Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulator
1/5 Version: A07
General Description
TS3480 series is an integrated linear voltage regulator. It can be provided the operation from an input as high as 30V
and a guaranteed maximum dropout of 1.2V at the full 100mA load. The 1.2V quasi low dropout of TS3480 series is
able to makes them a nice fit in many applications where the 2 to 2.5V dropout of TS78LXX series devices precludes
their use.
The TS3480 series features a 5V & 3.3V member. The SOT packaging and quasi low dropout features of the TS3480
series converge in this device to provide a very nice, very tiny 5V & 3.3V, 100mA bias supply that regulates directly off
the system power supply.
● 30V maximum input for operation
● 2V guaranteed maximum dropout over full load and
temperature ranges
● 100mA guaranteed minimum load current
● ±5% guaranteed output voltage tolerance over full
load and temperature ranges
● −40 to +125˚C junction temperature range for
Note: Where xx denotes voltage option, available are
50 = 5.0V
33 = 3.3V
contact to factory for addition voltage option
● Tiny alternative to TS78LXX series and similar
● Tiny 5V±5% to 3.3V, 100mA converter
● Post regulator for switching DC/DC converter
● Bias supply for analog circuits
Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta = 25
C unless otherwise noted) (Note 1)
Power Dissipation (Note 2)
Operating Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Range
Lead Soldering Time (260oC) (Note 3)
Pin Definition:
1. Output
2. Input
3. Ground

Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulator
2/5 Version: A07
Electrical Specification (Ta = 25
C, unless otherwise specified.)
VIN = 3.8V, Io= 1mA ~ 100mA
3.8V ≤ VIN ≤ 30V, Io= 1mA
VIN = 3.8V, Io= 1mA~100mA
VIN = 3.8V ≤ VIN ≤ 30V, Io=0V
F= 10Hz ~ 100kHz, Io= 0mA,
= 0.1uF, VIN = 10V
VIN = 6.5V, Io= 1mA ~ 100mA
6.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 30V, Io= 1mA
VIN = 6.5V, Io= 10mA~100mA
VIN = 6.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 30V, Io=0V
F= 10Hz ~ 100kHz, Io= 0mA,
= 0.1uF, VIN = 10V
Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating ratings are
conditions under which operation of the device is guaranteed. Operating ratings do not imply guaranteed
performance limits. For guaranteed performance limits and associated test conditions, see the Electrical
Note 2: The Absolute Maximum power dissipation depends on the ambient temperature and can be calculated using
P = (Tj -Ta) / Rθja where Tj is the junction temperature, Ta is the ambient temperature, and Rθja is the
junction-to-ambient thermal resistance. The 350mW rating results from substituting the absolute maximum
junction temperature, 150oC for Tj, 50oC for Ta, and 300˚C/W for Rθja. More power can be safely dissipated at
lower ambient temperatures, and less power can be safely dissipated at higher ambient temperatures. The
absolute maximum power dissipation can be increased by 3.5mW for each oC below 50oC ambient. It must be
derated by 3.5mW for each oC above 50oC ambient. A Rθja of 300˚C/W represents the worst-case condition of
no heat sinking of the 3-lead plastic SOT-23 package. Heat sinking enables the safe dissipation of more
power. The TS3480 actively limits its junction temperature to about 150oC.
Note 3: Times shown are dwell times. Temperatures shown are dwell temperatures.
Note 4: For testing purposes, ESD was applied using the Human-Body Model, a 100pF capacitor discharged through a
1.5kΩ resistor.
Note 5: A typical is the center of characterization data taken with Ta =Tj = 25 oC. Typical are not guaranteed.
Note 6: All limits are guaranteed. All electrical characteristics having room-temperature limits are tested during
production with Ta =Tj = 25oC. All hot and cold limits are guaranteed by correlating the electrical
characteristics to process and temperature variations and applying statistical process control.
Note 7: All voltages except dropout are with respect to the voltage at the GND pin.