owner’s manual
8 TMA1 controller > controlling other products 10 RS232 settings 12 IR learning 20 macros 22 macros: an example 24 macro: RS232 25 macro: RC5/TAGtronic Bus 27 macro: learnt IR/chaining 28 change bus ID 30 31 xxx macros 31 cursor key functions 34 control via a PC 35 upgrading the TMA1’s software 37 maintenance and service
Challenging your Imagination
The TAGtronic Bus is a very sophisticated interface, which allows TMA products to be connected to each other to form a more powerful, integrated system. However, the TAGtronic Bus is limited to TMA prod­ucts, so a solution to integrate third party products had to be found:
Dr. Udo Zucker
welcome to
separate box, giving the AV32R Dual Processor access to the interesting world of system automation.
Dr. Udo Zucker
For AV192R owners’ the solution is the RS232/IR TX Controller, an integrated module allowing the AV192R to control third party products, almost as if they were an integrated part of the TMA system.
The TMA1 Controller now takes the highly regarded RS232/IR TX Controller module from the AV192R and places it, together with a dedicated interface board, in a
safety first
before you start
Make sure that all components of your system are disconnected from the AC mains supply whenever you change any connections.
The TMA1 is designed to stay connected to the mains supply at all times. It generates very little heat itself, so it can be placed very freely, but make sure you do not cover any of the cooling slots of your AV32R DP if you decide to place the TMA1 on top of your AV32R DP!
Do not expose your TMA1 to dripping or splashing liquids. Do not place objects filled with liquid, such as vases, on or near it.
Do not place your TMA1 on top of any hot surface.
power connection
Do not connect the TMA1‘s power supply until you have completed all connections.
safety first
Connect the TMA1 to your AV32R Dual Processor using the TAGtronic Bus, just like another TAG McLaren Audio product . Remember, TAGtronic Bus IN at the TMA1 needs to connect to TAGtronic Bus OUT at the AV32R (or vice versa).
connecting your TMA1 to the AV32R DP
1. If you need to control more than one product using IR commands then you need to connect an active IR distribution controller, such as
those available from Xantech, to the IR-TX output
TAGtronic Bus
infra red control
RS232 control
Connect the IR Transmitter, supplied with the TMA1, into the IR-TX connector. Attach its other end, the IR transmitter capsule to the 3rdparty product you want to control via infra red commands
. For more details see
page 12.
Connect a PC or a product you want to control via RS232 the RS232-IN or RS232-OUT connector, as required. For more details see page 10.
connecting your TMA1 to the AV32R DP
Finally, after you have completed all connections, connect the TMA1’s external power supply, shipped with the TMA1, to the TMA1’s DC+6.5V input.
Please note that the power connector will be correctly inserted and locked into the DC +6.5V connector if the connector is pushed in as shown in the picture on the right.
Do not plug the power supply into an AC wall socket until you have completed all connections! The TMA1 can remain connected to the AC Supply at all times - it takes very little energy.
power supply
controlling the TMA1
The TMA1 is entirely controlled through the AV32R Dual Processor’s on-screen display. For details on how to configure the AV32R’s on-screen display see the AV32R’s user manual.
Select Change Set-up, followed by TAGtronic Bus, RS232/IR TX Controller and you come to the RS232/IR TX Controller control window:
TMA1 controller > controlling other products
There are four ways the TMA1, connected to the AV32R Dual Processor, can control other products:
four ways to get results…
TAGtronic Bus messages this is the protocol TAG McLaren products
use to communicate with each other. There are also controllers from other manufacturers, such as AMX, which offer TAGtronic Bus implementations.
The TMA1 Controller can be used to generate TAGtronic Bus messages, for details see paragraph Macros on page 20.
RS232 messages The TMA1 Controller can control products
via RS232 messages. Please refer to the handbook of the product you want to control to find the necessary RS232 command settings. The AV32R DP can also be controlled via RS232 commands, for details see page 34.
The RS232 Controller offers two bidirectional RS232 interfaces which you need to configure as required by the products you want to control or system controller you want to use:
RS232 input uses a 9 way, female D-Sub connector with this pin layout:
2RX 3TX 5 Ground
RS232 output uses a 9 way, male D-Sub connector with this pin layout:
2TX 3RX 5 Ground
Both interfaces support 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 Baud, with Data Bits 7 or 8, Parity Odd, Even or None and Stop Bits 1, 1.5 or 2.
The baud rate of the RS232 input and RS232 output can be independently configured, a 1000 Byte buffer allows data to be relayed even when input and output ports have different Baud rates.
RS232 Port Settings...
TMA1 controller > RS232 settings
TMA1 controller > RS232 settings
This feature can be used to ‘daisy-chain’ products using RS232 control: It allows data received on the RS232 input to be relayed to the output (Input -> Output Only), vice versa (Output -> Input Only) or between both (Input <-> Output). You can also switch relaying completely off (Never).
Relay RS232 Data
Relay Received RC5->IR TX
Relay Received RC5->RS232
Activate this feature if you want to relay RC5 infra red commands, received via the AV32R Dual Processor’s IR receiver or TAGtronic Bus, to the TMA1’s IR-TX output.
You can either connect an IR transmitter to the IR-TX output or connect it directly to a suitable IR distribution system.
Activate this feature if you want to relay RC5 infra red commands, received via the AV32R Dual Processor’s IR receiver or TAGtronic Bus, to the RS232 output, RS232 input or both using the TAG McLaren RS232 Message Protocol.
The Protocol is available from www.tagmclaren.com or helpdesk@tagmclaren.com
TMA1 controller > IR learning
The AV32R DP, connected to the TMA1 Controller, can learn many IR commands by ‘listening’ to them. Please connect the IR transmitter supplied with your TMA1 Controller to the output IR-TX and stick the transmitter close to the infrared receiver of the product you want to control.
If you need to control more than one product using IR commands then you need to connect an active IR distribution controller, such as those available from Xantech, to the IR-TX output.
IR Command Learning
Select IR Command Learning which brings up a submenu, allowing you to
- Learn a new IR Command
- Delete a Learnt IR Command
- Edit the Name of a Learnt IR Command
Please note, RC5 commands, as used by TAG McLaren products and many others, can directly be entered into a Macro definition, as this saves valuable memory.
If you are unsure if your product uses an RC5 protocol, try to learn it as RC5 as shown on page 25 and if it fails, learn it as described here.
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