Takumi Etalk User Manual

usuario. del Guía
User guide.
MFL699 80601 (1.0) ME
2019 Takumi Japan Corp. All rights reserved. The manual is published by Takumi Japan Corp. We reserve the right to make corrections or modifications in case of print errors or update device specifications without prior notice.
Important Cust omer Information 1
Before using your phone
Included in th e bo x wi th your ph on e ar e se pa rate in fo rm atio n lea flets . Th es e leaflets pro vi de you wit h importa nt infor mation re garding yo u r ne w de vice. Please rea d all of the inf orm ation provided. Thi s inf ormat ion will help yo u to get t he most out of your p ho ne , re duce th e ri sk o f in jury, avo id da ma ge to you r de vi ce, and ma k e yo u aw are o f legal reg ul ation s re ga rding th e us e of this devic e.
It’s importa nt to review the Produc t Safet y an d Wa rr an ty Infor matio n gu id e before you be gi n us in g yo ur new ph on e. P le as e fo ll ow all of the produc t safety an d o pera ti ng instr uc tions and retai n th e m f or future referenc e. Obs er ve all warnings to re du ce the risk of in jur y, dam ag e, and legal liabilities.
2 Table of Contents
Important Customer Information...............................................1
Table of Contents .......................................................................2
The Basics ...................................................................................4
Phone Overview...................................................................................................4
Installing the battery............................................................................................11
Removing the Battery and SIM Card ................................................................13
Inserting and Removing a Memory Card...........................................................15
Charging Your Phone .........................................................................................16
Turning your phone on and off ..........................................................................16
Home Screen .......................................................................................................17
Notifications ........................................................................................................20
Convenient Features ...........................................................................................21
Entering text .......................................................................................................23
The External display.................................................................24
External display..................................................................................................24
Phone........................................................................................ 25
Recent Calls........................................................................................................ 25
Contacts ............................................................................................................. 28
Communication ....................................................................... 35
Internet ..................................................................................... 36
Entertainment .......................................................................... 39
Verizon Apps ............................................................................. 45
Verizon Cloud .....................................................................................................45
Table of Contents 3
Tools......................................................................................... 46
Voice Recorder .................................................................................................46
World Clock ......................................................................................................51
Stopwatch ..........................................................................................................52
File Manager .....................................................................................................55
Settings ................................................................................... 56
Wireless & Networks .......................................................................................56
Sound........................... ......................................................................................63
Phone Settings ..................................................................................................67
Call Settings ...................................................................................................... 71
About phone..................................................................................................... 76
Soft war e update ............................................................................................. 76
Safety....................................................................................... 77
Consumer Information About Ra dio Frequency Emiss ions............................7 9
Consumer Information on SAR ..........................................................................83
FCC Hea ring-Aid Compatibility (HAC) Regulations for Wireless Devices ....86
Caution: Avoid potential hearing loss. ...............................................................88
TIA Safety Information........................................................................................89
Caution Violation of the instructions may cause minor or serious damage to the
product………..................................................................................................... 94
Driving................................................................................................................ 100
Manufacturer's Warranty………………………..…………….……….…...…..104
4 The Basics
Phone Overview
Open view
NOTES This device suppor ts LTE, UMT S and GSM netw orks for voice calling. See device
specifications for network compa tibility.
1. Hom e scree n Dis pl ays mess ag es, indi ca to r ic o ns an d a ct iv e fu nc tions.
2. Left soft ke y All ow s y ou to selec t th e c om m and at th e lo wer left are a of the displa y sc re en (fro m the Home scr ee n, it woul d op en the Con tacts app).
The Basics 5
3. Spe a ke rph o ne key A ll o ws you to e na ble or disa bl e t he spea k er p ho n e mode . (Sp eakerphone availab le only while on call).
4. Se nd key A llo ws yo u to mak e an d an sw e r ca ll s. P re ss fr om stand by mod e to acces s your call his tor y (All call s, Mi ss ed calls, Dia led calls and Rece ived calls).
5. Cl ear ke y De le te s sin gle s pa ce s or chara ct er s wit h a q ui ck pr es s, or pres s an d hold to del et e ent ire wor d s i n te xt en tr y s cr ee ns. Pres s to bac k out o f me nus , one level at a ti me.
6. Ear pi ece Lets yo u h ea r the cal le r a n d aut om ate d pro m pt s .
7. O K key / Nav ig at ion ke y U se the OK key to se le ct op ti on s a nd
menu s . U se t he Na vig ati on key to scroll th ro ug h m enu items an d
high light a spe cific fiel d or obje ct , the n pr es s the OK key to select it.
8. Righ t so ft ke y All ow s y ou to se le ct t he co mma nd at the lo we r ri gh t ar ea of the displa y scre en ( fro m the Home scr een, it wou ld op en th e Me ssa g e ap p) .
9. Ca mer a ke y P re ss for qu ic k acc es s to Came ra fr om stan dby mo d e ( th e
Ho m e sc re en ).
10. E nd /P ow er key Al lo ws you to tu rn the p ow er on/ of f an d to end a call.
Als o e xi ts me nu s an d ret ur ns to s ta nd by mo d e ( th e H o me screen ).
11. Vibrate mo de ke y Allo ws yo u to set Vibrate mo d e f ro m st andby mo de
(th e H ome screen), pre s s and hold for ab out 3 se co nds.
12. Mi cr ophone All ow s you to transmi t your voice to a ca ller or fo r voi ce-
activated func ti ons (e.g., Voi ce command s).
6 The Basics
Side views
1. Volu me key Al lo ws you to adjus t the vo lu me .
2. USB / Ch a rg e r por t Con ne cts t he pho n e to th e U SB cha rg er , or other com pat ibl e acces so r ie s.
3. He ad se t ja ck Allo ws y ou to pl ug in an optio na l 3. 5 mm headset fo r convenient , ha nd s- fr ee con ve rs atio ns, or oth er c om pa ti ble list en in g dev ices.
Front and rear views
The Basics 7
2. Mic ro phone Al lo ws you to tr ansmi t your voi ce to a caller or for voice­activated functi ons (e.g., Voi ce comma nd s) .
3. Ca me ra Allo ws you to ta ke pict ures. Ke ep it cl ean for opt im al per f or mance.
4. Sp ea k er Al lo w s you to he ar so un ds em itt ed fr om yo ur ph one as wel l as med ia conten t (e.g. , mu si c fi le s).
8 The Basics
Interior view
1. SI M ca rd slot Allows you to ins ert you r S IM car d.
2. mi cr oS D card slo t Al lo ws yo u to insert an opti on al m ic r oS D ca rd for ext er nal m em o r y sto ra g e.
3. Ba ck cov er Prot ec ts th e in terna l co m po n ent s of yo ur ph one .
4. Ba tt er y P ro vid es ener gy to pow e r yo u r ph on e.
5. An ten n a All o ws your ph one to co mmu nic ate wi th th e ne two rk to send and re ceive data via RF cell signal.
NOTES It’s impo rtant to fully cha rge the battery before u sing t he phone for th e first tim e.
Battery lif e and si gnal st rength are significant fact ors (a mong ot hers) that aff ect
your phone’ s ability to sen d/recei ve calls or da ta transfer.
TIP If you hold the phon e enclo sing t he lowe r edge , you ma y inter fere with the an tenna's
ability to receive a clear signa l which aff ects call quality f or voice or data trans fer.
The Basics 9
Navigating your phone
You can nav ig at e with in you r ph on e's soft wa re b y pr es si ng t he k ey tha t cor re sponds wi th th e ac ti on yo u w an t to take o r us in g the Nav ig at io n key
to scro ll and th e OK key to sele ct a hig hl ig ht ed it em . Fo r ex am pl e:
Pre ss the Le ft s oft ke y to se lect the item dis playe d at the bott om left of th e s cr een.
Pre ss th e Rig ht so ft ke y to sele ct the it em di sp layed at t he bott o m rig ht of the screen .
Pre ss the keyp ad key that cor res po nd s t o the i te m you wa nt in a displ ayed list.
Pre ss the t op , bo t to m or sides of th e N av iga ti on ke y to mo ve th e
cursor, th en p re ss the center of the Nav ig at io n ke y (t he O K ke y ) to sel ec t the it em displ ay e d at th e b ot t om ce nt er of th e s cr een .
10 The Basics
Navigation keys
Nav igat e through your p ho ne 's softwa re usin g yo ur phone' s 4- wa y direction al Na vi ga tion k ey to scr oll and s ele ct item s. It s outer ring can be pre ss ed up, do w n, lef t or right t o mov e within the cur rent sc re en to br ow s e t hr o ugh menus and lis ts , th e n its c en ter (t he OK key) ca n be pres se d t o sele ct t he hi gh li gh te d it em.
Left Right
Do wn
Fro m the Home scr ee n, pr es sing the Navi gat io n ke y u p, down, le ft or rig ht laun ch es corr es po nd in g app li ca tions.T he Shortc ut menu pre se nt s a sec on da ry li st of sho rt cut s th at you can cu stomi ze to inc lu de your fav or it e f ea tu re s. You ca n cu stomi ze all of the se shortc ut s. Fo r mo re inf or mation, see Key sh or tc ut s o n pa ge 67.
Notif ic ation s
My Verizon Key sh ort cu ts
Recen t app s
The Basics 11
Installing the battery
Step 1. Remove the back cover
Wit h th e ph on e fa ci ng down, insert your fin gerna il int o th e cutou t lo ca ted on the bottom of the bac k cove r an d gentl y lift the cov er.
Step 2. Insert the battery
Insert the batte ry , ma k in g sur e th e gol d contact s line up. Press d own gentl y to se cu re.
12 The Basics
Step 3. Replace the back cover
Pla ce the ba ck cov er ov er the ba ck of the p ho ne an d t he n pr es s dow n alo ng th e e d ges to se c u re .
Step 4. Charge the phone
Befo re turning on your phon e, charge it fully.
Insert the small en d of th e U SB ca ble into the phone. Ins er t th e la rg er e nd int o the cha rg er a nd pl ug the cha rg er i nt o an out let.
WARNING! Use only app roved chargers with your phone . Incom patib le cha rgers or tampering
with the char ging por t could da mage your pho ne and void the wa rranty.
The Basics 13
Removing the Battery and SIM Card
Removing the battery
1. With the pho ne facin g do wn , ins ert your fi ng er na il in to the c utout located on the bottom of the back cove r and gentl y lift the cove r.
2. Us e the fin ge rtip c ut ou t a t th e bot to m o f th e b at tery comp ar tme nt to lift the batt er y out .
14 The Basics
Removing the SIM card
The SIM c ard is pre-i nst alled in your phone . If you nee d to replace your SIM card , refer to the follow in g instructions.
1. Tu rn the phon e of f, then re mo ve th e ba ck cove r an d the ba tt ery (a s dem on st rated i n the pre vious instru ct io ns).
2. Loca te t he slot for the SI M ca rd and gentl y sl id e th e SI M car d ou t to rem ov e it.
The Basics 15
Inserting and Removing a Memory Card
Inserting a micr oSD card
1. Re m ov e the bac k c ov er (as d em on st ra ted i n the previ ou s instruc ti on s) .
2. First op en the slot fo r the mic roSD card , th en p osi tio n th e mi cr oS D ca rd wit h the la bel sid e fac ing up an d the gold co nt ac ts towa rd t he slo t , th en care fu lly s li de it int o th e slo t and then close the slo t.
NOTES The micr oSD ca rd can be eas ily dama ged by impr oper op erat ion. P lease b e careful
when insertin g, removin g, or ha ndling it .
The devic e can su pport up to a 32GB microS D card.
To remove the microSD card
1. Re mov e th e ba ck cove r an d op en the mi cr oSD car d sl ot (as dem on st rated i n the pre vious instru ct io ns).
2. Care fully ta ke the mi croSD card out to re mov e it.
16 The Basics
Please use only an ap prove d charging accessory t o charge yo ur phon e. Imp roper handling of the US B/Cha rger por t, as well as the use of an incompat ible cha rger, may cau se dama ge to your phone and void th e warr anty.
Charging Your Phone
Your phone com es with a US B cable and a cha rger adapter. You ca n con ne ct them t og et he r a nd char ge from a powe r outlet , or yo u can use th e U S B cab le alon e to cha rg e fr om your comp uter . Co rr ectly orient the plugs be fore inse rtion to avoid damaging y ou r cable , adapt er , and/or po rts.
1. Co rre ct ly ori en t the US B cable wit h the ch arg er ada pt er an d co nn ec t the m. Refer to the im ag e be l ow to co rr ec tl y co nn ec t the US B cable an d the adapte r.
USB Cable Charger Adapter
2. Th e US B/Charger por t is loc at ed at th e si de of th e ph on e. Correctly
orient the cab le 's plu g wi th the por t be fo re plugging it in.
3. Pl ug the charg er ada pt er into a powe r ou tl et to be gi n chargi ng .
Turning your phone on and off
To tu rn your pho ne on or off , pre ss and hol d the End/Po we r ke y .
The Basics 17
Home Screen
The Ho m e s cr ee n is y ou r startin g po in t to acc ess all of the fea ture s on your phon e u si ng si m ple ke y pre ss es .
Stat us Ba r Show s phon e sta tus inf orma tio n, including the time, sig nal st rength, battery st atus, and notifica tion icon s.
Customizing the Ho me screen
You can custom ize your Home scre en wall pap er usin g the Se tt ing s a pp .
Fro m th e H om e scre en , pres s t he OK key Men u, Sele ct
Tool s & Sett in gs > Di spl ay >Wa ll pap er s >S el ect a ba ck gro un d imag e f ro m pre- lo ad e d w al lp a pe r imag es or your ow n pic tur es.
18 The Basics
In c al l
Mis sed ca ll s
Mic r op ho ne mut ed
Spea ke rp hon e o n
Sil ent mo de
Vibr ate mod e
Music playing
4G LTE co nne ct ed
4G LT E in use
Wi- F i con ne cte d
Sig nal st re ngt h
No sign al
Roa m in g
No SIM ca rd
Unk now n SIM card
SIM card acti vi tin g
SIM card ac ti v it ed
Air p la ne mo de
GPS on
Receiv e fil es
Sen d file s
Ale rt
VoWi fi co nn ect ed
Wi- F i on
Mob i le hots po t on
USB conn ect ed
Blu e to ot h co nn ec t ed
Blu e to ot h on
Hea dse t c on ne c te d
Hea dse t with micr oph on e con nec te d
Int ern al stor ag e fu ll
The fo llowi ng icons may a ppear in the Stat us Ba r.
Call icons
Sound icons
Network icons
Connectivity icons
Messaging icons
New mess age
New Voic ema il
Alarm set
Full battery
Charging battery
Low battery
Empty battery
Other icons
More notifications
Alar m icons
Battery icons
The Basics 19
20 The Basics
The Noti fica tions view can also be acce ssed f rom t he Men u. Pres s the OK
key Menu, select the Notifi cat ions Menu.
Notifica ti on ico ns rep or t th e ar rival of new mes sa ges , alarms, as well as ong oi ng eve nt s, such as wh e n yo u ’re on a call .
Whe n yo u rec eive a notification, t he no tif ica tio n icon will be dis pla yed in the Status Bar . You can op en the Notifica tions to vi ew a list of all of you r rec en t noti ficat ions. D epe ndi ng on you r setti ngs, you ma y h ea r a noti ficat ion sou nd , see a no tific ation light, and /o r th e ph on e ma y vi brate .
To open the Notifications view
Fr om t he Ho me sc ree n , pr ess the Up N avi g ati o n ke y to o p en the No ti f i cat i on s vie w. T h e No tif i cat i ons vie w di s pl a y s a l ist of y our cur ren t no tif i ca t i on s , or g ani z ed in to ong o ing and eve nt - b ase d notif i c at i ons .
To respond to a notification
Open the Not ifi cat ions vie w. Your curr ent noti fications ar e listed in th e vie w, eac h wi th a brief de scr ip tio n.
Pre ss the OK key Op en to vi ew th e details of a hi ghlighted notification .
Pre ss the Left s oft ke y Dis mi ss t o delete a high light ed noti fic ation .
Pre ss th e Rig ht so ft ke y Opti on s to clear all notific ation s or access options fo r a high lig hted notifi cat ion.
The Basics 21
The earpiece volu me can only be adjust ed during a ca ll. You can also disable keypad sound thr ough the Sou nd S etti ngs me nu.
Convenient Features
Vibrate mode
Set s the p ho ne to vib rate i nste ad of rin ging.
Fr om th e H o me scr ee n, pr ess an d ho l d th e V ib rat e mod e key . To set to Si l ent mo de , pre ss an d hol d the Vi br ate m ode ke y again. To return to Noma l mo de, press an d hold the Vi br ate m ode ke y again.
Sound s off
Quick ly de ac ti va te yo ur pho ne ’s sound s wh en you ’ re in a place where pho ne sou nd s w ou ld be dis ru pt ive.
Fr om th e Ho m e sc re en, pr es s an d hol d t he Vol u me d own key to se t
vib ra te mo de, th en pre ss the Vo l ume down ke y once mo re to se t s il e nt mo de . T o return t o norm al soun d s m od e , pre ss and ho ld th e V ol u me up
key until th e de si re d volum e le ve l is reache d.
Quic k volume adjustment
Quick ly adju st ringer an d earpiec e vo lu me s b y pressin g th e Vo lum e ke y
on the rig ht s id e o f th e ph one . Pre ss th e V o lu m e u p k ey t o incre as e
an d the Vo l ume dow n ke y to d ec re a se th e vo lu m e.
22 The Basics
Call waiting
Dur in g a call, on e be ep in di cates another in co min g call. Pre ss the Send
key to ans we r it an d pu t the first ca ll on hol d. Pre ss th e OK ke y to
retu rn to the first cal l.
3-way call
Yo u ca n talk wi th t wo pe opl e at the sam e time wi th a thr ee- w ay co nv e r sa t i on on yo ur w i re l ess pho n e. A irt i me a n d ot her cha r ge s , which ma y in c lud e toll or lo n g dista n ce c h ar g e s, wil l apply for all sim ul t ane o us ca lls unt i l y o u en d one ca l l.
1. Wh il e on the first cal l, press th e Righ t So ft Ke y Opt io n s , select A d d call and then dial the 10- di git numb er of the sec ond p er so n.
2. P r es s th e Se n d ke y . Th e fir st perso n is autom ati cally put on hold while the c all is made .
3. W h e n t he sec ond pers on a ns wer s, p re s s t he Right so ft ke y Op tio ns , then pres s the S e n d ke y Mer g e ca ll s to c re at e a confe re nc e ca ll .
4. To en d bot h co nv er sa tions com pl et ely, pr es s the E nd /Po we r k ey .
Caller ID
Caller ID displays th e num be r and /or nam e and pic tu re (if appl ic abl e) of th e person cal li ng when y ou r ph on e ri ng s.
Entering text
Le ft so ft key : Pre ss to l ist the tex t in p ut m ode to c h oo s e.
Text input
The fo llowi ng key fu nctio ns are ava ila bl e to hel p with text ent ry:
Sh ift : Pr e ss to ch a nge the tex t input mod e .
Sp ac e : P re s s to in s er t a sp ace .
Nex t : Press to dis play othe r ma tching wo rd s in the dat abase in kt9
mo d e .
Cle ar : Pr ess to de le te a sin gl e sp ace or cha ra ct er . Press and
hol d to del et e e nt ir e word s .
Pun ct ua tion: Press to ins ert pu nc tu at io n s ym b ol s w h en usin g A bc
text inp ut mo de .
Text Input Modes
In a text fie ld, press the Lef t soft key to selec t a te xt inp ut mod e:
KT9 / abc / Abc / A BC / 123 / Sym bol s.
The Basics 2 3
24 The Ext ernal display
External display
The exter na l d is pl ay is of lo we r quality than the main dis pl ay . It is used t o
dis pl ay variou s no ti fi ca tions suc h as the tim e, Ca ll er -I D, missed cal ls /
unr ea d m es sa ge s and bat tery le ve l. Although the display ef fe ct of t hi s small
scr ee n i s no t com pa ra bl e t o th at of the ho me screen , it can sa ve power an d
pro vi de users with a lot of key in formation , by fi nd in g the inform at io n they
wan t w it ho ut openin g th e fli p.
1. Caller- ID : With th e f li p cl osed, the incoming cal l w il l be displaye d on the
Ext er na l scr ee n. By def au lt, the call wil l be answe re d au tom at ic al ly by
ope ni ng th e flip.
2. M is se d ca lls / Unread messag es : Mi ss ed calls or unread mes sage icons
wil l be di sp la ye d o n th e ext er na l scr ee n wh en th e f li p is clos ed .
3. B attery level: Bat tery le ve l is di splayed on t he ext ern al screen . Wh en
con nect in g or removing the c ha rg in g cab le with the fl ip closed , th e
scr ee n w il l light up and you ca n se e the batt er y level.
Ph o n e 2 5
Recent Calls
The Rece nt Cal ls ap p is a list of th e last pho ne numb ers or Co nt act ent ries for ca ll s yo u pl ac ed , accepte d, or miss ed . It ’s cont in ua lly up date d as new numb e rs ar e add ed to th e be gin ni ng of the list and the ol de st ent ri es ar e rem o ve d f ro m the bot to m o f th e list.
1. Fro m the Hom e sc re en , pre ss th e O K key M e n u , then use the
Navi g at ion key to hig hl ig ht Rece nt calls and pr ess th e O K ke y
Sele ct .
Fr o m t he Hom e sc reen, pr es s the S e nd key to vie w you r call log s.
2. U se the Na vi g at i on key to scroll lef t / right to displ ay your call records by call type:
All calls: All calls tha t you missed , rec eiv ed, a nd diale d.
Mis sed cal ls : Cal ls y ou did not a nswer.
Dial ed calls: Ou tg oi ng calls .
Rec eived calls: Answe re d ca ll s an d Reje ct ed cal ls .
3. Calls display th e date , ti me an d co ntact or ph on e num be r. If the n um ber is sa ve d as a contact , the cal l re co rd includes ico n s to ind ic at e th e t yp e of numb er .
4. U se the Na vi g at i on key to hig hligh t a call , th en cho os e fro m th es e opt ions:
Pre ss the Left s oft ke y Me s s a g e to sen d a m e ssa g e .
Pre ss the OK key Ca l l to di a l the co n t a c t .
Pre ss th e Rig ht so ft ke y O pt io ns fo r the se op ti on s:
– Create new contac t: Sav e the caller’s phone numbe r as a new con tac t.
– Add to a contact: Save the caller ’s phone number to an exist ing
26 Phon e
– Bl ock num ber : Bloc k or un block c all s fro m the hi gh lighted phon e
numb e r.
– C lea r cal l histo ry: Sele ct the call re cords you want to del ete .
Making calls using Call logs
1. Fro m the Hom e sc re en , p res s the OK key Me n u , th en u s e the
Navi g at ion key to hig hl ig ht Rece nt calls and pr ess th e O K ke y
the Sele ct.
Fr o m t he Ho m e scree n, pres s th e S e nd key to vie w t he call logs screen.
2. Fin d a cal l fro m Al l calls, Mis se d cal ls , Dia le d calls, or Rec ei ve d calls .
3. U se the Nav iga t i on key t o highl i ght a ca ll r eco r d, an d th e n pr ess
th e Se n d ke y .
Creating or updating Contacts usin g Call logs
1. Fro m the Hom e sc re en , p res s the OK key Me n u , th en u s e the
Navi g at ion key to highlight R ec ent calls a nd p re s s the OK key
Sele ct .
Fr o m t he Ho m e scree n, pr es s the S e nd key to vie w the cal l logs screen.
2. U se the Nav iga t i on key t o find a n d hi ghl i ght a ca l l re co r d (from All
ca lls , Mi s s ed cal ls, Dia l ed ca lls , or Rec e iv e d calls ) , pr ess the Rig h t
so ft key Opt i ons , th e n us e the Na v iga t ion key t o hi g hli g ht Add
to a co nta c t an d press the OK k ey S ele c t.
3. U se the Na vi g at i on key to hi gh li ght Cr ea te new conta ct or Add to a
con tac t , th en pr es s the OK key .
4. Sav e or add the nu m ber to a co nt ac t ent ry , a s n ec ess ar y.
Ph o n e 2 7
Deleting all Recent calls rec ords
1. Fro m the Hom e sc re en , pre ss th e OK key Me n u , th en u s e t he Na vig at i on
ke y to high li gh t R ec en t cal ls and p res s t he OK key Sel ect .
Fr o m t he Ho m e scree n, pr es s the S e nd key to vie w the cal l logs screen.
2. U se the Na vi g at i on key to find and highlight a call record (from All cal ls , Mis sed ca lls , Dialed c alls, Receiv ed cal ls ), pres s th e R ig ht sof t ke y
Opti ons , use th e Na v iga ti o n k e y to highli gh t Cle ar cal l h is to ry .
3. A t the Cle ar ca ll histor y? pr omp t, u s e t he Na vig ati on k ey to highl ig ht OK an d pr es s the OK key OK to Dele te .
28 Phon e
Using th is met hod , the num ber is saved as a new Contact, not into an existi ng Conta ct.
Th e Co nta ct s a pp al low s you to store name s, ph one nu mb e rs and ot he r informati on in your phon e’s mem or y.
Adding a new contac t
All ow s y ou to ad d a ne w co nt ac t to y ou r Co nt acts list.
1. F ro m th e H o me scr een :
pres s the OK key M en u an d th en pr es s the Right Navigati on key
to select Con tac ts.
Pre ss the Left soft ke y Cont ac ts.
2. Pre ss the Right so ft key Opti on s.
3. U s e th e N a vi g a ti o n ke y to highl igh t C re a te new cont a ct , th en p re s s
th e O K ke y Sele c t .
4. E nt er the co nt ac t' s nam e.
5. Use the Navigation key to scroll to ot he r fie ld s an d e nt er addit ional
con ta ct infor mat io n as necessary, t he n p re ss the OK key Save to sa ve the entry.
Addi ng a new cont act from Recent calls
1. F r om the Ho me sc reen, pr ess the S end key to display your re cent calls.
2. U s e th e N a vi g a ti o n ke y to highl igh t a rec ent call entry.
3. Pre ss th e R igh t sof t key Op ti ons .
4. U s e th e N a vi g a ti o n ke y to highl igh t C re a te new cont a ct , th en p re s s
th e O K ke y Sele c t .
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