Talius Habitat Screen Installation Manual

Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 1
Habitat Screen Installation Guide
If nothing else, at least read this page
Talius has been producing retractable screens since 1998 and in that time we have found that most issues experienced are related to the product installation. It is essential to follow the installation guidelines. We urge installers to take the time now to read the instructions and avoid costly, time-consuming problems later. It is only necessary to read through a small fraction of this booklet as it covers all types of Habitat Screen installations. At the beginning of each section the booklet will point out if the section can be skipped.
Habitat Screens ship with the screen curtain inside the panel box. This is to facilitate simple installation and save time. We hope that this installation guide is easy to use. Should you discover an error or an omission please tell us about it. Parts and options change continually so we are updating all the time.
Should you require any support or have any questions, please call us from site: 800-665-5550 (M-F 8am to 4:30pm PST)
We thank you for putting your trust in us.
Your Talius Customer Service Team
Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 2
Parts Overview
Common components
Section 1
Opening Criteria
Section 2
Mounting Methods
Section 3
Preparation for Through Wall Operator Applications
Section 4
Pre-drilling Guide Rails
Section 5
Mounting Guide Rails and Panel Box
Section 6
Installing the Operator
Section 7
Limit Setting for Motorized Units
Section 8
Securing the Panel Box
Section 9
Operation and Adjustment
Section 10
Appendix 1
Habitat Screen Adjustment Guide – Final Adjustments to Ensure Smooth Operation
Each Habitat Screen installation requires a minimum of 2 installers. Not all installations are the same. While the following items will not be required on every installation, this is a list of minimum requirements that we recommend for the majority of Habitat Screen installations. While we do not supply common tools and hardware, contact us to purchase the specialized tools like motor tester cables.
Please note: Talius does not supply the fasteners for installation. We believe this is better handled by the Talius Dealer, based on the on-site construction considerations.
Level 4’, tape measure, markers
Side cutters, wire strippers
Short and tall ladders, tool pouch
Cordless drill, indexed drill bit set
Masonry drill or ½" hammer drill
Spare lag bolts, masonry anchors
Full screwdriver set, multi-driver set
Long ؽ" (13mm) and ؾ" (19mm)
Needle-nose pliers, regular pliers
Drill bits, block of wood
Available from Talius:
Allen key set (metric)
035-.040"(0.9 - 1.0mm) feeler gauge
Plastic caps for screw holes
Rivet gun, variety of spare rivets
Caulk gun, caulking and sealants
Touch-up paint and brushes: brown,
Hacksaw, razor knife
Putty knife
white, silver, beige, and black
Extension cords, cleansers, rags
Spare screws
Ø8.5mm/Ø5mm step drill bit
Wood and concrete chisels, hammer
Tubular motor limit combs / adjusters
Ø10mm/Ø5mm step drill bit
Tin snips, file
Electrical tape, masking and duct tape
Tubular motor tester cable
Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 3
Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 4
SECTION ONE: OPENING CRITERIA Ensure that the opening is square and level.
The Habitat Screen must be mounted as follows:
1.1) Panel Box and Shaft: The shaft must be level. This is the most critical part of this installation. It may not be sufficient for the bubble of the level to simply be between the lines. The bubble of the level should be centered
perfectly between the lines and a quality 4’ or longer level should be used to confirm this. If the shaft is not level
the Habitat Screen will experience tracking problems and the curtain may appear to have excessive wrinkles.
Note that the shaft is not necessarily aligned perfectly with the panel box so it’s best to level the unit based
upon the shaft.
1.2) Guide Rails: Both guide rails must be mounted plumb and true with equal spacing between from top to bottom. If they are not, the Habitat Screen will billow excessively or bind during operation.
1.3) Sill: The sill or floor may have a slope, especially if installing on the side elevation of a deck. The shaft must remain level regardless of floor, sill, or header conditions. You may decide to cut the guide rails at unequal lengths in order to accommodate the resulting difference from side to side. One option to consider is the option of adding Bug Brush to the bottom profile which can seal off the gap that can occur under the bottom profile of the curtain in this case.
SECTION TWO: MOUNTING METHODS Insert the panel box endplate legs temporarily into the guide rails.
Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 5
2.1a) Face of Wall Mount: Hold the unit against the opening and determine the future fit. It is important to ensure that there is an even plane on which to mount the Habitat Screen. Face of Wall mounted Habitat Screens
come with 7/8” build up for the guide rails and panel box top to allow for bottom profile clearance. Various
additional extruded build-up materials can be used to achieve such an even surface (below). This additional build-up may be purchased from Talius.
Talius Habitat ScreenTM Installation Guide
Version 2018.1, 6
2.1b) Between Jamb, Under Lintel Mounting: If the Habitat Screen will be installed inside an opening rather than on a surface, hold the unit inside the opening and determine its fit. The prime concern will be to ensure that the habitat screen is level, plum and true. Many openings are not true and level so it may be necessary to fill any gaps with wood shims or alternative filler materials.
SECTION THREE: PREPARATION FOR THROUGH WALL OPERATOR APPLICATIONS In this section, determine how the operator exits the Habitat Screen and interacts with the surrounding wall. If the operator does not penetrate a wall, ignore this section. Refer to the applicable type of operator.
3.1a) Crank Rod Operator with Gear: If the connector rod of the universal will travel through a wall, look for an exit hole of approximately Ø3/4" (Ø19mm) diameter in one of the corners in the lower or middle back of the panel box. Hold the panel box and rails against the opening and mark the location of the hole on the opening. Then insert the connector rod and universal through the back of the panel box into the gear and note the pitch of the rod. The pitch will often be somewhere between horizontal to 45º downward. Do not secure the panel box to the wall at this time, this will be done in Section 5.
On the marked location, drill a pilot hole of approximately Ø3/8" (Ø10mm) in diameter through the wall being sure to follow the same pitch as observed above. Have a helper safely hold a piece of wood over the location the hole will exit the interior wall. This will help maintain a clean finish to the hole on the interior wall. The drilling must be performed at the pitch that was previously determined. Once the pilot hole is satisfactory, increase the diameter to ؽ" (Ø13mm). The hole must be straight and allow no side-to-side movement.
3.1b) Motorized Operator: An exit hole for the power cable of approximately Ø3/4" (Ø19mm) diameter will need to be drilled in one of the back corners of the panel box. The hole is not drilled at the factory because of site variation. Remove the lid and look for the motor side. Proceed to drill a hole of desired size and location within the panel box endplate. Hold the panel box and rails against the opening and mark the location of the hole on the opening. An electrician should cover any cable exiting the panel box with a sleeve to prevent cutting of the wires by the endplate. On the marked location the electrician will drill a hole of approximately Ø3/8" (Ø10mm) diameter horizontally through the outer layer of the wall. The electrician will later run the wires through the inside of the wall into the hole at the back of the panel box. The hole in the wall should be located where the endplate of the panel box will be installed. This allows an area of 7/8” wide (from extreme outside of panel box) x 5” tall from top of guide rail for this hole to be contained within.
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