Take-Two Interactive Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City User Manual

“Yesterday’s News Today”
Vol 2. Issue 1
ff f f
$1 .0 0October 30, 1998
by Frenchie Cockmaven
Liberty City was not “e city where you were most likely to get eaten by a wild animal” (that dubious honor went to Los Santos) but was considered the place you were most likely to get mugged or robbed, die of diseases caused by pollution, be exposed to lethal amounts of radiation, become an alcoholic or drug addict, get
accidental gender re-alignment or marry a relative.
City officials claimed “People should not get so excited about reports like this. e fact is our town is a vibrant, energetic place that people love. If you take a few simple precautions, like wearing
“Liberty City has once more
been voted the least likely
place to succeed in America.”
a gasmask and having a full-time military trained body guard, you are just as safe and happy in Liberty City as any other profoundly dangerous urban environment.”
Statistics To Blame Says Mayor, Mafia
see page 193
For sa fe us e of thi s pro duc t, car efu lly r ead th e fol low ing se ction of th is ma nua l and th e Precautions section of the instruction manual supplied with the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system before use . Retain both this softw are manual and the inst ruction manual for fu ture reference.
Health precautions
• When op erat ing the u nit, pl ay in a we ll-li t room an d keep a s afe dis tanc e from th e PSP LCD screen. • Avoid prolonged use of the system. Take a break of about 15 minutes during every hou r of play. • Do not us e the syst em when you a re tired or s hort of sle ep. • When using headpho nes, do not turn t he volume up befo re putting the he adphones on. Al so, do not l iste n at lo ud vol ume l evel s for e xten ded p erio ds of t ime. St op usi ng th e syst em immed iate ly if you e xper ienc e any of th e foll owing s ympt oms. If t he con diti on pers ists , consul t a do ctor. • L ighthe adedne ss, n ausea, or a sensat ion si milar to mot ion si cknes s.
• Discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands, arms, or any other part of the body.
Use and handling precautions
• Th is di sc is PS P for ma t so ftw ar e an d is i nt en d ed f or us e wi th th e PS P ha nd he ld entertainment system only. If the disc is used with other devices, damage to the disc or to the device may result. • Depending on the software, a Memory Stick Duo™ or Memory Stick PRO Duo™ (both sold separately) may be required. Refer to the software manual for full details. • Do not use while driving or walking. Do not use in airplanes or medical facilities where use is prohibited or restricted. • Set the PSP™ system’s wireless network feature to off when using the PSP™ on trains or in other crowded locations. If used near persons with pacemakers, the signa l from the PSP ™ system ’s wireles s networ k featu re could in terfe re with the pr oper operation of the pacemaker. • If paused images are displayed on the screen for an extended period of time, a faint image may be left permanently on the screen. • Store the disc in its case when not in use and keep in a place out of the reach of children. If the disc is left out this may result in warping or other damage to the disc. • Do not leave the disc in direct sunlight, near a heat sou rce, in a car or othe r places su bject to hi gh heat and hum idit y. • Do not touc h the opening on the rear of the disc (recording surface of the disc; see drawing). Do not allow dust, sand, foreign objects or other types of dirt to get on the disc. • Do not block the opening with paper or tape. Also, do not write on the disc. • If the opening area does get dirty, wipe gently with a soft cloth. • To clean the disc, wipe the exterior surface gently with a soft cloth. • Do not use solve nts such as benz ine, comm ercia lly-a vailab le clean ers not intended for CDs, or anti-static spray intended for vinyl LPs as these may damage the disc. • Do not use cracked or deformed discs or discs that have been repaired with adhesives as these may cause system dama ge or mal fun ctio n. • SCEA wi ll not be hel d liab le for dam age resulting from the misuse of discs.
Ejecting the disc
Press the right side of the disc until it is in the position shown in the drawing and the n remove it. If excess fo rce is applied this may result in damage to the disc.
Storing the disc
Insert the bott om side of the disc and the n press on the top side until it clicks into place. If the disc is not stored properly, this may result in damage to the disc.
“Play Station” a nd the “P S” Family lo go are re gistered tr ademarks a nd “PSP ” and “UMD” are trademarks o f Sony Computer E ntertainmen t Inc. “Memory S tick Duo” and “Me mory Stick PRO Duo” are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Recorded surface
© 2005 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Rockstar North, the logo, Grand eft Auto and the Grand eft Auto logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. e content of this videogame is purely fictional, and is not intended to represent any actual person, business or organization.
Any similarity between any character, dialogue, event or plot element of t his game and a ny actual person, business
or organization is purely coincidental. e makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage this kind of behavior.
Vol 2. Issue 1
October 30, 1998
Getting Started ...............2
Starting Up .....................3
More News .....................4
Market News ..................6
Television .......................7
Multiplayer .....................8
Multiplayer Games .........8
Eating Out ....................12
Credits ..........................13
Warranty .......................21
News Update
Today’s Weather
Hazy with a chance of showers.
Tonight Sunset 7:15 PM Tomorrow Sunrise 6:41AM
Market Watch
Manufacturer Lied To Us, Claims Housewife In Sex Scandal
- See Page 94 3
Please ca ll for Home delive ry. Periodical s postage pa id at Liberty Cit y and at additio nal mailin g offices. All adver tising publi shed in Libert y Tree is subject to t he applicable rat e card, avail able from the adve rtising depa rtment. e Libert y Tree reserves t he right not to acc ept an adverti ser’s order. Only public ation of an adver tisement sha ll constitute fi nal accept ance.
is a Rocks tar Games Pub lication
Right side view
Power/Hold switch
Top view
Disc cover DC OUT connectors
cover. From the PSP handheld’s home menu, select the Game icon and then the UMD™ icon. A thumbnail for the software is displayed. Select the thumbnail and press the X button of the PSP™ to start the software. Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on using the software.
Notice: Do not eject a UMD™ while
it is playing.
IR port Open latch
Set up your PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system according to the instructions in the manual supplied with the system. Turn the system on. e power indicator lights up in green and the home menu is displayed. Press the Open latch to open the disc cover. Insert the GRAND THEF T AUTO: LIBERTY CITY STORIES UMD™ disc with the label facing the system rear, slide until fully inserted and close the disc
Memory Stick
Keep Memory Stick Duo media out of reach of small children, as the media could be swallowed by accident. To save game settings and progress, insert a Memor y Stick Duo into the memory stick slot of your PSP. You can load saved game data from the same memory stick or any Memory Stick Duo containing previously saved games.
Page 2
PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) configuration
Control Setup 1 (Control Setup 2 is also available)
R buttonLCD screenL button
Directional buttons
October 30, 1998
Memory Stick Duo™ access indicator
WLAN access indicator
Analog stick Strap holder Left speaker Home button
Power indicator
Hold indicator
Right speaker Start button Select button Sound button Display button
%..............................................................Sprint / Zoom Out while targeting
.................................................................. Jump / Zoom In while targeting
.............................................................................................. Enter Vehicle
...................................................................................Attack / Fire Weapon
Analog stick....................................................................................Movement
L button.............................................................................. Look or Fine Aim
R button.................................................................................................Target
, / * ....................................................................Cycle Weapons / Targets
............................................................................................ Special Mission
R button +
....................................................................................Free Aim
............................................................................................ Brake / Reverse
.................................................................................................Exit Vehicle
.................................................................................................Attack / Fire
Analog stick............................................................................ Vehicle Control
L button...........................................Hold + Analog direction to move camera
R button......................................................................................... Handbrake
, / * ........................................................................................Radio Cycle
............................................................................................ Special Mission
............................................................................................................ Horn
Select button – Cycle Camera Modes Start button – Pause / Menu
Page 3
by Gaylord Morrisen
Page 4
these killers off their motorcycles.” A.R.S.E. was founded thanks to a generous donation from the Maibatsu Corporation of America. e car giant yesterday unveiled plans for its next generation
“People on motorcyles are
trying to kill all of us, so we
at A.R.S.E. say it’s time to
fight back.”
of cars and trucks, including the Monstrosity, an SUV that promises, “It will revolutionize the suburbs” and is expected to hit the streets sometime in 2001.
ere were some technical issues at the demonstration as the prototype had to be filled using a gasoline tanker and was running partially on jet fuel. A minor fire broke out but only a couple of people were hurt, only one of which is likely to be permanently disfigured. A.R.S.E. continues its fight.
October 30, 1998
by Anul Garbaskar
“Mayor Hole is up to his old tricks again”, claims a real estate mogul. e City is to investigate Hole, who has been at City Hall since 1992 and has already
“Hole is up
to his neck in filth
once more.”
survived three major scandals. ere was the famous million dollar lunch incident in 1993, in which Hole, three Russian prostitutes and a senior manager from a construction company were trying to secure government contracts.
en there was the incident
in 1995, when Hole was photographed having lunch with members of the Forelli crime family. And lastly there was an incident last year in which he was accused of securing drugs for city officials in exchange for sanitation contracts.
Now, according to Donald Love, part-time resident and a very rich man indeed, “Hole is up to his neck in filth once more.” Love claims he has evidence to prove Hole had accepted bribes in exchange for city construction contracts. “I will be challenging Hole and his corrupt regime any way I can. If I can’t get the court to take me seriously, like all very rich men, I will challenge him by running for mayor. I have no previous political experience, but again, I am very rich, and you can’t beat that.”
Join Liberty City’s Finest Today
– see page 103
Page 5
goes on sale this week
Name Too Long Warn Market Watchers
- see page 763
by Beverly Clamhopper
eir slogan may be “Breakfast just got quicker” but the early morning craze that is sweeping through our city is now under an F DA probe. e popular breakfast cereal you snort, RAILS, by Mendez Foodstuffs of Medellin, has been wowing food retailers since it was introduced last year, but some parenting groups are concerned and now the FDA have launched an investigation.
Reports of children having nosebleeds abound, while some parents insist that after enjoying a healthy serving of RAILS,
their k ids talk at length about how they are going to take over the world and become obsessed by conspiracy theories.
Meanwhile some schools are reporting a RAILS epidemic. “I want to repor t a R AILS epidemic” said one school spokesman, who spoke to us on the condition of anonymity. As his comment was unfeasibly banal, we are only too happy to oblige. “More R AILS please” may be the slogan kids are shouting across the country but parents are wondering, “Are RAILS really such a good thing?” e kids may be confident, but at what cost?
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+ 16 hidden pages