an outside
phone line(s) to the “Telco IN” position(s). This programming must be done for
each of the consolidators (one (1) consolidator for the AOR-8 or two (2)
consolidators for the AOR-16)
NOTE: See Technical Requirements, p.2, for outside phone line
17. Sharing a Phone Line
Another telephone instrument (e.g. fax, modem, standard telephone, etc.) can
share the outside phone line(s) with the AOR-8 or AOR-16 by connecting the
outside phone line(s) to the “Telco IN” position(s) and connecting the telephone
instrument sharing the line to the “Telco OUT” position(s). Be sure to set each
consolidator in the AOR-8 or AOR-16 not to answer before your other device
picks up (or, if sharing with a standard telephone, be sure to allow enough rings
for the person answering the phone to pick up).
WARNING: The other device sharing the line should never be emergency
equipment of any kind
18. Once the correct configuration for the AOR-8 or AOR-16 has been determined
and appropriately wired, connect incoming 115-230 VAC 50-60Hz power wiring
to the power supply board located in the bottom compartment of the unit. The
LINE, NEUTRAL, and GROUND terminals are located on the left side of the
WARNING: Once the batteries are connected in the next step, power
will be supplied to the unit. Verify all connections and take
precautions from unintended electrical shock at this time.
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19. Connect the backup batteries. The batteries connect to the power supply board
by inserting the connector onto the header pins located on the bottom right of
the power supply board which the 115-230 VAC 50-60Hz power supply was
connected. Although the pin is polarized, ensure correct polarity when
connecting the backup batteries. Red-positive & Black-negative.
WARNING: The order in which 115-230 VAC 50-60Hz or backup
batteries is connected does not matter. However, once either the
batteries are connected OR the 115-230 VAC 50-60Hz line is
It is the installer’s obligation to ensure compliance with all national,
regional, and local regulations
Programming Instructions
To program the AOR-8 or AOR-16 Command unit, each bank of eight (8)
Talkaphone Area of Rescue emergency analog phones must have their own
internal consolidator programmed. To program each internal consolidator, call it by
either dialing the phone number of the line connected to that bank’s Telco “IN” port
or by lifting the selecting the appropriate line of the built in handset. In either case,
the consolidator will respond with three beeps. Each consolidator will respond to all
programming requests in one of two ways:
If you hear two beeps, enter the code again. If you hear two beeps a second time,
hang up and try again.
Remote Mode
In Remote Mode, if a standard telephone company phone line is being utilized via
the Telco “IN” connection, the consolidator does not need to be programmed.
Move on to Programming the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
If a PBX line is being connected to the Telco “IN” port, the consolidator must be
programmed for PBX mode:
1. Call the consolidator (listen for 3 beeps)
2. Enter Guard Access Code: *31**
3. Program the Consolidator for a PBX line: *39*2*
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4. Move on to Programming the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
Local Mode
1. Pick up the built in handset and select the press the phone line corresponding to
the bank of phones/consolidator to be programmed (listen for 3 beeps)
2. Enter Guard Access Code: *31**
3. Program the consolidator for Local Mode: *37*
4. Move on to Programming the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
Day/Night Mode
1. Call the consolidator or pick up the built in handset and select the press the
phone line corresponding to the bank of phones/consolidator to be programmed
(listen for 3 beeps)
2. Enter Guard Access Code: *31**
3. Program the consolidator for Day/Night Mode: *63*
4. Program the consolidator to call either:
Local first, then Remote: *35*
Remote first, then local: *36*
5. If a PBX line is being connected to the Telco “IN” port enter the PBX code:
6. Move on to Programming the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
Programming the Emergency Analog Phones
Once each Consolidator has been programmed, each Talkaphone Area of Rescue
Emergency Analog Phone must be programmed individually. A call can be routed
to the desired phone port by entering the following code:
*4X* Routes to Emergency Analog Phone in port jack number X (X=1-8)
For details on programming the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
Phones, refer to the Installation & Operation Manual for Emergency/Information
phones. (Note: if the Consolidator is in Remote Mode or Day/Night Mode and your
remote phone line is a PBX extension, be sure to program the emergency phones
for Mode 2. See Emergency Phone Manual, pages 11 and 15 for more information
on Modes).
Code Summary
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Master Access Code entry to change Guard Access
Code or Master Access Code (Default Code is
Resets Consolidator programming to factory defaults
*32* …[up to 8
Programs and stores a new Master Access Code
*33* …[up to 8
Programs and stores a new Guard Access Code
*34* …[up to 2
Sets number of rings before consolidator picks up when
it is dialed
Remote Mode (default)
Local Mode
Day/Night Mode
In Day/Night Mode, call LOCAL PHONE then TELCO IN
In Day/Night Mode, call TELCO IN then LOCAL PHONE
*39*...[1 or 2]*
Program the type of phone line in the TELCO IN
*39*1* for ordinary phone lines (default)
*39*2* for PBX lines
Routes to emergency phone in phone jack number 1-8
Installation Instructions
Model AOR-8 / Model AOR-16
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1. General Information
When a push button on the Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog
Phone is pressed it will automatically either ring the local phone or dial out
using the phone line connected to the Telco “IN” port according to how the
particular consolidator which it is connected is programmed. If the phone line is
being shared with another device (see page 5, sharing a line), the consolidator
will seize the line on behalf of the emergency phone.
When a call comes in to the AOR-8 or AOR-16, an LED will light indicating
which phone is calling in. If a call is already being answered, any other calls
which come in will cause the appropriate LED to blink to indicate they are
awaiting an open line. As soon as the initial call has been completed, any calls
that were waiting will be put through in the order in which they were placed.
2. Calling Talkaphone Area of Rescue Emergency Analog Phones through the
Area of Rescue Command Unit
To call from a remote phone, dial the telephone number of the Consolidator.
To call from the local phone, simply pick up the phone and select the phone line
corresponding to the appropriate consolidator. In either case, you will hear 3
beeps when the consolidator is ready.
Enter the code to route to an Emergency Phone, *4X* where X= phone jack
number 1-8. There will be a short pause and then the Emergency Phone will
answer with a series of tones.
For more information on Emergency Analog Phones, consult the
Emergency/Information Phone manual.
3. Answering the Emergency Analog Phones
When a call comes in on either the local phone or a remote phone, the
consolidators are effectively transparent. That is, there will exist an open line of
communication to the Area of Rescue Emergency Analog Phone from the
moment the call is answered.
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Distance from AOR-8/16 to
Emergency/Information Telephone
Wire Gauge
0 - 500 feet
24 G
501 - 750 feet
22 G
751 - 1,000 feet
20 G
1,001 - 1,800 feet
18 G
1,801 - 3,000 feet
16 G
3001 - 5,000 feet
14 G
Distance from AOR-8/16 to Local
Wire Gauges
0 - 1000 feet
24 G
1001 - 1500 feet
22 G
1501 - 2000 feet
20 G
2001 - 3,600 feet
18 G
3,601 - 5,000 feet
16 G
5,001 - 8000 feet
14 G
Installation Instructions
Model AOR-8 / Model AOR-16
VI. Frequently Asked Questions
1. If I have more than one consolidator can I connect them to the same
phone line either in parallel or in series (using a “daisy chain”)? Each
consolidator requires its own phone line or local phone. (Exception: A multi-line
local phone, connected to the LOCAL port will allow multiple consolidators to
be connected in parallel.)
2. What kind of cable do I need to run from the Emergency Phones to my
Consolidator? We strongly recommend twisted, shielded pairs with the shield
connected to earth ground only at the consolidator end. The resistance on the
line is not to exceed 25 ohms. The following chart shows distances and
recommended wire gauges:
3. I am using a consolidator in “local” mode. Do I need to program a phone
number into my Emergency Phones? You must enter a phone number (see
Emergency/Information Phone Manual, page 8) even though your Talk-APhone unit is not using this number to connect to the local phone. We
recommend the number 1234567.
4. If I made some mistakes during programming is there a way to reset the
programming? If you have forgotten your access code, you may reset the
programming on that consolidator to factory default by entering *30*14725836*.
Note: you will NOT have to reprogram your individual Emergency/Information
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5.Does the consolidator remember its programming if I unplug it? Yes. All
memory is non-volatile and does not require a back-up battery.
6. My consolidator is not at my desk where the calls come in. Is there a way to make the LED’s remote so I can see who is calling? Although the LED’s
cannot be made remote, Emergency/Information phones can be purchased
with the "V" option which allows a location identifying message to be recorded
into the phone. This message is then played as soon as the call is answered.
This ensures that no matter what phone answers the call (local or remote) the
location will be immediately announced.
Another option is to purchase an EB-100 or EB-200 Base Station. These
devices will display a 6-digit code (e.g. 122806 for 1228 Main St. 6th floor) as
soon as the call has been answered.
7. Are the Emergency Phones powered by the Area of Rescue Command
Unit? Yes.
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