In addition to our experience in the
world of hi-fi we are able to utilise our
expertise in mechanical engineering,
composite material technology,multi-layer
printed circuit boards, fast digital signal
processing, electronic noise suppression,
radio frequency technology and software
design to name but a few.
All these skills are sharpened to compete
in the toughest of all technical sports:
Formula One motor racing.We directly
apply them to enhance our high-end audio
products. For example, composite and
aluminium material technology is used to
make resonance - free loudspeaker
cabinets, suspension technology decouples
electronics from the sound field and digital
signal processing makes better home cinema
products.The list is almost endless.
I have been an audiophile for more than
thirty years and have used and upgraded
many audio systems in that time. Our aim is
sonic perfection combined with aesthetic
delight and solid build quality, a rare
combination in hi-fi but one which TAG
McLaren Audio delivers.
It is our audio engineers’ technical
capability which provides outstanding sound
quality and our stylists’ ability to look into
the future which makes the Calliope
loudspeaker so desirable. Employing
‘Aluminium Technology’ combined with low
distortion drive units makes the sound much
better than you would expect from a
loudspeaker of Calliope’s size. Outstanding
technology pushes the limits of clarity and
transparency of sound reproduction!
TAG McLaren Audio exists with one
aim in mind: to produce the very best
audio equipment in the world.
Like many people, I often have my best
ideas when relaxing to a piece of music or
watching a movie. For years, knowing the
technical capabilities of TAG McLaren, I
have nurtured the ambition to push sound
reproduction to the absolute limit; that’s
why we formed TAG McLaren Audio.
At the core of our development team
are highly experienced engineers whose
heritage of award-winning hi-fi and worldbeating electronic control systems is
envied by many and equalled by few.
welcome to
Dr. Udo Zucker – Physicist, PhD in Science,
designer of award-winning electronics,
dedicated audiophile and Chief Executive
Officer of TAG McLaren Audio
Award-winning TAG McLaren technology
- the TAG2000 F1 control system has
been selected as a Millennium Product by
the British Design Council
Calliope loudspeaker